American Democracy in Context. Joseph A. Pika

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American Democracy in Context - Joseph A. Pika

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       Editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides that offer flexibility when creating multimedia lectures so you don’t have to start from scratch but can customize to your exact needs.

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       The Test bank, built on Bloom’s taxonomy (with Bloom’s cognitive domain and difficulty level noted for each question), is created specifically for this text.

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       Editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides offer complete flexibility for creating a multimedia presentation for the course, so you don’t have to start from scratch but can customize to your exact needs.

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       A set of all the graphics from the text, including all the maps, tables, and figures in PowerPoint formats are provided for class presentations.

      SAGE Premium Video

      American Democracy in Context offers premium video, available exclusively in the SAGE vantage digital option, produced and curated specifically for this text, to boost comprehension and bolster analysis.

      SAGE Course Outcomes

      Outlined in your text and mapped to chapter learning objectives, SAGE course outcomes are crafted with specific course outcomes in mind and vetted by advisers in the field. See how SAGE course outcomes tie in with this book’s chapter-level objectives at

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      A Note from the Authors

      We write this book at a time when democracy seems under assault not only abroad but also at home. At no time in the last seven decades have there been so many challenges posed to fundamental political practices and institutions that have long gone unquestioned. Students need answers and a sophisticated understanding of how democracy works and why the nation adopted the practices now in place.

      Understanding American politics involves much more than knowing the facts. It also requires understanding the causal connections in politics. From these connections, students can see how and why the decisions and actions of government officials matter to them. We have tried in this text to help students understand why politics and government institutions have developed as they have in the United States and to see the effects of our politics in things that they care about.

      The three of us have been teaching American politics for more years than we want to count, and we have found that students are curious about the connections between things. They especially want to understand why we do the things we do and in the ways we do them. Our twin strategies to help students understand American politics include an analysis of its historical development and comparisons with the politics of other countries. We use both history and comparison as analytic devices—this book is neither a history of American politics nor a study of comparative politics, but both perspectives shed important light on American politics today.

      In this spirit, causal connections run throughout the book. We use comparison and historical development to meet students’ needs and to motivate them—not to fill a niche for comparativists or specialists in American political development. This is, at heart, a straight-ahead introduction to American politics, but one that adds essential context. In other words, we take seriously students’ desire to understand why our system operates the way it does and its consequences for democracy.

      Our experience is that many introductory American government texts are cluttered with boxes and features. This book minimizes all but the most important. We integrate most of our features—notably the bookends of each chapter, “Perspective” and “Consequences for Democracy”—into the text itself because they are so central to our presentation. In each chapter, “Perspective” and “Picture Yourself” present historical and comparative perspectives on the distinctive characteristics of American politics discussed in that chapter.

      Students appreciate course materials that help them learn and truly understand difficult concepts. We have sought to write a book worth reading and not only cover the basics. We have challenged ourselves in writing

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