Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part One. Andrew J. Marshall
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Selected References
Because a bibliography of all historical sources of information as well as the results of collecting mentioned in this review would fill a large volume, most works mentioned by author or title in the text are not repeated here. Only some more general sources are accounted for below.
The most substantial older twentieth-century bibliographies are Toa kyo-ei-ken sigenkagaku bunken mokuroku 1: [New Guinea] (1942, Dept. Education, Japan) and An annotated bibliography of the southwest Pacific and adjacent areas 1 and 2 (1944, Allied Geographical Section) along with a general bibliography in five volumes issued in the 1980s by the University of Papua New Guinea Library. For Papua there is also West Irian: a bibliography (1984, Dordrecht: Foris, as KITLV Bibl. Ser. 15) by J. van Baal, K. W. Galis, and R. M. Koentjaranigrat (a revision of Bibliographie van Nederlands-Nieuw-Guinea (1962) by Galis). For specific biota there have been published Bibliography of New Guinea entomology (1968, as Pacific Insects Monogr. 18) by J. L. Gressitt and J. J. H. Szent-Ivany; Bibliography of invertebrate animals from New Guinea (1973, in Science in New Guinea 1: 41–46) by W. H. Ewers; Papua New Guinea fisheries bibliography (1985, Port Moresby, as Dept. Primary Industry Tech. Rept. 85/3) by J. M. Lock and D. C. Waites; Bibliography of freshwater ecology in Papua New Guinea (1988, Waigani (Port Moresby), as Dept. Biology (UPNG) Occ. Pap. 9) by P. L. Osborne; and A bibliography of the flora and vegetation of Papua New Guinea (1996, in Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 39(2): 20–168) by S. Saulei. The entomological bibliography contains taxonomic and subject indices; those of Lock/Waites and Saulei have broadly circumscribed subdivisions. More or less extensive lists of references furthermore appear in several of the other works listed here.
General encyclopedic works on, or inclusive of, New Guinea are Neu-Guinea ([1899], Berlin: Schall, in their series Bibliothek der Länderkunde), ed. M. Krieger; Deutsches Kolonialreich (1910, Leipzig), ed. H. J. Meyer; Deutsch-Neu-Guinea (1911, Berlin: Reimer) by R. Neuhauss; Deutsches Kolonial-Lexikon (1920, Berlin) [now available on the Web]; Nieuw-Guinée (1935–38, the Hague) and its second edition, Nieuw-Guinea (1953–1954, the Hague), both ed. W. C. Klein and island-wide in coverage; and Encyclopaedia of Papua New Guinea (1972, Melbourne).
Very important for biota in general is Biogeography and Ecology of New Guinea (1982, Junk, as Monographiae biologicae 42), ed. J. L. Gressitt; a wide range of groups (and some ecosystems) is encompassed. Earlier coverage for flora and vegetation may be found in an essay by H. J. Lam in Nieuw-Guinée (1: 187–210) and one (with references) by C. G. G. J. van Steenis in its successor (2: 218–275); others have appeared since, including Documentation of the flora of New Guinea (pp. 123–156) by B. J. Conn in Biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems (1994, Taipei, as Mon. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sin. 14), ed. C.-I. Peng and C.-H.