Basic Tagalog for Foreigners and Non-Tagalogs. Paraluman S. Aspillera

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Basic Tagalog for Foreigners and Non-Tagalogs - Paraluman S. Aspillera

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is changed to k as in gimmick gímik ct is changed to k as in addict ádik qua or q are changed to kwa as in quality kwáliti long i is changed to ay as in driver dráyber f is changed to p as in traffic trápik v is changed to b as in believe bilíb long o is changed to u as in approve aprúb cle is changed to kel as in tricycle tráysikel tion is changed to syon as in institution institusyón x is changed to ks as in boxing bóksing j is changed to dy as in janitor dyánitor beginning s is changed to is as in sport ísport soft ch is changed to ts as in teacher títser hard ch is changed to k as in school iskúl

      Students should also learn how to write the following foreign words in Tagalog that are very common in everyday conversation. Needless to say, correct pronunciation is very important. Learn to pronounce these words as true Tagalog words by taking particular notice of the accent marks and stresses (these will be discussed in Lesson Two). Repeat the words aloud and take note of the vowels.

alkohól alcohol klub club silyá chair
piyáno piano sinehán movie house kompyúter computer
rádyo radio pelíkula movie pasapórte passport
kótse car bentiladór electric fan tiangge bazaar
telépono telephone otél hotel tindáhan store
bangkô bench tabáko tobacco papél paper
kapé coffee tenis tennis plástik plastic
restawrán restaurant sigarílyo cigarette telebísyon television


Lúnes Monday Biyérnes Friday
Martés Tuesday Sábado Saturday
Miyérkules Wednesday Linggó Sunday
Huwébes Thursday


Enéro January Húlyo July
Pebréro February Agósto August
Márso March Setyémbre September
Abríl April Oktúbre October
Máyo May Nobyémbre November
Húnyo June Disyémbre December


      Syllables and Stress in Tagalog


      A knowledge of the different kinds of syllables (word divisions) in Tagalog will help the learner to articulate the words correctly. There are four kinds of syllables in Tagalog, namely:

      1. The simple syllable consisting of only one vowel (V)

as o in tá-o person
as a in pa-á foot
as i in i-yák

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