The Children Bob Moses Led. William Heath
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Brenda Travis was never readmitted to Burgland High or permitted to go to Campbell College. The judge declared her a delinquent for taking part in our demonstrations and sentenced her to the Oakley Training School at Raymond. One day we all piled into cars and tried to go visit her, but we were turned away at the gate by a squad of officers armed to the teeth.
On October 31, the fifteen of us who could be sentenced as adults were brought to trial. Judge Brumfield accused me of making “a clear, cold, calculated” attempt to violate the laws of Mississippi.
“You are bringing racial strife and rioting to a place that has only known racial harmony,” he said.
“Kneeling on the steps of city hall is not my definition of insurrection.”
“Robert,” the judge replied, “haven’t some of the people from your school been able to go down and register without violence in Pike County?”
“One of my ‘people’ is dead,” I said, thinking that southerners are most exposed when they boast. “Others have been threatened, shot at, and beaten.”
The judge sentenced eleven of us to four months in jail each. Bobby Talbert, Ike Lewis, Hollis Watkins, and Curtis Hayes, who had been arrested during the sit-ins, were given six months.
“Some of you are local residents,” the judge said. “Some of you are outsiders. Those of you who are local residents are like sheep being led to the slaughter. If you continue to follow the advice of outside agitators, you will be like sheep and will be slaughtered.”
We spent the next thirty-seven days at the Pike County Jail in Magnolia. We weren’t allowed to work with the other prisoners for fear we would contaminate them. At first, visitors were permitted. The black community responded by bringing fried chicken and freshly baked pies. Then the visits were restricted to once a week, and the showers to twice a week. The meals were always the same: cold grits, sticky rice, watery gravy, dry bread, a congealed egg, and a slice of big town cake. We ate everything with a spoon and drank directly from a faucet, which drained down a hole in the cement floor.
By now we were pretty good at fighting boredom. Chuck McDew lectured on the history of black people in America. “If you think this jail is bad,” McDew would say, “let me tell you about the slave ships.” I gave the students pep talks based on Camus’s philosophy of engagement. “Accept your personal freedom,” I would say. “Dare to stand in a strong sun and cast a sharp shadow. Commit yourself to changing what needs to be changed so that this earth can be a satisfactory place for all people.” Other times I would seek out a solitary corner and try to solve math problems in my head. Day by day we swapped stories, sang songs, and learned to support each other as a band of brothers.
All that November in jail I brooded about the Liberty and McComb campaign and what should be done next. With many of the most active students away in Jackson and with the black community divided and the white community hostile, we would have to move our base of operations. But where and how to begin?
I arrived at several conclusions: The established blacks—ministers, teachers, small businessmen—could not be counted on—they were too dependent on white favor and the status quo. Only those outside the power structure—small farmers, shop owners, but especially students—could be the seeds of change. I recalled what Amzie Moore and Steptoe had told me about how important the younger generation was as a vanguard to build a better world. The problem was that the teenagers, who lacked education and organizational skills, would have to be trained from scratch to attain the confidence and competence they needed to be effective.
In a letter smuggled out of jail I formulated a strategy:
“You dig yourself in and prepare to wage psychological warfare; you combat your own fears about beatings, shootings, and possible mob violence; you stymie by your own physical presence the anxious fear of the Negro community . . . that maybe you did come only to boil and bubble and burst out of sight and sound. You organize, pound by pound, small bands of people who gradually focus in the eyes of Negroes and whites as people tied up in that mess; you create a small striking force capable of moving out when the time comes, which it must, whether we help it or not.” We in SNCC would be a small tremor in the center of the iceberg that was Mississippi—from a stone that the builders rejected.
Tom Morton: Freedom School
Tallahatchie, Mississippi
June 29–July 24, 1964
Every morning at five, a rooster outside my window sounded reveille. The first tortured notes from his raucous trumpet were greeted with howls of delight from the Hound Dog Five sprawled in the backyard. Their hullabaloo puzzled the rooster for a moment—he fretted on his fence post and made perturbed, guttural noises—but then, taking it as a groundswell of approval, he burst into an earsplitting rendition of a tomcat with its claw stuck in a light socket, Lucille Ball meets Jack the Ripper, and similar artistries—a display that inspired the whole company of barnyard impresarios to join their several voices in an ecstatic grand finale: “O Lonesome Me,” fortissimo. The rooster, whose name was Joe, wasn’t a bad bird normally. Cock of the walk, he strutted his stuff with his bloodred crown on high when he wasn’t scratching the packed dirt, pecking kernels of corn, or doing his seignorial duty by his covey of clucking consorts. But each dawn I wanted to grab the rifle Eddie Mays kept by my bed and blast that strident bastard into eternal silence.
After a week in Mississippi I was learning to live with the heat and the fear. A year before I arrived there had been an attempt to firebomb the farmhouse where I was staying, and the Mays family still proudly pointed out a bullet hole in their living room as evidence of that encounter. Lucky for them, the bomb was a dud. And lucky for the Klansman who threw it that Ella Mays had unloaded Eddie’s shotgun (worried that Buster, their seven-year-old grandson, might play with it) because Eddie had him in his sights. “Next time somebody come up in my yard and squat,” Eddie vowed, “they gonna get wiped with buckshot.” Since then the neighborhood had set up a self-defense system. The five or six black families that lived along that stretch of rutted country road had strategically enlarged its potholes and worked out a code whereby friendly cars could signal at night. Nevertheless, sitting on the porch in the dark, all of us would tense and fall into an uneasy silence whenever we heard the sound of tires spattering gravel and rocks whacking the underside of a chassis. Then the car would flash its lights, and we could relax and start talking again. The worst scares came when I was alone in my tiny room after everyone had gone to bed. It was too hot to sleep; my body was soaked with sweat; mosquitoes cruised in through the screenless window. Outside, a light breeze rattled the corn shucks; a mule snorted in its shed; crickets sang in the weeds; frogs croaked by the cow pond. If I pressed my ear to the wall, I could hear Jasmine, the Mays’s teenage granddaughter, breathing in her sleep. Then I heard the unmistakable crunch of a footstep, and the dogs started to bark. Whoever it was took off running, with the dogs yowling in hot pursuit.