A Pocket Catechism for Kids, Updated. Mike Aquilina

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A Pocket Catechism for Kids, Updated - Mike Aquilina

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of God. God is a Trinity because He is three Persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — yet one God. (2-8)

       5. Who is God the Father?

      God the Father is the first Person of the Holy Trinity. He is a true and perfect Father, Who guards us, His children, guides us, is always attentive to us, and provides for our needs. (Pre-8)

       6. Who is Jesus?

      Jesus is the eternal Son of God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity, Who came into the world to save us from sin and show us the way to heaven. Jesus is true God and true man. (Pre-8)

       7. How was Jesus born into this world?

      By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus became man and was born to the Virgin Mary. When God became man, He became our brother. (1-8)

       8. How did Jesus live?

      Jesus worked, studied, and prayed as we all must do. He lived with His parents, Mary and Joseph, as an obedient and loving son. (Pre-8)

       9. What are miracles?

      Miracles are acts of God. They show that God’s power is greater than every other power, even the power of nature. (1-8)

       10. Did Jesus perform miracles?

      Jesus performed many miracles. He changed water into wine, He healed the sick, He brought the dead to life, and He fed thousands of people with a few loaves of bread. (1-8)

       11. How did Jesus die?

      Jesus died on the cross. People who did not believe in Jesus put Him to death. But Jesus still loved them. He said, “Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). (1-8)

       12. Why did Jesus die on the cross?

      Jesus died on the cross for my sake. He died to make up for all my sins and to open the gates of heaven for all of God’s people. (1-8)

       13. What happened after Jesus died?

      His mother and His friends laid Him in a tomb. After three days, Jesus rose from the dead. We call this “the Resurrection.” We celebrate the Resurrection on every Sunday, but especially Easter Sunday. (1-8)

       14. What is the Ascension?

      Forty days after rising from the dead, Jesus ascended to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God the Father forever. (4-8)

       15. Who is the Holy Spirit?

      The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to His apostles on Pentecost, ten days after Jesus’ ascension. He continues to fill believers with His Spirit today. (1-8)

       16. What does the Holy Spirit do?

      The Holy Spirit gives us the power to be faithful to God and to do all that God asks of us. The Holy Spirit comes to us at baptism and at confirmation. (1-8)

       17. Who were the apostles?

      The apostles were twelve men Jesus called to be His special friends and leaders in His Church. As witnesses to the Resurrection, they were sent by Jesus to every corner of the world to tell His good news. (3-8)

       18. Who was St. Peter?

      St. Peter was the man Jesus chose to lead His Church. St. Peter was the first pope. (3-8)

       19. What is a pope?

      Following after St. Peter, the pope is the supreme head of the Church on earth. (3-8)

       20. Who are the bishops?

      The bishops are successors to the apostles. They teach, guide, and sanctify the people of God throughout the world. (3-8)

       21. What is the Church?

      The Church is the Living Body of Jesus today. It is made up of all God’s people. Jesus made the Church to be the ordinary way people could come to know God and be saved. (1-8)

       22. Why do we go to church?

      We go to church to receive God’s grace, especially in His Body and Blood in Holy Communion. We go to church to gather with the people of God, to thank God for His gifts, and to take part in — to remember and give thanks for — the great sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, which is made present in the Mass. (1-8)

       23. Who is the Blessed Virgin Mary?

      The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus. Because Jesus is God the Son, we call her the “Mother of God.” She is Mother of the Church and our mother, too. (1-8)

       24. Why is Mary important?

      Mary is the model disciple, who gave God perfect obedience, always saying yes to Him. She was chosen, from all time, to bear God into the world. (1-8)

       25. What is the Rosary?

      The Rosary is a series of prayers, counted on beads, which we offer to Mary as we think about the life of Jesus. (3-8)

       26. What is a saint?

      The saints are Christians who have died and joined God in heaven. We honor them because they lived holy lives. (2-8)

       27. Why do we pray to saints?

      Our Faith tells us that in heaven the saints pray for us on earth. Just as we might ask our best friend on earth to pray for us, we ask these good friends in heaven to pray for us. (2-8)

       28. What happens when someone dies?

      People who follow the will of God go to Him at the end of their days on earth. His mercy purifies them of their sins so that they can live in His presence. (2-8)

       29. What is heaven?

      Heaven is life with God in His kingdom forever. It is a state of total joy and peace, where there is no suffering. (3-8)

       30. What is purgatory?

      Purgatory is the purification a soul goes through after death so that it can enter heaven. (5-8)

       31. What is hell?

      Hell is a state of eternal punishment for people who die in serious sin, choosing not to love God or follow His commandments. (5-8)


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