Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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style="font-size:15px;">      ñaïi töôùng n. lieutenant-general

      ñaïi uùy n. [army] captain; [navy] lieutenant

      ñaïi vaên haøo n. great writer

      ñaïi vöông n. emperor; Sire

      ñaïi xaù n. amnesty

      ñaïi yù n. main point, gist

      ñam meâ v. to have an intense desire for, to indulge in

      ñaùm n. crowd, throng; festival, fete, clouds, fields, etc.: ñaùm baï c group of gamblers; ñaùm coû lawn; ñaùm röôùc procession, parade; ñaùm tieäc dinner [party]

      ñaøm 1 n. R spittle, sputum (= ñôøm) 2 v. R to talk, to converse: khaåàu ñaøm to converse; nhaøn ñaøm idle talk

      ñaøm ñaïo v. to converse, to discuss

      ñaøm luaän v. to talk, to discuss

      ñaøm phaùn v. to talk, to negotiate, to confer

      ñaøm suyeãn n. asthma

      ñaøm thoaïi v. to converse

      ñaøm tieáu v. to laugh at, to sneer at

      ñaûm adj. to be capable, to be resourceful, to have ability, to be a good businesswoman

      ñaûm baûo v., n. to guarantee; guarantee

      ñaûm ñang adj. thrifty, to be capable, to be resourceful

      ñaûm nhaän v. to assume [duty], to accept [responsibility]

      ñaûm nhieäm v. to assume [duty]

      ñaïm 1 adj. R weak, insipid, light (= nhaït, laït): laõnh ñaïm cold, indifferent; thanh ñaïm simple, frugal 2 n. nitrogen, protein: chaát ñaïm protein

      ñaïm chaát n. nitrogen

      ñaïm tình n. indifference

      ñan v. to knit [sweater aùo len]; to weave [mat chieáu; basket roå; net löôùi; cane chair gheá maây]

      Ñan Maïch n. Denmark, Danish

      ñan queá n. L the moon

      ñan taâm n. red ginseng

      ñan thanh n. a red and green painting; a beautiful painting

      ñaùn n. R dawn, morning: Nguyeân ñaùn New Year’s day, New Year’s festival [lunar calendar]

      ñaøn 1 n. [SV caàm] (= ñôøn) musical instrument, stringed instrument [piano, guitar, mandolin, violin, etc.]: keùo ñaøn vó caàm to play the violin; daïo ñaøn to try out, to play a few bars 2 n. flock, herd, school, band: moät ñaøn gaø maùi a flock of hens 3 n. altar; R rostrum, terrace: dieãn ñaøn tribune

      ñaøn anh n. elder [rank]

      ñaøn aùp v. to repress, to quell

      ñaøn baø n. woman, women; female

      ñaøn ñòch v. to play musical instruments

      ñaøn em n. younger [rank]

      ñaøn haïch v. to question severely, to impeach

      ñaøn hoài adj. elastic, resilient

      ñaøn höông n. sandal wood

      ñaøn oâng n. man, men; male

      ñaûn n. R holy birthday [of saints, gods]: Gia toâ Thaùnh ñaûn Christ- mas; Phaät ñaûn Buddha’s birthday

      ñaûn nhaät n. birthday

      ñaïn n. bullet, slug CL hoøn, vieân; suùng ñaïn guns and bullet, warfare, hostilities

      ñaïn döôïc n. ammunition

      ñaïn ñaïi baùc n. cannon ball

      ñaïn traùi phaù n. shell

      ñang adv. (= ñöông) to be engaged in [doing so and so], be in the midst of [doing something] [precedes main verbs]

      ñang khi adv., conj. while

      ñang luùc adv., conj. while

      ñang tay v. to have the heart to do something, to be ruthless to

      ñang taâm v. to be callous enough to

      ñang thì v. to be in the flush of youth

      ñaùng v., adj. to deserve, to merit; to be worthy of; R suitable, proper, appropriate, adequate: chính ñaùng legitimate

      ñaùng cheâ adj. to be blamed

      ñaùng ñôøi adj. well-deserved; worthy

      ñaùng giaù adj. worth the money paid for

      ñaùng keå adj. noticeable, remarkable; worth mentioning

      ñaùng khen adj. praiseworthy

      ñaùng kieáp adj. deserving well

      ñaùng leõ adv. instead of; normally

      ñaùng lyù adv. instead of

      ñaùng maët adj. worthy of [being something]

      ñaùng thöông adj. pitiful, pitiable

      ñaùng tieàn adj. worth its price, worth the money

      ñaùng toäi adj. deserving punishment

      ñaùng traùch adj. to be blamed

      ñaøng n. See ñöôøng

      ñaûng n. gang, party, band: ñaûng chính trò/chính ñaûng political party; chuû ñaûng/ñaàu ñaûng gang leader, party head

      ñaûng boä n. committee of a party

      ñaûng cöông n. party policy/outline

      ñaûng phaùi n., adj. parties and factions; to be partisan

      ñaûng phí n. party dues/fee, membership fee

      ñaûng trò n. one-party system/rule

      ñaûng tröôûng n. party head/leader

      ñaûng vieân n. party member/man

      ñaûng uyû n. committee of a party

      ñaõng adj. absent-minded, forgetful; ñaõng trí, ñaõng tính; lô ñaõng forgetful


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