Basic Japanese Kanji Volume 1. Timothy G. Stout

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Basic Japanese Kanji Volume 1 - Timothy G. Stout

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      E. Large Numbers in Japanese

      Western numbers are based on three-digit units (i.e., thousand, million, billion, trillion), but Japan’s and most Asian numbers are based on four-digit units (i.e., ten thousand = man, hundred million = oku, one trillion = chō). Although the last two units are not included in the list of core kanji they are included here briefly for illustration.

      In English we do not commonly use numbers larger than the trillions, and this is also the case in Japanese.

      If you give a large number to a Japanese person the first thing they usually do, is divide it into four-digit chunks. Take the following example.

      Since the first number is in the ones’ place of the third chunk, it represents the value of oku, here it is san-oku. Then, there is a zero in the thousands’ place of the second chunk; zeros are ignored. Next, there is a one in the hundreds’ place, a one in the tens’ place, and a three in the ones’ place. These represent the values of hyaku jū san-man. Finally, there is a nine in the thousands’ place, a nine in the hundreds’ place, a four in the tens’ place and a seven in the ones’ place. These are handled just as in Western numbers, namely kyū-sen, kyū-hyaku yon-ju nana.

      Again, one trick is to parse numbers into four-digit chunks. Also, recall that the zeros in large western numbers are not written in kanji. Try these.

      Now, let’s go in the other direction, from Japanese to Arabic numerals. This is a bit tricky, but one helpful method for doing this is to make a line for each place value. Look at this example.

      The highest value is in the ten thousands’ place, so the first line is drawn for the ten thousands’ place, and a line is drawn for each of the smaller place values. Then, the actual values are written in the appropriate blanks. First, 1 is written in the ten thousands’ place, 2 in the thousands’ place, 3 in the hundreds’ place, 8 in the tens’ place, and 8 in the ones’ place (12,388 ft.).

      F. Time and Cost

      The following table gives the time and cost of train travel from Tokyo Station to popular tourist destinations in Japan. Read the table and then write the times and costs in English below.

      (Source: Viewed August 2008)

      G. Most Populous Cities in the World

      Below are the 10 most populous cities in the world, listed out of order. Read the population figures, write them in Arabic numerals on the right, and then write the correct rankings on the left using kanji characters.

      (Source: Viewed August 2008)



      Sun, day, Sunday

      Four (4) strokes A sun with a wide smile

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

hi day
ふつか futsuka 2nd day of the month
にほん nihon Japan
にちようび nichiyōbi Sunday
きゅうじつ kyūjitsu holiday, day off
きょう kyō today



      Moon, month, Monday

      Four (4) strokes A crescent moon, eyes closed and smiling

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

つき tsuki moon
げつようび getsuyōbi monday
こんげつ kongetsu this month
いちがつ ichigatsu January
なんがつ nangatsu what month
いっかげつ ikkagetsu one month
せいねんがっぴ seinengappi date of birth

      * An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.

      Kōhei san wa, yonkagetsukan amerika de hōmusutei o shimashita. Soshite kongetsu fu tsuka ni nihon ni kaette kimashita. Kyō, Haruna san wa Kōhei

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