Chosen (Book #4 of the Vampire Legends). Emma Knight

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Chosen (Book #4 of the Vampire Legends) - Emma Knight The Vampire Legends

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only the Red Amulet on her mind, Rachel knew she had to figure out what the Red Amulet was and where to find it. She knew Benji was in great danger, and perhaps this Red Amulet was the only thing that could save him now. She felt like a lost puppy and didn’t know where to begin. She needed Benji now more than ever and he was unable to wake up or help her. She’d wished he could have finished telling her about the Red Amulet before he fell back into his state of unconsciousness, but he didn’t. Now it was up to her to put all the pieces together. It was up to her to make it right and save his life. After all, he’d do anything for her. Now it was her turn to prove her love to him.

      Rachel leapt into the air, felt her wings spread, felt the cool wind hit her in the face and knew, that no matter what she had to do, she would find it.

       Chapter 3

      Rob sprinted down the football field, holding the ball and charging for the endzone. He couldn’t believe his speed and agility—he was faster than ever. He felt like a cheetah running through the African desert. He was unstoppable and nobody could keep up with him. He clutched the ball tightly in his hands as the croud cheered him on.

      “Rob! Rob! Rob!” the kids yelled from the bleechers.

      Then, charging the last yard and into the end zone, Rob scored a touchdown. His tenth touchdown of the game. It was unheard of—even Rob couldn’t believe his streak this game. He knew something was up, he didn’t feel quite like himself tonight, and knew his powers were coming back.

      It had been almost a year since the incident with Violet, when he first felt his body changing and his powers strengthening; but then, all of a sudden, they disappeared. They went almost as quickly as they came, and now he was beginning to feel the powers come back in full force, even stronger than before, but he didn’t know why.

      Why now? he thought to himself.

      “Nice one, Rob!” a teammate said, slapping him on the back.

      “Word!” another teammate said, high fiving him.

      “Yo, what’s gotten into you? You’re da bomb,” another teammate said, chest-butting him.

      “Rob, nice work! Now that’s what I call an amazing game,” the coach yelled as he came barreling onto the field to congratulate Rob on winning the game.

      The cheerleaders danced onto the field, all running up to Rob and hugging and kissing him. He’d never felt more loved or prized as he did at that moment. He felt like he was on top of the world, yet he knew it wasn’t him. He knew there was someone or something behind this sudden surge of power.

      The team walked off the field together, smiling and high fiving each other on their way to the locker room. The crowd in the bleachers was still chanting his name and many of the kids were coming up to Rob in amazement, congratulating him on his win for the school.

      As he entered the locker room, Rob’s head suddenly began to hurt; it felt as if someone were inside his brain, banging on the walls of his skull. It hurt so badly, he had to stop and sit down for a minute with his head in between his hands. Then, a hunger came raging through his body and he became ravenous. All he wanted to do was eat. He was craving blood, something he hadn’t thought of in months. Now, suddenly, it was emerging from out of nowhere. He knew he had to let it subside; there were way too many people here and he knew he’d get caught if he killed an animal and sucked its blood. But Rob wasn’t craving an animal per se—what he really wanted was human blood.

      Each person that came up to him was tempting to him. His eyes rolled back in his head, the hairs on his arms stood up and his body began to get goosebumps all over. He started shaking. He couldn’t resist the sight and smell of all of these people. He ran to the end of the locker room, where his teammates were already in the shower and getting dressed to go out that night.

      Rob had been looking forward to the big post-game bash at his friends’ house and hoped that this hunger and surge of power would subside and he would feel like his old self again. He didn’t like these feelings; despite his strength and power, he felt helpless and out of control.

      One by one, his teammates passed him, by saying they’d see him later at the party as they left the locker room. Within fifteen minutes, Rob was the only person left in the locker room, sitting on a bench with his head in between his hands. He prayed that this would all go away, that it wasn’t returning for good this time.

      He lifted his head, stood up and opened his locker door. Inside the grey metal door was a picture of Rachel, still hanging from last season. He didn’t have the heart to take it down; he still loved her and missed her. He thought about her every day, even though he’d started seeing Becca, a senior in his class. He knew he’d never see Rachel again and figured she’d been killed, since nobody had seen her in almost a year.

      “Rob!” Becca’s voice called out through the door of the locker room. “Rob, are you in there?”

      He rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to answer but knew if he didn’t she’d come in and find him anyway.

      “Yeah, be out in a minute,” Rob answered solemnly.

      “Honey! You’re taking so long. What’s going on?” Becca yelled in again, in a high-pitched, snotty tone.

      Rob didn’t answer; he figured if he was silent, she would just go away. He didn’t have the energy to deal with her right now. He liked her and everything, but she was pretty high maintenance, and he wasn’t in the mood for her antics at that moment.

      “Robby bear! I know you’re in there,” Becca called as her voice got closer and closer.

      “There you are silly! I knew you were in here,” Becca said, leaping towards Rob to give him a kiss.

      “Not now, Becca. I’m not in the mood,” Rob said, still peering into his locker.

      “Not her again,” Becca said, looking at the picture of Rachel in his locker. “Why do you have her picture in your locker, Rob? Huh?”

      Not having a good answer, Rob shrugged his shoulders.

      “You need to get over that loser anyway, you have me now,” Becca said as she walked over and attempted to rip the picture down.

      “Hey, what do you think you’re doing? Don’t touch my stuff!” Rob yelled. “Leave that picture where it is, it’s not up to you to take it down.”

      “I just don’t know why you still have it up and why there isn’t a picture of me hanging in your locker. What? Do I mean nothing to you? Do you not care about me as much as you cared about her? She’s gone now, don’t you realize Rob? She’s never coming back,” Becca said in a snarky tone.

      “You don’t know that for sure, so stop saying that. She might come back, have faith,” Rob snapped back.

      “Anyway, this is stupid. Let’s get to the party! What are you going to wear?” Becca said, glancing down at his duffle bag full of wrinkled clothes. “Hopefully nothing in that nasty bag of yours.”

      “What is your deal Becca? Can’t you just let me be? I’ll wear whatever I want, and I don’t need you hovering over me to make a decision. I can do it on my own,” Rob answered.


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