Edgar Cayce's Atlantis. John Van Auken
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Cayce’s story of how the destructive forces were unleashed is entwined with the mysterious crystal. The story begins with the “White Stone,” a stone “in the form of a six-sided figure”, which was also referred to as the “Tuaoi stone.” Initially, this stone was used for communication with the divine, in a way that appears similar to how Native American shaman utilize crystals. A priestess of the Law of One would gather together a group and concentrate on the stone, eventually entering an altered state of consciousness. From the stone would come a form of speech interpreted by the priestess. The speech came from what Cayce referred to as the “saint realm,” which imparted “understanding and knowledge” to the group.
As the Sons of Belial came to realize the unlimited power inherent in the stone, they began using it for selfish purposes. Gradually, the stone was set as a crystal, and the lights emanating from it were focused and utilized. The Atlanteans developed a system to collect and focus the rays of the sun, with the crystal housed in a domed building atop a multitiered structure. Cayce related that the focused energy was used to create heat to generate gases. These gases were employed in the turning of multi-geared wheels (to perform a variety of tasks) and also to fill what are described as hot air balloons and large, Zeppelin-like aircraft. In fact, when asked to describe aircraft at the height of Atlantean civilization, Cayce stated that the skins of elephants and other animals were sewn together to form the outer surface of these craft. He added that the gases were sometimes also used to propel these craft. Other readings refer to the Atlanteans using hot air balloons for transportation around the world. But the Atlanteans also had ships that could move under water.
The uses of this crystal were many and included a form of communication, which could be seen as similar to modern radio and television. But the Cayce readings on utilization of the crystal as a communication device can also be interpreted as meaning that the Atlanteans could project reflected beams of light into the air. This could be utilized for communication, but the exact meaning of these mysterious readings is not yet completely understood.
Whatever may be the correct interpretation of this aspect of Cayce’s readings, the first destruction appears to have resulted from volcanic activity, which was stimulated by utilizing the crystal’s energy as a weapon. According to Cayce, in 50,722 B.C., a meeting was held of the world’s leaders to discuss how to cope with large herds of huge animals that were overrunning entire regions. A plan was made to use the rays of the crystal to produce explosions that would destroy the animals. The focused rays of the crystal were turned toward the earth and caused huge gas pockets to be released in the area of the Sargasso Sea. These gases apparently exploded causing a domino-effect series of catastrophic events eventually breaking Atlantis into five major islands. Cayce related that the catastrophic events included a buildup of ice and a shift in the earth’s poles that resulted not only in the destruction of a large portion of Atlantis, but also in the destruction of most of the large islands. During this time period, many Atlanteans fled the disasters by migrating to other places around the world.
By 28,000 B. C. Atlantis had not only regained its technology but actually surpassed it. Machinery, electrical devices, and power transmission sources utilizing crystals are described. But the conflicts between the Sons of Belial and the Children of the Law of One not only resurfaced, they worsened. The continual feuds between the groups caused many Atlanteans to flee to the Americas, the Pyrenees Mountains, and Egypt. The Tuaoi Stone, once a conduit to God, had now become a “terrible crystal” or a “firestone”—an energy source that could be easily utilized as a powerful weapon. Cayce relates that Atlantis had several crystals set up into power stations located at various places. For unclear reasons, the crystals were accidentally tuned too high, causing a violent destruction. The eruptions left Atlantis with three large islands and several smaller ones. Most people accept 28,000 B. C. as the date for this event, but there is one reading that could point to the year 22,000 B.C. As occurred with the first destruction, Atlanteans migrated to various places following this event.
After the second destruction, Atlantis again faced rebuilding itself. But the much smaller islands apparently never saw a full return to the height of technology reached just before the second destruction in 28,000 B.C. During this final phase of Atlantis, the Sons of Belial seemed to have become the dominant political force oppressing all those who opposed them. Cayce does not discuss a war with the people living inside the Straits of Gibraltar, but this time period corresponds to the Atlantis described by Plato. Curiously, Cayce relates that an Atlantean priest became aware that an inevitable cataclysmic event was going to result in the near total destruction of all the remaining lands of Atlantis. This awareness came from contacts with a higher intelligence that could be interpreted as either extraterrestrial or psychic in nature and occurred sometime between 11,000 B.C. to 10,500 B.C. This source also revealed to the priest a plan to preserve records of Atlantis in three different locations. The priesthood of Atlantis subsequently made three identical sets of records and sent out groups to establish these identical “Halls of Records” at three locations. One of these was placed in the Bahamas, another at Giza near the Sphinx, and the third in the Yucatan peninsula. Shortly before the final destruction, more Atlanteans migrated to various places around the world. Cayce never gave an exact date for the final destruction of Atlantis. However, Cayce scholars generally agree that it was around 10,000 B.C. The cause of this destructive event is obscure, but Cayce related that the last destruction was ultimately brought about because of war between the Children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial. As to the source of the destructive act, Cayce quoted scripture: “They that turn their face far from me, I will blot them out.” In so doing, Cayce may have given us a clue about the source of the final catastrophe—it may well have been caused by a heavenly body striking the earth, the same cause implied by Plato.
Cayce’s Dates, Geography, and Descriptions of Atlantis
Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings on Atlantis do not contradict Plato … the Cayce readings seem to complement Plato’s story while expanding detail.
Greg and Lora Little (2003) The A.R.E.’s Search for Atlantis
Cayce’s story of Atlantis actually begins well before Atlantis existed. In the beginning, individualized “thought forms”—or consciousness—became intrigued with physical matter and physical life forms. Many of these thought forms projected their consciousness into primitive life forms. The process of this projection is termed involution. Cayce related that the first involution was in an ancient land called Mu or Lemuria, sometime prior to 10.5 million years ago. This first descent into matter was supposed to be a simple look-see visit motivated by curiosity. The descending entities were formless, energy beings attempting to discover how it felt to be manifest in form and matter. Since there were no human bodies on the planet at that time, these early visitors pushed their minds and spirits into whatever matter already existed.
It is said that Lemuria originally got its name from those isolated creatures found only in the Indian Ocean on Madagascar, called lemurs. These little creatures may have been among the first bodies to experience possession by these early human minds attempting to feel and experience this world through the physical senses. But the readings tell us that these early souls “pushed” or projected themselves into all variations of matter: from animals to elements. However, lemur is not just the name for an animal, it also means “ghost.” Lemuria may have gotten its name not from the animals but from the many ghosts that were possessing matter in those lands. In one sense, Lemuria was indeed a land of discarnate ghosts. This also allows us to move the location of Lemuria from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, where Cayce’s