Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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phaãn adj. indignant

      coâng phieáu n. state bond

      coâng phu n., adj. labor; elaborate

      coâng quaûn n. public administration, public authority

      coâng quyõ n. public/state funds

      coâng saûn n. public property

      coâng sôû n. government office, public service

      coâng suaát n. capacity, power

      coâng söù n. envoy, minister

      coâng taùc n. work, task, job, assignment, official business

      coâng taùc phí n. traveling expenses for official business

      coâng taéc n. switch

      coâng taâm n. sense of justice, impartiality

      coâng thöï n. government building

      coâng thöùc n. formula

      coâng toá vieân n. prosecutor

      coâng tô n. meter [tool]

      coâng töû n. mandarin’s son; dude, dandy

      coâng töôùc n. duke

      coâng traùi n. public debt; government bond

      coâng tröôøng n. square; construction site, building site

      coâng trình n. undertaking, work; project; monument

      coâng ty n. firm, company, corporation

      coâng vaên n. official letter, official document

      coâng vieäc n. work, business, task

      coâng vieân n. public park

      coâng voa n. convoy

      coâng vuï n. civil service, official business

      coâng xöôûng n. workshop, shop; factory

      coáng 1 n. sewer 2 v. R to offer as a tribute

      coáng hieán v. to offer, to dedicate, to contribute

      coàng n. gong

      coàng keành adj. cumbersome

      coång n. gate, entrance; level crossing

      coäng 1 v. to add: tính coäng sum; toång coäng total 2 adj. common: coäng saûn communist

      coäng ñoàng n., adj. community; common, collective

      coäng hoaø n., adj. republic; republican

      Coäng saûn n. communist

      coäng söï vieân n. colleague

      coäng taùc v. to collaborate [vôùi with], to cooperate; to contribute

      coát 1 n. (= xöông) bones, skeleton; framework: haøi coát remains; noøng coát foundation 2 adj., v. to be essential to; to aim at

      coát caùn n. loyal cadre, party veteran [communist]

      coát nhuïc n. blood relationship

      coát truyeän n. plot, framework

      coát tuyû n. marrow; essence, quintessence

      coát töû adj. most essential, most fundamental

      coát yeáu adj. basic, essential, vital

      coät 1 n. [SV truï] pillar, column, pole, post, poster: coät côø flagpole; coät caây soá milestone 2 v. to tie up, to bind: coät daây giaøy to tie one’s shoelaces

      cô 1 n. occasion; opportunity, circumstances: cô hoäi opportunity; thöøa cô to seize an opportunity; sa cô (thaát theá) to fail; nguy cô danger 2 n. R machine, machinery, mechanism; R airplane: chieán ñaáu cô fighter; oanh taïc cô bomber; noâng cô farm machinery; höõu cô [chemistry] organic; voâ cô inorganic 3 n. muscle [anatomy]

      cô baûn n., adj. fundamental, elementary, basic

      cô caáu n. structure

      cô cheá n. mechanism, structure; organization

      cô cöïc adj., n. very poor and hard up; hard life

      cô ñoà n. family estate, undertaking

      Cô Ñoác giaùo n. Christ, Christianity, Christian

      cô giôùi n. machine, mechanical implement

      cô haøn n. poverty, hunger and cold

      cô hoïc n. mechanics

      cô hoà adv. very nearly, almost

      cô hoäi n. opportunity, chance: lôïi duïng cô hoäi to take advantage of, to avail oneself of

      cô khí n. mechanism, machinery

      cô man adj. innumerable, countless: cô man naøo maø keå enormous quantities, countless numbers

      cô maät n. secret

      cô möu n. ruse, stratagem

      cô naêng n. ability, function

      cô nghieäp n. assets, fortune

      cô quan n. organ, organism, agency, foundation: Cô quan Nguyeân töû naêng Quoác teá International Atomic Energy Agency

      cô sôû n. base, installation, organ, establishment: haï taàng cô sôû infrastructure

      cô theå n. human body; organism

      cô theå hoïc n. anatomy; cô theå hoïc vieän Institute of Anatomy

      côù n. reason, excuse, pretext: Côù sao? Vì côù gì? Why? For what reason?; chöùng côù evidence

      côø 1 n. [SV kyø] flag, banner: haï côø to lower the flag; treo côø to display flags; phaát côø/vaãy côø to wave the flag; coät côø flagpole; côø ruõ flag at half mast; côø traéng flag of truce 2 n. [SV kyø] chess: côø töôùng Chinese chess; ñaùnh côø to play chess; moät nöôùc côø a move [with ñi to make]

      côø baïc v., n. to gamble; gambling

      côøi v. to get [something from a tree, etc.] by means of a stick

      côûi v. to untie, to unfasten, to unbutton; to take off: côûi quaàn aùo to take off clothes; côûi truoàng to be naked


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