Seeking God. Esther de Waal

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Seeking God - Esther de Waal

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‘The Word of God’, from Guy-Marie Oury, O.S.B., St Benedict, Blessed by God, translated by John A. Otto and published by the Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 1980.

      The quotations from the psalms used in the Thoughts and Prayers are taken from the translation of the Alternative Service Book. A modern translation helps us to see how the psalms speak afresh to every generation.

      This translation of the Rule, as also that which I use for the ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ at the end of chapter IX, is by Ambrose Wathen, in an article ‘Benedict of Nursia, Patron of Europe 480 – 1980’, Cistercian Studies, 1980, XV, p. 106. All the sayings of the Desert Fathers that I shall be using in these ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ come from the translation by Thomas Merton, The Wisdom of the Desert, Sayings of the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century, Sheldon Press, 1961.

      The collect is for Advent II.



       ‘How great is the freedom to which you are called’

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