Disaster Recovery 100 Success Secrets - IT Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery planning and Services. Gerard Blokdijk
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Founded in 1987, its first issue contains 22 pages and was only distributed to about 3,000 readers. The man behind the journal is Richard L. Arnold, who is still acts as the president of the Disaster Recovery Journal. He also happens to be a co-founder of a nonprofit organization named Disaster Recovery Institute in 1989. This institution offers certification and awareness of the importance of disaster recovery in the business industry today.
To gain more knowledge and learn the different best practices in the field of disaster recovery and business continuity, the Disaster Recovery Journal also sponsors two conferences held
annually since September 1989. With over 3,000 disaster recovery professionals who participated, this only goes to show how critical disaster recovery is to the business.
Establishing Backup Disaster Recovery
Sites for Business Continuity
Why do you think that printers, photocopying machines,
scanners, diskettes, CDs and DVDs were developed in this day and age? All of these have only one thing in common D backup. Producing a backup copy is vital, either soft or hard, that you still can access or read the information you need if in case the original copy is stolen, lost or got damaged. This concept is the same when dealing large volumes of information that are kept on database servers.
There is no such perfect system in this world that even high powered machines are still susceptible to change and may lead to malfunction over time. Plus, also take note of unexpected disasters that may happen. Examples would be fire, floods and earthquakes to name a few. Human errors may also occur, though this may seem most unlikely to happen since proper training can always be given to the users of the system. Another human-imposed activity would be hacking and other nuisance that can cause too much trouble. When worse comes to worst that when such unfortunate events arise and everything is lost and may seem to be unrecoverable, there is only one thing that you can cling on. This would be your database backup server.
But then again, a good thing to point though is that the database backup server should be kept on another site or location.
This could be outside building premises or perimeters or it could also be inside the business facility but is kept on a more secure room or building. This is to ensure the safety of valuable information that would lead to business continuity as well.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
D Roles Intertwined
Business continuity relies on disaster recovery. In difficult and inevitable times when business continuity is at stake due to hindrances and threats by internal and external forces, a wellplanned disaster recovery process is the answer. Such incidents happen commonly on computer systems as the demand to supply IT solutions to most business operations has been apparent over the past several years.
Though there is a high level of reliability compared to using the good old manual way of doing things, still there is a need to have business continuity plan or disaster recovery plan. Such systems have their own boundaries or limitations as well, no matter how advanced or complex they are. There will come a time when certain risks will be presented. Therefore constant maintenance and cautious analysis are needed to support such systems.
Here are certain precautionary measures that will help ease the pain of losing vital information for larger and more critical computer systems. First is to develop a well written business continuity plan (BCP) or disaster recovery plan (DRP). These processes are essential in making sure that it will be Nbusiness as usualO amidst of encountering a disruptive event.
Second is to properly delegate a team of individuals with specific duties and responsibilities, with an accompanying backup plan to support others in carrying out specific tasks. Highly trainable individuals with a vast understanding on how computer
system works are definitely an advantage. And lastly, determine the software systems and hardware devices that are susceptible to replacements when disaster strikes. A backup location for database use should also be identified to ensure business continuity.
The Benefits Of Having A Business
Continuity And Disaster Recovery
It is important for businesses today to think ahead and plan for the unexpected. Especially these days where security threats and natural disasters are likely to happen, businesses should prepare and plan for a definite emergency measure.
Building a business continuity and disaster recovery plan are two of the most essential preparations of a company in cases of disaster. These two aspects of emergency planning works hand in hand to help the company mitigate the effects of the disaster.
However, these strategic planning cannot 100 % guarantee that there will be no loss in assets and investments. Of course, when disaster hits particularly natural calamities, there will be damages and costs incurred. That is why business continuity and disaster recovery plan are developed to lessen the impact of disasters and prevent further damage.
In IT, maintaining its networking functions and system application are very important. Business continuity creates a way to sustain its normal operations in event of disasters. By creating an accurate plan to mitigate impact, business continuity develops guidelines and procedures to follow when applications fail or network systems are down. There are back up software and solutions to easily restore the normal functions of people and equipments.
Disaster recovery plans on the other hand also helps recover all the lost data and information. This also includes data, investments and other lost physical assets that may disrupt the opera
tions of the business. These two aspects play an important role in keeping the company from further destruction and damage.
Disaster Recovery Plan for Floods D
Protecting Computer Databases When
Calamity Strikes
Disaster strikes when you least expect it. Suddenly, you will just feel the earth shaking, the fire alarm ringing and heavy rains hitting the ground. When such emergency situations happen, you just canOt help but panic and feel worried of what is going to happen.
Safety of the individuals should be a major priority, and so are the essential information stored on computer databases. Yes, equipment and devices can be replaced, but not critical records and files that once gone will also mean waving good bye to your own business.
One of the major threats to the facilities and infrastructures established to perform business operations is flooding. A wellorganized disaster recovery plan is therefore needed as your first line of defense against this threat. Though there may be times that equipment malfunction due to flooding can still be used and functional when dried, still the hassle of getting through this whole process is indeed a waste of time and resources.