Tuttle Japanese Business Dictionary Revised Edition. Boye Lafayette De Mente
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appointment 約束 yakusoku (yahkuu-so-kuu)
appraisal 評価 hyōka (h’yoe-kah)
appraise 評価する hyōka suru (h’yohh-kah sue-rue)
appreciation (rise in value) 騰貴 tōki (toe-kee); 高騰 kōtō (koe-toe)
apprentice 見習い minarai (me-nahrye); 弟子 deshi (day-she)
approval 認可 ninka (neen-kah); 許可 kyoka (k’yoe-kah)
approve 賛成する sansei suru (sahnsay sue-rue)
■ I approve. 賛成します。Sansei shimasu. (sahn-say she-mahss.)
■ Do you approve? 賛成しますか。 Sansei shimasu ka? (sahn-say-ee she-mahss kah?)
approved delivery facility 承認済引渡 し施設 shōnin zumi hikiwatashi shisetsu (show-neen zuu-me he-keewah-tah-she she-say-t’sue)
approximate だいたい daitai (die-tie)
aptitude 傾向 keikō (kay-ee-kohh)
arbiter 仲裁者 chūsaisha (chuu-sieshah)
arbitrate 調停する chōtei suru (chohhtay-ee sue-rue); 仲裁する chūsai suru (chew-sigh sue-rue)
■ Please arbitrate in this dispute. この紛 争を仲裁してください。Kono funsō wo chūsai shite kudasai. (koh-no fuunsohh oh chuu-sie ssh-tay kuu-dah-sie.)
arbitration (mediation) 調停 chōtei (choe-tay)
arbitration agreement 仲裁協定 chūsai kyōtei (chew-sigh k’yoe-tay); 調停同意 書 chōtei dōi sho (doe-ee show)
arbitrator 仲裁者 chūsai-sha (chew-sign-shah); 調停人 chōteinin (chohhtay-ee-neen)
arcade (shopping) アーケード ākēdo (ahh-kay-doe); 商店街 shōtengai (show-ten-guy)
■ Does the hotel have an arcade? ホテ ルにアーケードがありますか。Hotéru ni ākēdo ga arimasu ka? (hoh-tay-rue nee ahh-kay-doh gah ah-ree-mahss kah?)
architect 建築家 kenchikuka (kane-chee-kuu-kah)
architecture 建築学 kenchikugaku (kane-chee-kuu-gah-kuu)
archives 記録 kiroku (kee-roe-kuu)
Arctic 北極 Hokkyoku (hoke-yoh-kuu)
area; region; zone 地域 chiiki (cheeee-kee)
■ Are there any factories in that area? その地域に工場がありますか。Sono chiiki ni kōjō ga arimasu ka?(so-no chee-ee-kee nee koe-joh gah ah-reemahss kah?)
area code 市外局番 shigai kyokuban (she-guy-k’yoh-kuu-bahn)
■ What is your area code? あなたの市 外局番は何番ですか。Anato no shigai kyokuban wa nanban désu ka? (ahnah-tah no she-guy-k’yoh-kuu-bahn wa nahn-bahn dess kah?)
area manager 地域担当責任者 chiiki tantō sekininsha (chee-ee-kee tahntoe say-kee-neen shah)
argue 言い争う ii-arasou (ee-ah-rah-so)
■ I do not want to argue about the price. 価格の事でもめるのは避けたい です。Kakaku no koto de momeru no wa saketai désu. (kah-kah-kuu no koe-toe day moe-may-rue no wah sah-kay-tie dess.)
argument 議論 giron (ghee-roan)
■ An argument started. 議論が始まり ました。Giron ga hajimarimashita. (ghee-roan gah hah-jee-mah-reemahsh-tah.)
arid 乾いた kawaita (kah-wie-tah)
armed forces 軍(隊)gun(tai) (goontie)
arm’s length 対等な taito na (tie-toe nah); 距離を置いた kyori wo oita (k’yoe-ree oh oh-ee-tah)
arrange 手配する tehai suru (tay-high sue-rue)
■ I’ll arrange it. 手配します。Tehai shimasu. (tay-high she-mahss)
■ Can you arrange for a car? 車を 手配できますか。Kuruma wo tehai dekimasu ka? (kuu-rue-mah oh tay-high day-kee-mahss kah?)
arrangement 手配 tehai (tay-high); 準備 junbi (juum-bee)
■ Arrangements have been completed. 手配は完了しています。Tehai wa kanryō shiteimasu. (tah-high wah kahn-rio shtay-mahss.)
■ Have you finished the arrangements? 手配は終わりましたか。Tehai wa owarimashita ka? (tay-high wah oh-wah-ree-mahsh-tah kah?)
arrears 滞納金 tainō kin (tie-noh keen)
arrest 逮捕する taiho suru (tie-hoh sue-rue)
arrival (at airport or station) 到着 tōchaku (tohh-chah-kuu)
■ My arrival time is 2 p.m. 到着時刻 は午後2時です。Tōchaku jikoku wa gogo niji désu. (tohh-chah-kuu jeekoe-kuu wa go-go nee-jee dess.)
arrival gate 到着口 tōchaku guchi (toe-chah-kuu guu-chee)
■ What is the number of his arrival gate? 到着口は何番ですか。Tōchaku guchi wa nanban désu ka? (kah-ray no toe-chah-kuu guu-chee wah nahnbahn dess kah?)
arrive 着く tsuku (t’sue-kuu)
■ What time will you arrive? 何時に 着きますか。Nanji ni tsukimasu ka? (nah-jee nee t’sue-kee-mahss kah?)
arrive safely (goods) 安着するする anchaku suru (ahn-chah-kuu sue-rue)
■ The goods arrived safely. 品物は安 着しました。Shinamono wa anchaku shimashita. (she-nah-moe-no wah ahn-chah-kuu she-mahsh-tah.)
arriving passengers 到着客 tōchaku kyaku (toe-chah-kuu k’yah-kuu)
article (newspaper) 記事 kiji (kee-jee)
articles of the association (for formation of a company) 定款 teikan (tay-kahn)
artificial (man-made) 人工(の)jinkō (no) (jeen-kohh (no)); 偽物 nisemono (nee-say-moe-no)