Closing Sales is Easy. Tom Hopkins

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Closing Sales is Easy - Tom  Hopkins

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      Hopkins, Tom

      Closing Sales is Easy: Once You Know How

      ISBN: 978-1-61339-673-5

      1. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Sales & Selling / General 2. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Sales & Selling / Management 3. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Customer Relations

       Why is Tom Hopkins uniquely qualified to teach you how to sell?

      Tom Hopkins wasn’t born to wealth and privilege. He was an average student and began his work life in construction. By the age of 19, he was married with a child on the way and trying to find a better way to support his young family. Since he wasn’t afraid of meeting new people and was known to be somewhat talkative, someone suggested he ‘try’ selling.

      After several attempts, but he passed his real estate license exam. Tom’s first six months in sales was anything but successful. He made only one sale. He was down to his last $150 in savings when a man came into his office promoting a 3-day sales training seminar with J. Douglas Edwards, The Father of American Salesmanship. At that point in time, Tom didn’t know that selling could be learned in a classroom. And, he had never heard of “closing.”

      Not only did Tom discover that selling was a learned skill, he was so inspired by that first seminar that he became an avid student. He applied everything he learned and began developing his own sales strategies. By the age of 27, he was a million-aire salesperson...setting records that remained unbroken until this century.

      Tom Hopkins has been teaching his proven-effective selling strategies and commu-nication skills to sales pros around the world for over 40 years. He understands both sides of the selling equation...your fears and those of potential clients. Let him help you communicate with the people you encounter in business situations so they feel confident about making buying decisions.

      For maximum benefit read this informative content a minimum of six times. Then, apply the strate-gies it contains. Enjoy!

       Table of Contents

       Closing is Easy

       The Single Most Critical Instruction in Selling

       Technical Tips for Closing Sales

       Test Closes

       Power Closes for Aspiring Champions

       Closing Is Easy, Once You Know How

      In the selling profession, a closed sale creates a winning score. It’s the bottom line, the name of the game, the point of it all.

      You might already know plenty of techniques for prospecting, meeting new people, qualifying, pre-senting, overcoming objections, and so on. But, if you can't close, you're like a football team that can't sustain a drive long enough to score. It does you no good to play the whole game in your own territory and never get across the goal line.

      If you don't love the closing process now, start falling in love with it because this is where the money is.

      Effective sales trainers and managers will tell you to follow your A.B.C.s: Always Be Closing!

      True professionals are closing all of the time. They close for names. They close for appointments, visits or meetings. They close on earning trust...on getting down to business. They close on their own credibility and competence. They are constantly trying test closes, and they can move smoothly into their final closing sequence any time they notice a buying sign.

      In this special report, we’ll cover some of the most effective strategies I’ve ever used (and taught) to close sales. If you have never tried them, please do. They can make a world of difference in the results you’re getting.

      None of these ideas are all that unusual. They’re not radically different from how most people behave on a day-to-day basis. It’s the when and how of using them that makes them (and you) winners.

      Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying, “It’s not what you say that matters. It’s how you say it.” How you speak to potential clients can and will truly make a difference in your level of success in sales.

      And the concept of when to say it is just as important. Many untrained salespeople get so wrapped up in their selling processes that if the potential client decides to invest before they're through presenting, they won't let it happen. For some reason that’s beyond my understanding, they feel com-pelled to finish their presentations and will often talk the client out of the sale.

      How silly is that?

      To think you have to complete your sales process from A to Z without leaving out J, P, or X is counter-productive.

      The key to success in selling is to be flexible. Of course, never plan to take shortcuts, but be prepared to hop a few fences if your potential clients are moving along faster than you expected.

      Some people get sold quickly. If you keep talking instead of getting the final agreement, you might just un-sell them. More

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