The Big Book of Canadian Hauntings. John Robert Colombo

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The Big Book of Canadian Hauntings - John Robert Colombo

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2. Some Psychical Experiences

       More a “Sensitive” Than a Psychic

       Ghosts in My Life

       The Boyd Gang and Some Ghosts

       Something Evil Abroad

       The Grey Lady

       A Very Strange Experience

       Some Frightened Me More Than Others

       3. Very Interesting Cases

       Psychic Detection

       Some Famous Haunts of Modern Times

       Mackenzie King’s Ghost

       The Haunting of Mackenzie House

       The “Twilight Zone” Truck Stop

       4. The Power of Fear

       The Ghost of Mary Mowat

       The Futon Ghost

       There Was a Story Behind It

       The Ghost of Darcel Avenue

       On Old Road

       Strange Noises in the Basement

       A Call in the Night

       Characters and Creatures

       5. Monstrous Beings

       Monster Turtle

       The Sim-moqui


       It Makes Me Shudder Even Now

       Windagoos! Cannibals!

       Exorcism of a Wendigo

       The Oshawa Sea Serpent

       Oshawa’s Ogopogo?

       The Shaking Tent

       Abducted by the Sasquatches


       Maybe This Was a Sasquatch

       Evolutionary Precursor

       Glimpsing the Bushman

       6. Aliens from Elsewhere

       The Man from the Sky

       Sighting and We Are Not Alone

       The Falcon Lake Encounter


       Letter from Simson

       “George Adamski-Land”

       It Suddenly Glowed Very Brightly

       Why Seven?

       Fascinated by the Skies

       7. Email Encounters

       I Am Not Supernaturally Gifted

       We Couldn’t Stop Thinking About Them

       I Was Completely Amazed

       The Open Window

       The Corner Brook Sighting

       A Woman Walking by the Door

       Finally One Day I Saw a Ghost

       I Heard Footsteps in the Living Room

       Family Stories

       8. More Email Encounters

       A Dream That I Had Had

       The Algonquin Park Haunting

       Weird and Strange Memories

       Interesting Mail

       I Froze! I Was Terrified!

       This Damn Crazy Story

       The Unmistakable Brightness of His Eyes

       Two Experiences



       Note from Author

      Miss Seward (with an incredulous smile): “What, Sir! about a ghost?”

      Johnson (with solemn vehemence): “Yes, Madam: this is a question which, after five thousand years, is yet undecided; a question, whether in theology or philosophy, one of the most important that can come before the human understanding.”

      — James Boswell, quoting Dr. Samuel Johnson on

      April 15, 1778, The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791)

      Did you ever wonder whether the place where you are now dwelling is haunted?

      Here is a big book about such matters, about ghosts and hauntings, a book that is calculated to make you pause and wonder about the world of spirits, about haunted sites and places, and about the interconnections that may exist between the world of the living and the world of the dead or unborn. The accounts in this tome raise questions about the extent and limit of human knowledge and the reliability of human experience. In many ways it is an entertaining book; in other ways, a sobering collection of riveting accounts of “what should not be.” In other words, here are one hundred or so of what I call “Canadian mysteries.”

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