Pacific Seaweeds. Louis Druehl

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Pacific Seaweeds - Louis Druehl

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cushion or sac-like, to 30 cm/12 in at greatest dimension, p. 168

      Small flat blades

      Seaweeds small, usually less than 10 cm/4 in long and unbranched blades, p. 174

      Dichotomously branched

      Seaweeds small, usually less than 40 cm/16 in, and “Y” branched (dichotomous), p. 180


      Seaweeds cylindrical throughout, branched or un-branched, to 1 m/3 ft long, p. 187

      Radially branched with some parts flattened

      Seaweeds radially branched with numerous blades, up to 3 m/10 ft long, p. 194

      Pacific Seaweeds

      38 | Thumbnail Identification Guide

      Feather-like branching

      Seaweeds flattened with feather-like branching, usually less than 1 m/3 ft long, p. 198


      Seaweeds large, 0.5–55 m/1.6–180 ft long, tough, with flattened blades, p. 200

      Simple blades

      Kelp simple, unbranched blades, lacking ribs and sporophylls, p. 202

      Winged kelp

      Kelp with numerous small lateral blades arising from the stipe (stem), p. 208

      Ribbed kelp

      Kelp simple, unbranched blades with ribs, p. 219

      Repeatedly branched kelp

      Kelp repeatedly branched, p. 224

      A grey whale frolicking in a forest of bull kelp (Nereocystis leutkeana) in Bamfield, BC.

      Shore Plants and Seagrasses | 39

      Shore Plants and Seagrasses

       Shore plants

      The fringe of land above the intertidal zone but below coastal forests is occupied by a diverse array of shore plants. Shore plants are flowering plants that have adapted to salt exposure intolerable to most other vascular species. The different types and communities of shore plants the reader encounters will depend on geography and habitat. Habitats differ in exposure to wind, salty spray and substrate, with the major types including: rocky shores and headlands, shingle beaches of large cobble or gravel, sandy beaches and fine-grained tidal marshes. Here we present five relatively common representative species found along our coastal shores.

      Cakile edentula (sea rocket) p. 40

      Fragaria chiloensis (coastal strawberry) p. 41

      Glehnia littoralis (beach carrot) p. 42

      Lathyrus japonicus (beach pea) p. 43

      Sarcocornia pacifica (pickleweed) p. 44

      Cakile edentula and other shore plants along Carmel Beach, CA.

      Pacific Seaweeds

      40 | Shore plants

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