The Holy Spirit. Mitch Pacwa
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The Israelites worshiped Baal and the female Asheroth deities of Canaan, so the Lord allowed them to be invaded by Cushan-rishathaim from Aram of the two rivers — that is, northern Mesopotamia. Othniel was from Judah, and therefore far to the south of Aram (modern-day Syria). When Israel repented of worshiping Canaanite gods, the Lord raised up Othniel by pouring his Spirit upon him. The Spirit made Othniel into a military leader able to defeat Cushan-rishathaim and deliver Israel. After that, Israel was at peace for forty years until Othniel died.
Again Israel sinned, so the Lord allowed the Midianites — a Bedouin tribe that had conquered the area of modern Jordan south of Amman, along the east side of the Dead Sea — to attack. Before the Israelites met the Midianites in battle, the Spirit of the Lord “clothed” (literal translation of the Hebrew) Gideon, strengthening him to sound a trumpet call to all the tribes to help attack the Midianites and Amalekites.
This empowerment stands in stark contrast to Gideon’s self-description at his call by an angel, “Pray, Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Behold, my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family” (Judg 6:15). Manasseh was the youngest tribe, Gideon’s Abiezrite clan was the least clan in Manasseh, and he was the least member of his clan. This means that Gideon was at the very bottom of the Israelite totem pole, the man with the least status in the whole nation. Yet the Lord’s Spirit was powerful enough to transform even Gideon into a warrior capable of driving out the oppressive raiders.
Like Gideon, Jephthah was extremely low in the social order of Israel. His father was called Gilead, the name of the Jordanian plateau north of Amman, and his mother was an unnamed prostitute. His father’s legitimate sons drove him away from the family to the arid region northeast of Gilead, where he gathered a group of fellow outsiders and bandits. However, the Ammonites attacked the Israelite tribes living east of the Jordan River. At that point, the Israelites living on the Gilead plateau begged Jephthah to lead them, to which, after some negotiations, he agreed. Next, he tried negotiation with the Ammonites, but these negotiations failed, so war became inevitable.
Before Jephthah began his march to battle, the “Spirit of the LORD” came upon him (Judg 11:29), enabling him to lead the eastern Israelite tribes to victory. However, he did not receive the gift of wisdom, since he made an open-ended vow to sacrifice the first one who came out to meet him — probably assuming it would be one of the domestic animals. Tragically, his only daughter came out first, so he sacrificed her, much to his and her lament (Judg 11:32-40).
Samson is regarded as the last of the major judges.
The Story of Samson
Look up the following passages and make notes about Samson before reading the explanation below.
Judges 13:24-25 | |
Judges 14:5-6, 18-20 | |
Judges 15:14-15 | |
Judges 16 |
A childless woman of the tribe of Dan was approached by an angel of the Lord with a promise that she would bear a son who would save the southern tribes from the Philistines. The angel confirmed this message to her doubting husband, Manoah. At this point, the Danites still lived in the south, near Judah and Simeon, but closer to the Philistines living on the southern coastal plane in five cities along the Mediterranean Sea. The Philistines had brought iron smelting to the region and maintained a monopoly on iron in a region where people knew how to smelt copper and tin, which were used to make the alloy called bronze. Iron was stronger than bronze, giving the Philistines a technological advantage over Israel.
Though Dan was a small tribe that would eventually be forced to move to the far north of the country due to their military weakness in the face of the Philistine threat, the Spirit of the Lord would come upon one warrior and use him to punish the Philistines. As with Jephthah, the Spirit of the Lord gave young Samson great strength to fight the Philistines on his own, but he was not very wise in his general conduct.
Samson desired to marry a Philistine woman, despite his parents’ objections to marrying a non-Israelite. On the way to the marriage, at Timnah, the Spirit of the Lord came so mightily upon him that he was able to tear apart a lion. From seeing the carcass of that lion filled with bees and honey, he composed a riddle for the guests at his wedding. They cheated in solving the riddle, leading him to kill thirty Philistine men in their city of Ashkelon so that he could pay those who solved the riddle. However, he lost his wife to his best man because of killing the thirty Philistines. Samson was physically strengthened by the Lord’s Spirit, but not made wise.
Samson’s next adventure started with a failed attempt to reconcile with his estranged wife. In revenge for not getting his wife back, he set the tails of 300 foxes on fire and let the crazed animals run through the Philistine fields and crops. The Philistines retaliated against Judah with war, so the Judahites convinced Samson to be bound and handed over to the Philistines at the town of Lehi. At that point, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him so powerfully that he snapped the ropes holding him, grabbed the jawbone of a dead ass, and killed the Philistine soldiers with it.
Samson never became very wise. His final adventures began with a fatal attraction to a prostitute in Gaza named Delilah. Though her first two attempts to trick him to reveal the secret of his strength failed, her third succeeded. The Philistines overpowered him, blinded him, and made him a slave. In one final, fatal retaliation, the blind Samson knocked down the main supporting pillars of the Philistine temple, killing many of them and himself in the process. Clearly he was strong but never wise.
The Kings and the Spirit of the Lord
In the time of the judges, the Spirit of the Lord strengthened each of them to save Israel from one of the many enemies in the area, in response to the people’s repentance for sin and the Lord’s decision to show them mercy. However, most of the judges were local, capable of leading one or a few tribes but not all of Israel. Further, they were able to muster local militias but not any standing armies ready to defend the nation from attackers. Nor did they establish a dynasty or some other institution of ongoing leadership.
In the middle of the eleventh century B.C., Samuel was a combination prophet and judge, but his sons were too corrupt to continue his service to the nation. The people clamored for a king in 1 Samuel 8, and the Lord permitted it, guiding Samuel to choose and anoint Saul as the first king and then get popular support for his leadership (1 Sam 9-10). The first crisis arose when the Ammonites besieged the town of Jabesh-gilead, a town somewhere along modern Wadi el-Jabis, which flows from the Gilead plateau in Jordan down to the Jordan River.
Stop here and read 1 Samuel 11:1-7 in your own Bible.
When the Spirit of God “rushed” (“came mightily” is a bit interpretive) upon Saul at hearing the plea of the threatened people of Jabesh-gilead, his anger was “kindled,” or became hot (1 Sam 11:6). His action of cutting two oxen into pieces to be sent throughout the land of Israel as a threat to those who refuse to help save Jabesh-gilead was a symbol for those who belonged to the national covenant. People who broke covenants were threatened