School RULES!. Emma MacLaren Henke

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School RULES! - Emma MacLaren Henke American Girl

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from school and back again. Don’t forget books, forms,

      and permission slips!


      Ready, Set,


      Learn how you learn, and

      become a homework pro.


      What’s Your

      Study Style?

      Pinpoint your learning style to make the most of your study sessions.

      Choose as many answers as you like.

      1.You like to study for spelling tests by . . .

      a. writing out your words.

      b. spelling your words out loud.

      c. looking at your words in your spelling book.

      2. Your favorite topic in math class is . . .

      a. math facts, because you love to prac- tice with a partner.

      b. geometry, because the shapes help you see math ideas clearly.

      c. story problems, because the words show how to use math in real life.

      3. To learn how to bake your favorite

      cookies, you’d . . .

      a. study the recipe in the cookbook, then try it yourself.

      b. ask your dad to make them with you and show you what to do.

      c. watch a video recipe online.

      4. You’d prefer to find out how water

       freezes by . . .

      a. studying your science textbook.

      b. listening to your science teacher explain the process.

      c. making ice cubes and observing them as they freeze and melt.

      5. Your favorite teachers tend to . . .

      a. give exciting lectures.

      b. assign interesting reading.

      c. create cool projects.


      6. You’re studying presidents in history

      class. You’d like to find out more by . . .

      a. reading an essay.

      b. reviewing a graph.

      c. taking part in a class discussion.

      7.Your teacher recommends a book to the

      class. You’d love to . . .

      a. read the book right away.

      b. listen as the teacher reads the book to the class.

      c. put on a skit that brings a scene from the book to life.

      8.The activity you’d choose in Spanish

      class is . . .

      a. practicing conversation with a group of friends.

      b. watching Spanish language cartoons.

      c. writing stories using new Spanish vocabulary words.

      9.For the science fair, you’d choose an

      experiment that requires . . .

      a. reading lots of background material.

      b. creating diagrams and posters.

      c. working with a group.

      10.To memorize a poem, you’d . . .

      a. write the poem over and over until you knew it by heart

      b. say the poem out loud to yourself and ask others to read it to you.

      c. read the poem again and again, covering up lines to see if you remember them.


      Take a look at the choices you made.

      Each color shows a way you like to

      learn. Understanding your learning

      style helps you find techniques for

      homework and studying that work

      for you.

      Green: You’re an auditory learner. You learn by hear- ing new information. When your teacher tells stories or explains new ideas out loud, they really stick with you. You like to study what you’re learning by saying it out loud or making up a story about it.

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