The Doppler Method for the Detection of Exoplanets. Professor Artie Hatzes

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The Doppler Method for the Detection of Exoplanets - Professor Artie Hatzes

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10.1.3 Na D

       10.1.4 TiO Bands

       10.1.5 Hydroxyl 1.563 μm Absorption

       10.2 Line Depth Ratios

       10.3 Spectral Line Shapes

       10.3.1 Line Bisectors

       10.3.2 Line Widths

       10.4 Chromatic RV Variations

       10.5 Use of Individual Lines

       10.5.1 Radial Velocities

       10.5.2 Convective Blueshifts versus Line Strength

       10.6 Radial Velocity Jitter

       10.6.1 RV Jitter and Orbit Fitting

       10.6.2 Sources of Jitter

       10.6.3 Stellar Oscillations

       10.6.4 Activity Jitter

       10.7 Activity Cycles

       10.8 Concluding Remarks


       11 Dealing with Stellar Activity

       11.1 Fourier Filtering

       11.1.1 The Pitfalls of Prewhitening

       11.2 High Pass Filtering

       11.2.1 Local Trend Fitting

       11.2.2 Floating Chunk Offset

       11.3 Gaussian Processes

       11.4 A Short Comparison of Filtering Methods

       11.5 The RV Challenge

       11.6 Toward Earth Analogs


       12 Contributions to the Error Budget

       12.1 Guiding Errors

       12.2 Changes in the Instrumental Setup

       12.3 Detector Errors

       12.3.1 Electronic Noise Pickup

       12.3.2 CCD Inhomogeneities and Discontinuities

       12.3.3 Charge Transfer Effects

       12.4 Errors in the Barycentric Correction

       12.4.1 Inaccurate Time of Observations

       12.4.2 Inaccurate Telescope Coordinates

       12.4.3 Inaccurate Stellar Positions

       12.4.4 Differential Barycentric Motion

       12.5 The Secular Acceleration

       12.6 Telluric Line Contamination

       12.7 Moonlight Contamination


       13 The Rossiter–McLaughlin Effect

       13.1 Introduction

       13.2 Origin of the Rossiter–McLaughlin Effect

       13.3 The Rossiter–McLaughlin Effect in Exoplanets

       13.3.1 The Radial Velocity Amplitude

       13.3.2 The Spin–Orbit Alignment

       13.4 Spin Axis of the Star


      To Gordon Walker and Bill Cochran, early pioneers in the radial velocity detection of exoplanets who inspired this work.

      The first radial velocity (RV) measurements on a star using the Doppler method were made late in the 19th century. The discovery of the first exoplanet, found using the Doppler method, was made near the end of the 20th century. Why did the discovery of exoplanets take nearly one hundred years? In short, it is due to the spectacular improvement

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