The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran

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The Prosperity & Wealth Bible - Kahlil Gibran

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which I have walked into the Now.

      I will take up the work of this day as a personal Pledge to do my best — with interest and enthusiasm. I will do the things I have failed to do before. I will attempt new things that I know now that I can do. I will go ahead.

      I will play the game to-day with a warm heart and a cool head. I will smile when I fed like frowning. I will be patient when I fed tempted to scold. I will take personal command of myself.

      I will be loyal to the concern for which I toil. I will be faithful to all my trusts. I will master the smallest detail. I will boost — not knock. I will do — not intend. I will get things done.

      I will work because I like to. I will be fair and just because there is no other way — to Win. I will do right because it is right. I will drink defeat, if it comes at times, as good medicine. I will sweat by courageous effort — determined to succeed at all times.

      I will be careful of my Time, considerate of my Health, jealous of my Honor. I will help make this day great for everyone with whom I come in contact. I will work for the people whom I serve with all my heart and with all my mind and with all my strength. For in the glory and success of my concern is hidden the glory and success of my own self.

      I will make this day Worth While.



      The face that Smiles is the face that everyone is looking for — and wants. Smile. For the Smiler is the Climber — and the Smiler is the Winner.


      If doubt and defeat drub you at times — Smile. Smile. If it rains when you think it ought to shine — Smile. Smile. Start Smiles. Smile. The Smiling Worker is the Smiling Doer. Smile.


      More things have been wrought and brought through Smiles than this world dreams of. Smile. A Failure doesn’t want to Smile — and can’t. A Winner wants to Smile — and can’t help it. Smile.


      Smiles beget Smiles. Smile. Smiles warm the blood, stiffen the back and start courage anew. Smile.


      Smile when you wake. Smile. Smile when you go and Smile when you come. Smile. Smile when you start your work and Smile when you end it. Smile. For Smiles keep the livelong day from going stale. And Smiles keep the well from going dry. Smile.

      Smiles are the headlights of Success. And they always point the way that wins the day.



      Grit is getting the Brain and Heart and Soul of a man fused for a concerted, white-hot attack on Failure.

      Grit is what grasps at the raw edge of Victory and chews it to the point of easy digestion.

      And Grit wins — it gets there!

      Grit started the action of the world — and has moved things ever since.

      Grit lost — all is lost.

      Grit is what keeps us from becoming beggars — helps us to shake hands heartily with Progress. Grit is the maker of Masters that master all things. Grit drives the stakes that point the path. Grit is what keeps a fighting man from going “stale.”

      Grit “brings home the bacon.”

      Grit makes the way for the Worker and the Doer. Grit is the pivot on which the aims and ideals and hopes of fighters hang steadily unto Success.

      No sweat, no sweet — no Grit, no Glory.

      So — get Grit!


      Grasp your Chances as they come.

      For it’s the approaching of the Goal — just ahead — the turning of the Chance into the Achievement, that stirs and spurs the striving man to the fought-out fact of the thing dreamed about, planned about — and done.

      Take advantage of the smallest chance.

      First see it. Then grasp it! Then bolt it to your very soul. Remembering that Chances seen — and secured — breed Ideas, mold the Characters of mighty Men — and make Success sure.

      Master the trivial. And the big things will loom into Deeds, perfectly plain, exact — undertakable. Especially is this true of the beginner of big things starting small. Deeds done determine the value of the Chance seized by the man.

      The large tasks of the world lie hidden underneath the smallest Chances sought for with calm Patience and cool Courage. If past Chances appear neglected, passed by, or not seen, the future Chances streak toward you from in front — or maybe latent — but ready. Seek them, find them. Then hold them — “for keeps.”

      Success follows the Chances nailed down — things done.

      You — to-day — go after the Chances. Take them, ruddy and new, and build from this day, things worthwhile and things for more than to-day.

      Grasp your Chances as they come.


      Be Square.

      The man of all men most miserable is the man with a worn, weary, weeping Conscience.

      Be Square.

      Conscience is the fellow who sits on the throne of your Soul and calls out the Danger Signal when your life craft sights Icebergs. Conscience is the pilot of a man’s Hope toward Success. Conscience is the Busy Signal sign that halts a man just as he is about to do what he ought not to but wants to.

      Be Square.

      Conscience is the Voice of Duty — in every-day clothes.

      Be Square.

      Conscience is what you feel but do not hear. Conscience is the still, strong, silent, unseen Force that is ever with you — that invariably hunches you in the ribs — mute warner that you are on the wrong track, traveling in the wrong direction, playing the wrong game. Regardless of all other heeds, beck or call — hear, listen to — obey your Conscience to the letter.

      Be Square.

      The Man with the Conscience makes the Business with a Conscience. The Business with the Conscience makes the Nation with the Conscience. Conscience in Power is real achievement athrone.

      Be Square.

      As a Man or Woman, think it over. Conscience to you is as no other Conscience to any other Man or Woman. And the height to which Peace and Power may climb in you can be only in proportion to the Peace and Power which obedience to Conscience brings. So, follow your own Conscience all

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