Pilgrim's Progress, The The. John Bunyan

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Pilgrim's Progress, The The - John Bunyan

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Prov. 23:34

      AND as he was troubled thereabout, he espied two men come tumbling over the wall on the left hand of the narrow way; and they made up apace to him. The name of the one was Formalist, and the name of the other Hypocrisy. So, as I said, they drew up unto him, who thus entered with them into discourse.

      CHRISTIAN: Gentlemen, whence came you, and whither go you?

      FORMALIST AND HYPOCRISY: We were born in the land of Vain-glory, and are going for praise to Mount Zion.

      CHRISTIAN: Why came you not in at the gate which standeth at the beginning of the way? Know you not that it is written, that he that cometh not in by the door, “but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber?”78

      FORMALIST AND HYPOCRISY: They said, That to go to the gate for entrance was, by all their countrymen, counted too far about; and that, therefore, their usual way was to make a short cut of it, and to climb over the wall, as they had done.

      CHRISTIAN: But will it not be counted a trespass against the Lord of the city whither we are bound, thus to violate his revealed will?

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