Mountain Rampage. Scott Graham
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“We got the shaft three days last week,” whined Jeremy, Team Nugget’s chief complainer. “The girls were only in there for two.”
Jeremy was thin and pale, with bony arms, angular cheekbones, dark brown hair slicked back from a high forehead, and eyes so large they shoved his eyelids out of place in their sockets. His pronounced Adam’s apple rode up and down the front of his long neck whenever he spoke.
“You know the schedule,” Chuck said. “Every other day. Paydirt was in there yesterday. You’re on for today.”
The mine tunnel, six feet wide by seven feet high, extended two hundred feet into the side of Mount Landen. A floor of heavy planks topped by the ore cart tracks ran the length of the tunnel. At the start of the summer, Chuck had placed pin flags to divide the tunnel floor into four equal sections. The students had dismantled, examined, and reassembled the floorboards and tracks of one flagged section each week for the past three weeks. The last week of the field school called for studying the final, deepest fifty feet of the tunnel.
Yesterday, under Kirina’s direction, the members of Team Paydirt had dismantled the iron tracks and floorboard planks to within fifteen feet of the gray granite wall at the end of the tunnel. Team Nugget was to disassemble the last of the tracks and floorboards today, leaving tomorrow to root through the stony debris beneath the floorboards by hand—traditional trowel excavation of the tunnel’s rocky base having proved impossible—and Thursday to reassemble the final stretch of floorboards and reattach the tracks.
Kirina addressed the members of her team. “Let’s hit it, ladies.”
Along with Chuck’s suggestion to hire Clarence for one of the field school’s two team-leader positions, Professor Sartore had suggested hiring Kirina, a graduate student from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, a few hours southwest of Durango. From day one, Kirina had impressed Chuck with her no-nonsense style. He’d learned over the course of the summer that her flat face, receding chin, and small, inset eyes hid a backbone of steel.
At one point, Chuck had overheard Jeremy refer to Kirina as “Hatchet Face,” at another, he’d caught Jeremy referring to her derisively as “one of those square-faced dykes who swing both ways.” If Kirina had heard those or any other derogatory remarks about her over the summer, she hadn’t let on. She worked the students hard at the mine site, but always worked harder herself. Best of all, she did a far better job than Clarence of keeping an eye on the students during their off hours at Raven House, enabling Chuck to relax and enjoy his evenings and weekends with Janelle and the girls.
Kirina was a semester away from completing her Ph.D. in archaeological anthropology at NAU. In her mid-twenties like Clarence, she’d worked a number of digs during her grad-school years, making it easy for Chuck to put her in charge.
Chuck settled his hardhat on his head while Kirina led the members of Team Paydirt across the plateau to the site of the collapsed cabin. The students had numbered and stacked to the side the timbers from the collapsed cabin, and had staked and strung the cabin’s cleared floor area using long iron spikes and white nylon cord to form a rectangular grid five units long by four units wide. So far, the students had excavated seventeen of the meter-square units a foot or two deep, to where the rocky soil beneath the cabin gave way to bedrock. The final three units of the twenty-unit grid awaited excavation over the next two days. Thursday, the students would refill the excavated grid and replace the cabin logs where they’d lain after their collapse a century or more ago, returning the cabin site to its original condition as required by Professor Sartore’s contract with the National Park Service.
Kirina popped the lid off a plastic equipment bin next to the excavation grid and distributed trowels to Team Paydirt. Chuck walked with Clarence and Team Nugget to the mouth of the tunnel, which extended underground where the triangle-shaped plateau narrowed to a point in a fold in the face of Mount Landen. A rusted iron door in a thick metal frame was bolted into the mountainside, covering the mouth of the tunnel. The bottom half of the heavy door was solid iron, the top half a lattice of inch-wide iron bands welded to form six-inch squares. Hanging from the frame were a heavy chain and keyed padlock that served to secure the door when the site was unoccupied.
Chuck pulled the door open with a noisy creak and stepped aside, allowing Clarence to lead his team into the tunnel.
The six teammates, close friends from their past three years at Fort Lewis, were among the annual wave of high-school graduates who found their way over the mountains to “the Fort,” as the college was known, from the cities and suburbs lining Colorado’s Front Range.
Jeremy’s irascibility aside, Chuck liked the members of Team Nugget. Though they wore the air of easy privilege about them like cloaks, all six were willing enough to put in the long hours and physical labor required of the field school despite the fact that only two were anthropology majors. The other four had signed up for the course simply as a way to spend the final summer of their college years together before going their separate ways after their upcoming senior year.
The team members put on their hardhats and clicked on their headlamps as they followed Clarence through the door. Chuck turned on his headlamp and followed. A stream of outside air coursed past him, drawn into the tunnel.
A mining engineer Chuck had hired at the beginning of the summer to assess the security of the mine tunnel had declared it safe from the risk of roof collapse, pointing out that no explosives, which might have damaged the tunnel’s structural integrity, had been used in its construction.
“They did it the old-fashioned way,” the fire-hydrant-shaped engineer told Chuck, putting his finger to one of the countless indentations in the wall where miners had chipped away at the granite interior of the mountain, lengthening the tunnel pickaxe blow by pickaxe blow.
The mining expert led Chuck deep into the tunnel, walking on the floorboards between the ore cart tracks three-quarters of the way to the bare back wall of the mine before turning and declaring it safe.
The engineer tapped the thick floorboard planks with the sole of his boot. “I like that they installed rails to cart out the tailings. And the quality of the floor, too. Shows they thought they were in it for the long haul.” He directed the beam of his headlamp at the wall of the tunnel. “It’s too bad, all this effort—pick-work, flooring, rails—and they just quit.” He turned to Chuck. “I’ve seen it before, though. Probably ran out of money. Happened all the time.”
“At least they didn’t go too deep before they moved on,” Chuck said.
The engineer faced the tiny rectangle of daylight that marked the doorway at the mouth of the mine one hundred fifty feet away. “They must’ve dug thousands of these things back then. Hell, tens of thousands.” He grunted. “Just another empty hole.”
Chuck trailed Clarence and Team Nugget down the mine tunnel. The six students fell silent, subdued by the darkness and the tunnel’s chill. They positioned the solar-powered LED floodlights to illuminate the day’s work area and set about dismantling the final, fifteen-foot stretch of ore cart tracks and underlying floorboards. Each time they removed one of the planks, the young men crouched shoulder-to-shoulder around the newly uncovered rectangle of debris, looking for anything of interest.
At the start of their work in the tunnel three weeks ago, the students of both teams had groused about the extent to which