Jake's Adventures: Tale of Jake and the Pesky Flies. Melissa Perry Moraja

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Jake's Adventures: Tale of Jake and the Pesky Flies - Melissa Perry Moraja The Wunderkind Family

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      What can I use to pick these thingamajigs up with? he thought, leaning back and scouting the ground.

      Luckily, there was a large maple leaf laying on the ground just a few inches from where he was kneeling. Jake picked it up and then began sweeping the slimy worms into the army-like bug catcher. Once all twelve were in, he closed the cage door.

      With his head held high, Jake walked proudly with it in hand into his home and up to his father's office, which was located on the second floor.

      Jake knew if anyone would admire his newest discovery it would be his dad.

      CHAPTER 2

      The Worms Get a New Home

      When Jake reached his dad's office, he quietly peeked through the office door key hole.

      “Bummer,” Jake murmured.

      His dad was on the phone. Jake knew not to disturb his father while he was working. The last time Jake interrupted him, his dad took away his television privileges for three whole days.

      Instead, Jake headed to his bedroom with the worm-like bugs slithering and squirming from one end of the catcher to the other.

      Jake lifted the catcher to where he could see in it and softly said, “Where can I hide you thingamajigs?”

      He sighed, lowered the catcher, and began scanning his bedroom for a secret hiding place.

      He thought about hiding the catcher under his bed. But that was an obvious spot for his brother and sister to look.

      Then he thought about hiding it in his dresser. But he feared his mom may find the worms, when she put away the laundry.

      As Jake continued to scan his bedroom, he said out loud, “There has to be a place that my brother and sister won't trespass into.”

      Ever since Jake can remember, his twin siblings had freed every wild unclassified creature he had captured.

      Just last spring they freed Jake's monarch butterflies in the house.


      It wasn't long before Sadie, Jake's whitish-gray cat, captured one of them.


      Then they freed Jake's roly polys. They hid them in the garage freezer so Jake wouldn't find them. Two days later, Jake's mom found them frozen into icy pellet balls.

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