Felicity 3-book set. Valerie Tripp

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Felicity 3-book set - Valerie Tripp American Girl

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said Elizabeth.

      Felicity’s heart pounded as she took her place at the tea table. This was the moment she dreaded. How could she refuse tea without being rude? She watched Elizabeth measure the tea and pour the hot water into the teapot. She watched as Elizabeth handed each of them a teacup, saucer, and spoon. Then Elizabeth began to fill the teacups. She poured Miss Manderly’s cup without spilling a drop. She poured Annabelle’s cup and offered her the sugar. Felicity’s cup was next.

      Felicity took a deep breath. Very gracefully, she turned her teacup upside down on the saucer and put her spoon across it. “Thank you, Elizabeth,” she said politely in a clear, strong voice. “I shall take no tea.”

      “Well done,” said Miss Manderly softly.

      Elizabeth smiled. “Perhaps you’d like a queen cake,” she said as she handed the plate to Felicity.

      “I’d prefer a plain biscuit,” said Felicity as she smiled back at her friend. “I’ve no loose teeth to worry about today!”

      An Invitation to the Palace

      inline-image CHAPTER 11 inline-image

      inline-imageelicity ran along the frozen path as if she were running toward Christmas. Then quick! She turned sideways and slid, slick as a fish, across a smooth stretch of ice. “Try sliding!” she called back to Nan. “It’s fast! I’m going to do it again!”

      Nan grinned but shook her head. “We shouldn’t slide, Lissie. It isn’t proper,” she said. “And anyway, you know we promised Mother we wouldn’t play. We said we’d come straight home after we cut enough holly to fill our baskets.”

      “Very well,” said Felicity cheerfully. She knew Nan was right, as usual. Besides, she had already spotted more clear patches of ice ahead. So she ran and slid, ran and slid, while Nan trotted along behind, carefully picking up the holly sprigs that fell out of Felicity’s basket.

       “Mother! William!” called Felicity as she and Nan burst into the house. “Come see the holly we’ve cut. ’Tis ever so full of berries!”

      Mrs. Merriman and little William hurried to greet the girls.

      “Look at all the holly!” said William. “A lot and a lot!”

      Mrs. Merriman smiled. “My two Christmas sprites!” she said. “You have done a fine job. The holly is perfect. Now I can work Christmas magic on the house. But look at you! Your noses are as red and cold as the holly berries.

      “Go sit yourselves by the fire. Lissie, take your shoes off first. Don’t track that muddy slush into the parlor.” She scooped up William with one arm and the two holly baskets with the other. “Later, you can help me decorate. It will be a fine surprise for your father and Ben.”

      Just then, they heard polite knocking on the door. “Oh, Lissie,” said Mrs. Merriman. “My hands are full. Do please answer the door.”

      “Yes, Mother,” said Felicity. The floor was slippery, and she slid a little as she hurried to the door. When she opened it, she stepped back in surprise. “Goodness!” she gasped.

      There stood a very elegantly dressed man. He bowed to Mrs. Merriman. “Good day, madam,” he said. “Do I have the honor of addressing the wife of Mr. Edward Merriman?” Felicity’s mother nodded, and the man held out a letter. “This is for you, madam,” he said.

      Mrs. Merriman quickly put William and the holly baskets down and took the letter. “Thank you,” she said as the man left. “Good day to you.”

      Felicity, Nan, and William crowded close to Mother as she untied the red ribbon and opened the letter. “Why, Lissie!” she exclaimed. “It is from Lady Dunmore, the royal governor’s wife. It’s an invitation for you.”

      “Me?” gasped Felicity.

      “Just listen,” said Mrs. Merriman. She cleared her throat and read the invitation. “Lady Dunmore presents her compliments to Mrs. Merriman and requests the favor of her daughter Felicity’s attendance at a dancing lesson at the Palace on Saturday, January seven at four o’clock.”

      “Oooh, Lissie!” sighed Nan. “You are so lucky!”

      Mother handed the invitation to Felicity. She read it, but she could hardly believe the message written in curlicues and fancy script. She was invited to the royal Governor’s Palace. The Palace was the fanciest, most elegant place in Williamsburg. Many times she’d peeked through the iron gates in the high brick wall around it. And now she was invited to come inside, as a guest! Felicity was speechless. The room was so quiet, they all jumped when they heard more knocking at the door.

      “Whatever now?” laughed Mrs. Merriman. “I shouldn’t be surprised if it’s King George himself!”

      But it was Elizabeth, waving an invitation just like Felicity’s. “Oh, you got yours, too!” she exclaimed. Her blue eyes were bright with excitement. “Isn’t it wonderful? Both of us invited to the Palace! Won’t it be grand? A dance lesson isn’t like a school lesson. There will be music, and lovely food, and everyone wearing beautiful clothes. This dance lesson will be almost like a ball!”

      “A ball!” said Nan, wide-eyed.

      Elizabeth rattled on, “My mother says Miss Manderly arranged for us to be invited. Miss Manderly knows the dancing master who teaches the governor’s children. She asked him to invite you and me and Annabelle. Aren’t you excited?”

      “Yes!” laughed Felicity. “I think I must be in a dream.”

      “The cold will wake you from your dream,” smiled Mrs. Merriman. “Put your shoes back on, Lissie. Go to the store and show the invitation to your father. You must ask his permission to go to the dancing lesson. Hurry now.”

      Felicity pulled her shoes back on. “Can you come to the store with me, Elizabeth?” she asked.

      “No, I’d best not,” Elizabeth answered. “My mother doesn’t like me to be out in the cold. She’s certain I’ll catch a fever.” The two girls shared a look that said, Aren’t mothers silly, always worried about fevers and such? Then Elizabeth left for home.

      Felicity gave no thought to the cold as she stepped out into the twilight. There was a happy feeling in the city of Williamsburg that evening. Windows in many of the houses and shops were trimmed inside with holiday greenery as if they were dressed up for a special occasion. Some wore necklaces of ivy. Others had fans of pine or garlands of holly leaves.

      Christmastide was Felicity’s favorite time of year. It was the season of celebrations, pretty decorations, and many visitors. And this Christmas promised to be the most wonderful ever. This Christmas Felicity was invited to the Palace! Felicity held her invitation safe under her cloak and hurried toward her father’s store.

      The store was empty of customers, though it was not yet closing time. Since Mr. Merriman had stopped selling tea, the store was never very busy. People who agreed with the king had stopped

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