Instant Chinese. Boye Lafayette De Mente

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Instant Chinese - Boye Lafayette De Mente Instant Phrasebook Series

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      Ta-men qu ma? (Tah-mern chwee mah) 他们去吗?

      Are we going now?

      Wo-men xianzai qu ma? (Woh-mern shee-an-zigh chwee mah) 我们现在去吗?


Come Lai (Lie) 来

      I’m coming

      Wo lai (Woh lie) 我来

      I’m not coming

      Wo bu lai (Woh boo lie) 我不来

      He/she is coming

      Ta lai (Tah lie) 他来

      He/she is not coming

      Ta bu lai (Tah boo lie) 他不来

      I cannot come

      Bu neng lai (Boo nerng lie) 不能来

      They are coming

      Ta-men lai (Tah-mern lie) 他们来

      I will come tomorrow

      Wo mingtian lai (Woh meeng-tee-an lie) 我明天来


Toilet Cesuo (tser-swoh) 厕所

men nan (nahn) 男
women nu (nwee) 女
public toilet gonggong cesuo (gohng-gohng tser-swoh) 公共厕所

      Where is the toilet, please?

      Qingwen, cesuo zai nar? (Cheeng-wern, tser-swoh dzigh nah-urr) 请问,厕所在那儿?

      Is there a public toilet near here?

      Zhe fujin you gonggong cesuo ma? (Jur foo-jeen you gohng-gohng tser-swoh mah) 这附近有公共厕所吗?

      I need to go to the toilet

      Wo yao qu cesuo (Woh yee-ow chwee tser-swoh) 我要去厕所


Money Qian (Chee-an) 钱

Chinese currency renminbi (wren-meen-bee) 人民币
US dollars Mei yuan (May ywahn) 美元
Hong Kong dollars Gang bi (Gahng bee) 港币
Australian dollars Aodaliya yuan (Ah-aw-dah-lee-yah ywen) 奥地利亚元
Canadian dollars Jiabi (Jee-ah-bee) 加币
English pounds Ying bang (Yeeng bahng) 英镑
Japanese yen Ri yuan (Ree ywahn) 日元
travelers’ checks luxing zhipiao (lwee-sheeng jr-pee-ow) 旅行支票
credit cards xinyong ka (sheen-yohng kah) 信用卡
cash xiankuan (shee-an-kwahn) 现款

      Where can I exchange money?

      Nali keyi duihuan qian? (Nah-lee ker-ee dway-hwahn chee-an) 那里可以兑换钱?

      What is today’s exchange rate for US dollars?

      Jintian Mei yuan duihuan lu duoshao? (Jeen-tee-an May ywahn dway-hwahn lwee dwoh-shou)


      Can you write it down?

      Ni neng xiexia-lai ma? (Nee nung shay-she-ah lie mah)



Credit Cards Xinyong ka (Sheen-yohng kah) 信用卡

      Do you accept credit cards?

      Ni shou xinyong ka ma? (Nee show sheen-yohng kah mah) 你收信用卡吗?

      Which credit cards do you accept?

      Ni-men jieshou naxie xinyong ka? (Nee-mern jeh-show nah-shay sheen-yohng kah) 你们接受那些信用卡?

      Can I use my credit card to get cash?

      Wo neng yong xinyong ka duihuan xiankuan ma? (Woh nerng yohng sheen-yohng kah dway-hwahn sheean-kwahn ma) 我能用信用卡兑换现款吗?


Want Yao (yow) 要

      I want to go to the Great Wall

      Wo yao qu Chang Cheng (Woh yow chwee Chahng Cherng) 我要去长城

      I want to go sightseeing

      Wo yao qu guanguang (Woh yow chwee gwahn-gwahng) 我要去观光

      I want to buy a newspaper

      Wo yao mai baozhi (Woh yow my bow-jr) 我要买报纸

      I want to go to the American Embassy

      Wa yao qu Meiguo Dashiguan (Woh yow chwee Maygwoh Dah-shr-gwahn) 我要去美国大使馆

      I want to rest

      Wo yao xiuxi (Woh yee-ow she-oh-she) 我要休息


Need Xuyao (She-yee-ow) 需要

      I need some aspirin

      Wo xuyao asipilin (Woh she-yee-ow ahs-pee-leen) 我需要阿司匹林

      I need some foot powder

      Wo xuyao jiao zhi fen (Woh she-yee-ow jee-ow chee fern) 我需要脚指粉

      I need some shampoo

      Wo xuyao xifaji (Woh she-yee-ow see-fa-jee) 我需要洗 发剂

      I need some razor blades

      Wo xuyao guahu dao (Woh she-yee-ow gwah-hoo dow) 我需要刮胡刀


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