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Hot Sex Stories Made Easy - Speedy Publishing XXX Erotic Short Stories Collection

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Is Like N

      Love Is Like N

      Love is like no other things known to mankind.

      Love is also like nirvana.

      Love is like nothing else that man can ever know.

      Without it, there is no way for anyone to ever grow.

      Love is the binding that holds the soul together every day.

      It keeps us together no matter where the journey takes us today.

      Love Is Like O

      Love Is Like O

      Love is like oxygen because without it one would die.

      It is the best feeling to have even when it hurts like hell inside.

      Love is like a great opera singer who can forever sing.

      The chimes of love are the best sounds that the heart can ever bring.

      Love Is Like P

      Love Is Like P

      Love is like a pandora love heart ring.

      Sometimes love is even like a sting, sometimes it can be quite a perky ding, sometimes love can be quite a jerk and sometimes love can even be like a meaningless fling and then you have to decide if you want to blow it or if you want to grow it!

      Love Is Like Q

      Love Is Like Q

      Love is also like a quest to discover who we are.

      To find the answers, we all will travel very far.

      Love can be a rainbow of colors that we long to touch.

      We'll even paint our own colors when we get a chance because we humans just love romance.

      Love Is Like R

      Love Is Like R

      Love is like the most fairy rainbow colors that we can never touch.

      We desire it so much, but a rainbow is like love and it is better if it stays untouched!

      Love Is Like S

      Love Is Like S

      Love is like S who loves K.

      S can stand for your sister or K can stand for the name Kate.

      S can also stand for universality which is a concept that is quite great.

      S can love her lover or S can love herself.

      K stands for S's lover and K stands for a name like Kent.

      Love is also Spacious like a giant spaceship.

      There is no room as spacious that would match the space of love because love knows no limits or ends.

      Love can not be filled in a glass because it would overflow the brim.

      Love is truly endless and love is infinite.

      Love knows no boundaries and with love you have to know how to let go!

      Love Is Like T

      Love Is Like T

      Love is like the wind or the dew on the grass that comes every morning true.

      Love wets your feet gently when you walk through.

      Some days love is a mystery and I don't have a clue because it blows my knowledge of life history.

      But most importantly of all, love is like... You!

      Love Is Like U

      Love Is Like U

      Love is like a Ukulele and love sometimes seems like the biggest of all utopies.

      Love is when all my united senses are smelling your perfume and your lust.

      The love of unity smells stronger than the smell of the most scrumptious smelling bakery.

      But in fact love is so strong that nobody can even escape from it!

      Love Is Like V

      Love Is Like V

      Love is like a volcano some days.

      Love is like a volcano ready to explode.

      It is an eruption that can never, ever be slowed.

      Love is also like the finest of fine wines.

      Its flavor originates from the care given to the vines.

      Love Is Like W

      Love Is Like W

      Love is like a wunder and love is like a wound that heals like a miracle.

      Quite frankly, and on the other hand, sometimes love seems like a blunder.

      Others feel love hurts like plunder - a state where lovers might go under!

      For others it is quite the opposite because love for them is like a wunderful, plentiful, powerful and infectious waterfall!

      Love Is Like X

      Love Is Like X


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