A Smart Girl's Guide: Money. Nancy Holyoke

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A Smart Girl's Guide: Money - Nancy Holyoke American Girl

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the check

      your Aunt Maud

      sent for your



      money moments

      Money influences how we see other people and how we see ourselves.

      Maybe that’s why the decisions we make about it often have more to do

      with emotion than with math.

      Follow these girls through a day of money decisions and observations.

      What emotions are they feeling?



      “Here’s your allowance,” says Sierra’s mother. “Don’t spend it all on

      something silly.” Sierra nods. She’ll try, but if Morgan and Amber want

      to go to the mall after school, she can’t exactly say no.



      Genevieve has a new purse. Sierra knows for a fact that her brother’s

      car cost less than that brand of purse. She decides Genevieve

      is stuck-up.



      Amber is smiling as she walks down the hall. Yesterday, she figured out

      she’d earned $253 selling ankle bracelets since September. $253 of her

      very own! She feels like she grew two inches overnight. She decides

      she’ll spend $5 at the mall after school. She can afford it.




      “Cool shoes,” says Amber to Morgan. “How much did they cost?” The

      real answer is a lot, but Morgan knows her family has more money than

      Amber’s. “I’m not sure,” she says. “I think they were on sale.”



      The girls have been at the mall for an hour. Morgan and Amber both

      bought something. “You’ve got to get something, too, Sierra,” they say.

      Sierra does.



      The credit-card bill has arrived. Amber’s parents argue for a while. Then

      doors slam. Amber turns on some tunes, sits on her bed, and makes

      ankle bracelets.



      No clean laundry for Morgan tonight. The washer’s broken. “Let’s get a

      new one,” says her dad. “It’s only money.”



      Sierra is reading in bed. It’s a story about an orphan who gets adopted

      by a millionaire. She falls asleep imagining what it would be like to be

      that rich. Next week she’ll save her allowance for sure. Maybe.


      money emotions

      You’ve probably had all kinds of feelings about money.

      You also have habits and attitudes that have been shaped by your family.

      A girl whose parents talk with ease about family finances will think

      differently about money than a girl whose parents worry or argue when

      the bills arrive. A girl who’s grown up shopping the sales with her mom

      will likely have different spending habits than a girl who has only seen

      her mom buy freely. A girl’s experiences may incline her to like or dislike

      people with more money—or to like or dislike people with less.

      All this means that your feelings about money may be complicated. But

      the way you use money doesn’t have to be.

      When it comes to making decisions about money, keep your head cool

      and your thinking clear. Let three basic questions be your guide:


      Where are you now in terms of money?


      Where do you want

      to go?


      How do you

      get there?










      “I get an allowance.

      My mom likes the fact that

      I am not bugging her for

      money. Having my own

      money has helped me learn

      how to manage money.”



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