Field Guide to Animal Tracks and Scat of California. Lawrence Mark Elbroch
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Track Morphology
Most mammal tracks are composed of claws, digital pads, metacarpal or metatarsal pads (the palms), carpal pads and other heel structures, and the negative space in between these structures (see the figure on page 36). To start, study beautiful footprints in damp, slightly muddy earth, wet sand, a thin layer of loose dust on firm substrate, or a thin layer of fresh snow. In these conditions you will be able to see clear, complete tracks and better understand them. An individual animal's footprint will vary according to its age, mass, sex, condition, and the substrate in which it steps, and these nuances can only be recognized once you have enough experience with a species to know what a “normal” track might look like.
North American River Otter tracks.
The specific details of track morphology for different species are covered in depth in the species accounts at the end of the book. However, as an introduction to the topic, consider these eight key questions to species identification and some examples of why they might be useful:
1. How asymmetrical is the track? Track symmetry is the comparison between the right and left sides of the track. In a perfectly symmetrical track, the left and right sides align and match perfectly. However, nearly every mammal track is asymmetrical to some degree, and it is the degree of asymmetry that will be useful.
For example, the front tracks of Bobcats are often much more asymmetrical than the hind tracks. The opposite is true for river otters, where the front track often appears more symmetrical than the hind track.
2. How many toes can you see in the track, and are they all on the same plane? Shrew tracks have five toes on both front and rear feet, and they all tend to register in footprints. Hares have five toes on their front feet (although the innermost toe is tiny and easily overlooked in the track or does not register at all) and four toes on their hind feet. Canid and felid tracks tend to register four distinct toes, even though they have five toes on their front feet; digit 1 on each front foot sits on a higher plane on the inside on the leg and registers when they run.
The loping tracks of a river otter. From right to left, right front, left front (below)–right hind combo, left hind. Compare the relative sizes and symmetries between front tracks and hind tracks. Study the shapes of the digital pads and claw marks.
3. What is the shape of the digital pads? Teardrop-shaped toes are characteristic of felids, especially females, as well as the digits in mink and smaller weasel tracks. In Fisher tracks the bulbous toe pads are separate from the metacarpal or metatarsal pads, while in raccoon tracks the cigar-shaped toes tend to be connected to the metacarpal or metatarsal pads.
4. Can you see nails? Look closely, because sometimes nails register as tiny pricks in the ground, as in Gray Foxes; in other instances they are massive and difficult to miss, as in American Beavers. Are they sharp or blunt? Are they coming straight out from the toes, or do they curve down from a location on top of the toe? In deep snow, Bobcat tracks often show claws, which register in the wall of snow in front of the track, on a plane higher than the digits. Domestic Dog tracks tend to have large, blunt nails in comparison with the sharp, thin nails of Coyotes. The outer nails of Coyotes also often register so close to the inner toes that they are overlooked.
5. What is the overall shape of the metacarpal or metatarsal pads (palms)? In some animals, including canids and felids, the metacarpal pads have fused together to form one palm pad. Characteristics of felid tracks include an anterior (leading) edge with two lobes, termed bilobate, and a posterior edge with three. The palm pads of felid tracks also tend to fill the overall track. This means that, in terms of area, they compose a larger proportion of the track than do the palm pads in tracks of canids. In both canids and felids, the palm pads are much larger on the front feet than the hind.
A comparison of the negative space in the front feet of three carnivores.
6. Can you make out a heel in the track? All mammals in the order Rodentia, from mice to beavers, excepting the porcupine, register two round pads behind their metacarpal pads in their front tracks. One is a carpal pad on the heel and the other a modified metacarpal pad. In the front tracks of weasels, Ringtails, and bears, a carpal pad can be found, and in some mammals the heels of the hind feet register only as impressions.
7. Can you see hair in the track, and if so, where? Rabbits lack naked pads and have completely furred feet. Red Foxes have very small toe pads surrounded by lots of hair, and Striped Skunks have no hair between their toes at all.
8. What is the shape in between the toes and palm pads, here called the negative space? Look for an “X,” “H,” or “C” shape in felid and canid tracks. The front tracks of Gray Foxes and Domestic Dogs tend to show an “H,” while those of Red Fox and Coyote show an “X.” Look for a “C” in the front tracks of cats.
The Effects of Substrate
Substrate is a catchall word for what an animal has stepped in, whether it be sand, mud, snow, or grass. The depth of substrate, which is reflected in the depth of the print, has an enormous influence on the appearance, size, and shape of the track, as well as on how the animal moves. In shallow substrates, like moist, hard sand, animals move easily and therefore tend toward their normal gaits. In deep or slippery substrates, animals tend to slow down. The conditions of different substrates in which an animal may step are infinite and thus create great challenges for the tracker.
The toes on soft feet are rounded in soft ground but will spread out on firm ground and appear larger and different in shape. On very hard ground only the tips or edges of hooves may show, or only the claws of padded feet. Movement and activities also change the shape of a track. For example, sliding feet may give the impression of elongated toes, and twisting and dragging feet may partially obliterate track features. The forefeet and hind feet may also be superimposed, so that the toes of one foot may be confused with those of another. Running animals may also splay their feet. Certain species have tremendous control in how much they spread their feet. For instance, cats walking in soft mud or wet snow splay their feet and leave tracks nearly twice as large as those left when on firm ground.
To illustrate the effects of substrate and behavior on tracks, compare the following three photos. In this picture, a Bobcat has stepped in firm mud and its resulting tracks are clean, tight, and easily recognizable.
Here a Bobcat is walking normally in soft, deep dust that obscures the edges of the tracks, making them more difficult to identify.
These are the tracks of a Bobcat stepping in soft, moist mud, and the cat responded by spreading its toes (resulting in splayed tracks) and in some instances, extending its claws to improve