Discover the Unseen. T.J. Wagoner

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Discover the Unseen - T.J. Wagoner

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and found myself sharing them with friends, family members and clients.

      In the beginning, I didn’t have a process, only habit, so I had to create one of my own. I felt the techniques I used to guide companies toward greatness could be translated to lead people toward their Desires. I want to help you avoid the difficulties I went through by giving you a process that works in just about all situations, every time. You don’t need to come up with this on your own. You can learn from my Adventures and skip the struggles.

      Even though I’ve been using the Advent5 Process for years, I see myself on an exciting journey that never ends, and I am still a co-producer in the design of my own life. I so relish my work as an author, speaker and coach, and continue to actively manage a consulting business that is thriving. These experiences have all contributed toward the flexibility of this process and it has allowed me to branch into new directions. Using the process has helped me stay connected to my core passions, assemble the resources I need, act on my goals effectively, and achieve a life of joyous fulfillment even in the face of adversity.

      For me, this is not just a set of good ideas, concepts and processes that I place on the shelf at the end of the day. I live with these principles and apply them in all areas of my life. It’s only recently that I’ve discovered the great need to systematize and share the methods with a wider audience. There are very inspiring times ahead for all of us as we apply ourselves and the message of Discover the Unseen…

      The Advent5 Process uses symbols as a visual cue. They provide a mechanism to anchor new ideas and sustain momentum. The five symbols are Fire, Water, Wind, Sun and Rock. The number five itself has universal significance in many cultures and ideologies. For example, in China, five is the number of the center, your life path. In numerology, five represents the number of freedom and change. There are five digits on each one of your hands and feet, five senses, and five points on the ancient pyramids.

      Advent5 is a set of action-driven and results-oriented processes that allow you to participate in the design of your life, with the Elements, a 5-step building process , which helps in defining your Desire, identifying your talents, gathering what’s needed to pursue your path, overcoming adversity, and creating a deliberate action plan on a foundation of sustainment. This process will guide you to the element of the one true driving force that each individual has, the one true aim in a person’s life.

      There is a meaning for your life, one you create with intention. You were created for a purpose and it’s just that most of us don’t seek it out or look to others for what that purpose could be. With self-help you seek outside. With Advent5 you seek within.

      Through the first steps in my own life-changing experiences, I was able to craft the early beginnings of this process for identifying and living a life of purpose. It’s become my life’s work, and I’ve refined it considerably and continually. I’m thrilled to bring it now to you.

       Let’s look at a brief overview of the elements in the Advent5 Process.

Fire: is useful for providing light and warmth but has the power to consume violently if uncontrolled.
Water: heated water can make steam but must be balanced properly with fire for both to coexist.
Wind: fuels fire and makes it stronger, but left unregulated it can extinguish a weak fire or cause its loss of control.
Sun: is constancy itself, true focus, a deliberate system of naturally unfolding events.
Rock: is untouched by fire, water, wind and sun.

      Fire is hot and bright. A fire in the hearth or campfire may indicate a peaceful, comfortable, warm center. A rampaging brushfire can symbolize anger and hostility. Fire also symbolizes the metamorphosis of negative energy. Fire is the eternal flame that inspires you to move. Fire represents your passion, purpose and Desire.

      Fire lets you sort and gain awareness of the past beliefs and negative patterns that have limited you up to this point. It helps you begin to sort through them. It allows you to shake off those limiting beliefs and eliminate non-essentials. You can use the element of Fire to identify core passions and ignite the Fire of your Desire.

      The first thing we do in this process is take an inventory of activities. We establish a practical set of steps to sort through the elements of your life and remove what’s not needed, leaving only what is essential. What remains is the core of our passions. The inner essence is revealed as the outer layers are burned away.

      This fundamental step is so simple yet so crucial for leading a life of joy, success and abundance. It means culling the time wasters, shedding the chaff, and embracing the kernel of who we are.

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