Stand Up for Yourself & Your Friends. Patti Kelley Criswell

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Stand Up for Yourself & Your Friends - Patti Kelley Criswell American Girl

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Girls Who Stood Strong


       Standing Up for Others

       Being a Good Ally

       Telling or Tattling?

       Girls Who Stood Up for Others

       Caring for Friends

       QUIZ: What Do You Stand For?

       Changing Friendships

       What Do You Do?

       Shining Bright

       Make a Difference




      Teasing. Taunting. Being mean. No matter what you call it, one thing is

      for sure: It’s all about power. People who bully are trying to take your

      power—the part of you that’s strong, smart, and confident. They keep

      hurting your feelings with actions or words that are meant to be hurtful.



      Is This Bullying?

      Think you know what bullying is? Read about each situation,

      and decide whether or not it’s bullying.

      1. A boy in your class was sick and didn’t

      make it to the bathroom in time. Now

      the kids call him a mean name. You

      don’t call him that, but you laugh along.

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.

      2. It’s the same thing day after day—you

      see the boys on the bus pushing and

      shoving as they try to get off the bus

      to go to school.

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.


      3. There is a girl in your class who

      is different. Lately people have

      been posting terrible things

      about her, but they never say

      anything to her face.

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.

      4. A girl comes up to you in the

      lunchroom and says, “I don’t mean

      to be rude, but you need to move.

      Only my friends sit here.”

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.

      5. One day she’s your friend,

      and the next day she’s

      sitting with someone else

      and won’t talk to you.

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.


      6. A girl asks, “Can I play with you

      guys?” One of your friends

      says, “Sorry, it’s not going to

      work out today.”

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.

      7. You sometimes stumble over

      words when you read aloud.

      Every time it happens, the

      same girl corrects you.

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.

      8. You said something kind of mean

      to a classmate about his mom’s

      car. You apologized afterward and

      tried to be extra nice to him the

      rest of the day.

      Yes, it’s bullying.

      No, it’s not.

      I’m not sure.



      1. Yes. Joining in the laughter

      means joining in the bullying. In

      fact, by encouraging the bully-


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