Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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at her. I have already said so.


      You say nothing else.

      ·45· herodias

      I say it again.


      And that restoration of the Temple about which they have talked so much, will anything be done? They say the veil of the Sanctuary has disappeared, do they not?


      It was thyself didst steal it. Thou speakest at random. I will not stay here. Let us go within.


      Dance for me, Salomé.


      I will not have her dance.


      I have no desire to dance, Tetrarch.


      Salomé, daughter of Herodias, dance for me.


      Let her alone.


      I command thee to dance, Salomé.

      ·46· salomé

      I will not dance, Tetrarch.


      [Laughing]. You see how she obeys you.


      What is it to me whether she dance or not? It is naught to me. To-night I am happy, I am exceeding happy. Never have I been so happy.

      first soldier

      The Tetrarch has a sombre look. Has he not a sombre look?

      second soldier

      Yes, he has a sombre look.


      Wherefore should I not be happy? Cæsar, who is lord of the world, who is lord of all things, loves me well. He has just sent me most precious gifts. Also he has promised me to summon to Rome the King of Cappadocia, who is my enemy. It may be that at Rome he will crucify him, for he is able to do all things that he wishes. Verily, Cæsar is lord. Thus you see I have a right to be happy. Indeed, I am happy. I have never been so happy. There is nothing in the world that can mar my happiness.

      ·47· the voice of jokanaan

      He shall be seated on this throne. He shall be clothed in scarlet and purple. In his hand he shall bear a golden cup full of his blasphemies. And the angel of the Lord shall smite him. He shall be eaten of worms.


      You hear what he says about you. He says that you will be eaten of worms.


      It is not of me that he speaks. He speaks never against me. It is of the King of Cappadocia that he speaks; the King of Cappadocia, who is mine enemy. It is he who shall be eaten of worms. It is not I. Never has he spoken word against me, this prophet, save that I sinned in taking to wife the wife of my brother. It may be he is right. For, of a truth, you are sterile.


      I am sterile, I? You say that, you that are ever looking at my daughter, you that would have her dance for your pleasure? It is absurd to say that. I have borne a child. You have gotten no child, no, not even from one of your slaves. It is you who are sterile, not I.


      Peace, woman! I say that you are sterile. You have borne me no child, and the prophet ·48· says that our marriage is not a true marriage. He says that it is an incestuous marriage, a marriage that will bring evils…. I fear he is right; I am sure that he is right. But it is not the moment to speak of such things. I would be happy at this moment. Of a truth, I am happy. There is nothing I lack.


      I am glad you are of so fair a humour to-night. It is not your custom. But it is late. Let us go within. Do not forget that we hunt at sunrise. All honours must be shown to Cæsar’s ambassadors, must they not?

      second soldier

      What a sombre look the Tetrarch wears.

      first soldier

      Yes, he wears a sombre look.


      Salomé, Salomé, dance for me. I pray thee dance for me. I am sad to-night. Yes; I am passing sad to-night. When I came hither I slipped in blood, which is an evil omen; and I heard, I am sure I heard in the air a beating of wings, a beating of giant wings. I cannot tell what they mean … I am sad to-night. Therefore dance for me. Dance for me, Salomé, I beseech you. If you dance for me you may ask of me what you will, and I will give it you, even unto the half of my kingdom.

      ·49· salomé

      [Rising.] Will you indeed give me whatsoever I shall ask, Tetrarch?


      Do not dance, my daughter.


      Everything, even the half of my kingdom.


      You swear it, Tetrarch?


      I swear it, Salomé.


      Do not dance, my daughter.


      By what will you swear, Tetrarch?


      By my life, by my crown, by my gods. Whatsoever you desire I will give it you, even to the half of my kingdom, if you will but dance for me. O, Salomé, Salomé, dance for me!


      You have sworn, Tetrarch.


      I have sworn, Salomé.

      ·50· salomé

      All this I ask, even the half of your kingdom.


      My daughter, do not dance.


      Even to the half of my kingdom. Thou wilt be passing fair as a queen, Salomé, if it please thee to ask for the half

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