Taken (Book #2 of the Vampire Legends). Emma Knight
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“Where did you meet him?” Dr. McNery asked.
“Um, I met him when I was walking home one day. He picked me up on his motorcycle,” Rachel replied.
“Did he tell you anything about where he lives? Where his parents work? His siblings? We need to know everything you know, so we can track him down,” the police chief asked.
“He said he lived close to school, but that could be a lie, too. I’m sorry, I don’t know what is true anymore,” Rachel answered.
“We understand,” the police chief said, as he finished writing down everything she’d just told them on his note pad.
“Can you tell me again, what the nature of your relationship with Benji is?” the police chief asked.
“We were becoming friends, but now, I’m not speaking to him,” Rachel said.
“Why not?” the police chief asked.
Rachel realized she had misspoken. Why did she open up that can of worms? Now Rachel sat there, looking at the four of them, not knowing what to say.
“We got into a fight,” Rachel answered. “It’s really not a big deal.”
“A fight?” replied the police chief, “About what?”
Rachel had officially dug her own grave. She knew she was going to have to tell them something.
But what?
Should she tell them that Benji is a vampire, and go against her promise? Or should she make something up?
Rachel’s mind was racing; she couldn’t just sit there and say nothing. She knew that this wouldn’t end well for her, and that she was going to get in big trouble.
Each moment she didn’t answer felt like a day. She knew they were probably wondering why it was taking so long for her to answer. Rachel’s panicked state was making her draw a blank. She was speechless.
“We need to know what this fight was about, Rachel. You need to share everything you know,” the police chief asked again. “This could be our clue to finding this criminal.”
Rachel nodded and opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again. Her mind was racing with ideas. She didn’t want to betray Benji after she had sworn not to tell a soul—but she was being asked to do so.
She waited another moment and then said, “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
The policemen looked at each other and then back to the principal.
“Rachel, you need to tell the police what is going on,” Dr. McNery prodded.
“It’s personal, and really wouldn’t help you,” Rachel said shyly.
The police chief looked at his pad of paper and then looked up at Rachel, “Of course it will help us. Any bit of information will gather the clues we need to bring us to Benji.”
Rachel looked at him and then back at Dr. McNery, who was shaking his head as if to say, go on, tell them. Rachel didn’t say a word. She stood there in an awkward silence, keeping Benji’s secret safe inside of her.
“Rachel, you can either tell us now, or tell us later. Either way this information is crucial to us,” the police chief said in a stern voice. “What’s it going to be?”
Rachel looked down at the ground and shook her head.
“I don’t want to tell you now.”
“You have twenty four hours to tell us. We will meet with you tomorrow morning at school,” the police chief said coldly. “See you then.”
Chapter Four
As Rachel walked out of the principal’s office, she was in shock. She couldn’t believe she would have to spill her secret to the police in twenty-four hours. As she began walking down the hall, she tried to process everything that had happened. She looked down at her watch to see what period it was, the minute hand has just changed and it was now, 11:30am, which meant it was time for lunch.
She was dreading going into the cafeteria. If only the police questioning had lasted longer, she wouldn’t have to deal with the cafeteria scene today. If she thought it was bad last week, she couldn’t imagine what it would be like today.
Rachel walked to her locker and grabbed the brown paper bag that held her lunch. She could smell the peanut butter aroma coming from inside and heard the loud voices of kids breezing down the hallways. Their voices echoed in her head, as she tried to listen for conversations about the fight. She hoped that people had moved on to another topic, but that was not the case, everyone was still buzzing about the homecoming dance fight.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen to the team?”
“I heard they got a serious beating.”
“Who is this guy anyway?”
Rachel couldn’t help but hear the gossip swarming around her. She so badly wanted to set everyone straight, but she knew she couldn’t. She knew she would have to keep it bottled inside until this whole thing died down.
As she walked with the crowds of people, her mind was spinning with everything that had just happened. She couldn’t stop thinking about her interrogation by the police chief. At that moment she remembered the newspaper article. Did she really see a photo of herself on the front page of the Westchester Daily News? She ran the article over and over in her head, which made her incredibly anxious. As if she didn’t have enough on her plate, Rachel worried about her parents finding out about Rye Playland. She knew she had to come up with a way to dodge her parents looking at the paper. As she was coming up with ideas in her head, she felt a tap on her shoulder, which made her nearly jump out of her skin.
“Why are you so skitzo today?” Asked Jen who was walking with Emily and Taryn.
“I know you guys heard what happened last night, don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m going through,” Rachel said back.
“Yeah, we know, but we want to hear it from you,” Taryn said with a laugh.
“What are you going through?” Asked Jen.
“Guys, we should give her some space, she’s had a rough morning,” Emily chimed in.
“Thanks, Em,” said Rachel. “It’s been tough.”
The four girls walked into the cafeteria and found a seat at the table. Rachel actually felt thankful that her friends found her in the hall so she wouldn’t have to walk into the cafeteria alone, of all days. She felt like she had just dodged a bullet.
Even so, the second that they all walked into the cafeteria, Rachel could immediately sense everybody stop to turn and stare at her. She felt her cheeks redden from all the attention. She could even have sworn that the entire noise level in the cafeteria dropped dramatically at her entrance.