The Owner's Manual for Small Business. Rhonda Abrams
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That’s one of the first things you have to recognize about your dreams: they can be an escape from your current reality or a foundation for a new reality. You cannot change—your life or your business—unless you can imagine a new reality.
If you let your dreams take over—if you act on them without examining them—your fantasies can distract you from more achievable goals.
For instance, if you dream of having a bigger house, faster car, or more luxurious lifestyle (and who doesn’t?), it’s easy to be seduced by get-rich-quick schemes. These drain your money and time away from more achievable goals, such as going back to school or getting a better job.
If you want to make your dreams come true, it’s necessary to develop what I call the “discipline of dreams.” You have to be able to clarify your dreams, evaluate them, and move them from the stage of imagination to action.
Dreams can be an escape from reality or a foundation for a new reality.
Let’s define a “dream scale”—from the least achievable stage of dreaming to the most achievable:
Dream. Concepts which are potentially achievable but where only the positive aspects are seen. Many people have their own idea of their dream business; my neighbors want to own a charming bed and breakfast in a quaint New England seaport. Is this a fantasy? Not exactly. After all, some people do run delightful B&Bs on Cape Cod. The reality, however, is that it’s very difficult.
Plans. A step-by-step outline of how you are going to achieve your goals. This is where you determine how to make your vision a reality. You list action items, milestones, and activities. And then you go to work!
I believe in dreams. In my company, I always start our annual planning sessions the same way—by brainstorming wild ideas and discussing big goals for our future. But that’s only the first hour of a three-to-five-day process. We spend the rest of the time discussing and prioritizing our goals, then devising a detailed plan for achieving them. If we didn’t, our aspirations would still be dreams. Instead, we’re busy making our dreams come true.
Goals versus Tasks
If you’re like me, you have a “To Do” list that goes on and on: calls to make, emails to send, contacts to connect with, and a ton of things to write or do.
I get such a good feeling from checking items off my list that it’s tempting to focus on things I can do easily, things that are quick rather than important. Usually, I manage to attend to the most urgent items.
At the end of the day, or the week, I look over my list and see I’ve done a lot, but all too often I still feel a lack of accomplishment. And I think if only I’d worked longer, harder, or figured out how to survive with only two hours’ sleep, I’d finally take care of everything.
The problem is, in day-to-day life, it’s natural to focus on tasks rather than goals. We look at what we have to do right now rather than examining where we are really heading and what we need to do to reach that goal.
When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself: “What are my top three goals for the next six months, the next year, five years from now? What are the one to three most important things I can do to reach those goals?” And once you’ve set those goals, how do you remind yourself of them in the press of daily business? How do you keep focused on long-term goals rather than spending all your time on short-term tasks?
Since goals are usually overwhelming (“Be financially secure within ten years; be profitable by the end of the year; find a strategic partner”), you have to break them down into more manageable tasks. That’s the only way you’ll ever achieve them. But our daily To Do list usually consists only of stuff we have to do, not stuff we should do—the stuff that really makes a difference.
Usually, we take care of BUSYNESS rather than taking care of BUSINESS.
I know you’re saying, “Rhonda, there aren’t enough hours in the day. I can’t get through all the items on my To Do list now. I work and work and work, and I’ve still got a pile on my desk to plow through.” Well, you’ve got my permission to let some things slide.
Let’s face it: you’re not going to accomplish everything you want in a day. You’re not going to get everything done. Some stuff is going to fall through the cracks. Is it going to be the important things or the unimportant things? Usually, we take care of busyness rather than taking care of business.
There are some things you can do to help yourself: stop taking on new projects, especially those that are not directly related to your top goals. It’s easy to see an opportunity and feel you have to grab it now. That’s not true. Usually, more opportunities come along.
We have to learn to give the priorities we’ve already chosen a chance to succeed. Taking on too much at one time is like having quintuplets: you wouldn’t choose to give any up, but none of them are going to get quite the attention they deserve.
Something that’s helped me stay focused on my top priority was to put physical reminders where I could see them. I made a little sign listing my top goal that I kept on my desk. And I even put technology to work: I turned my screensaver into a message board reminding me of my top goal. Whenever I stopped typing for a while, took a call, or walked away from my desk, the reminder scrolled across my screen.
What is the single most important thing you can accomplish in the next six months in your business—the one thing that can really make a difference between cruising ahead versus just staying afloat? How will you make sure it stays on your To Do list? If you stay focused on goals, rather than on tasks, you, too, may reach your goal this year. I’m pulling for you.
Commit Yourself to the Turn
When I was first learning to ski many years ago, a ski instructor gave me some advice about how to