Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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caàu v. to beseech: khaån caàu söï trôï giuùp to beseech for urgent aid

      khaån hoang v. to open up waste-lands, to cultivate new lands

      khaån khoaûn v. to insist [in inviting]

      khaån thieát adj. earnest

      khaån tröông adj. tense, urgent, requiring immediate attention

      khaáp kheånh adj. [of road] uneven, bumpy, rugged

      khaáp khôûi v. to exult, to rejoice, to feel elated

      khaäp khieång adj. limping

      khaát v. to ask for a delay, to postpone [payment]

      khaát nôï v. to ask for postponement in the payment of a loan

      khaát thöïc v. to beg for food

      khaâu 1 v. to sew, to stitch: khaâu quaàn aùo to sew clothes 2 n. stage, step [in a process]

      khaâu vaù v. to sew, to do needlework

      khaáu v. to deduct: khaáu nôï to postpone the payment of one’s debt; khaáu tröø to withhold

      khaáu bieät v. to bow and bid farewell

      khaáu ñaàu v. to kowtow, to bow one’s head

      khaáu tröø v. to deduct

      khaåu n. (= mieäng) mouth: haø khaåu estuary; nhaân khaåu ration; nhaäp khaåu import; xuaát khaåu export

      khaåu aâm n. accent

      khaåu caùi n. [hard] palate

      khaåu chieán n. quarrel, debate

      khaåu cung n. oral statement [of defendant]

      khaåu hieäu n. slogan, password: hoâ to khaåu hieäu to shout a slogan/ password

      khaåu leänh n. password: cho bieát khaåu leänh to give one’s password

      khaåu phaàn n. ration: khaåu phaàn haøng ngaøy cuûa coâng nhaân daily ration of a worker

      khaåu Phaät taâm xaø adj. hypercritical

      khaåu taøi n. eloquence

      khaåu thuyeát n. summary given orally

      khaåu truyeàn v. to transmit orally

      khe n. slit, crack: khe hôû slit, groove, channel

      khe kheõ adv. gently, softy

      kheø adj. dirty yellow

      kheõ adj., adv. gentle, soft; gently: noùi kheõ to speak in a soft voice

      kheïc n. (= khæ) monkey

      khem v. to abstain from: kieâng khem, aên khem to be on a diet

      khen v. to praise, to congratulate, to commend: khen ngôïi, ngôïi khen to praise [opp. cheâ]; lôøi khen praise, compliments

      khen ngôïi v. to praise: khen ngôïi söï thaønh coâng to praise one’s success

      khen thöôûng v. to reward

      kheùo adj. skillful, clever, dexter- ous; be cautious [or else]; Be careful, watch it.; What’s the use of; how: Kheùo (khoâng) (laïi) ngaõ! Watch it, you may fall down

      kheùo tay adj. clever, dexterous

      kheùo leùo adj. skillful, clever

      kheùo noùi adj. talkative

      kheùo tay adj. dexterous

      kheùp v. to shut; to condemn

      kheùp neùp adj. shy and modest

      kheùp toäi v. to charge, to accuse

      kheùt adj., n. [of burning thing] harsh smelling; burning smell

      kheùt tieáng adj. very famous

      kheâ adj. [of rice] burnt

      kheá öôùc n. contract

      kheá vaên n. act, deed

      kheà khaø adj., v. [of voice] drawling and hoarse; to talk over a drink

      kheä neä v. to carry [heavy things] with difficulty

      kheânh v. to carry with one’s hands, to move by hand [heavy object]

      kheänh khaïng v. to be awarded; to walk slowly like an important person, to put on airs

      kheånh adj. uneven, rough: khaáp kheånh uneven

      kheâu v. to raise, to extract [with a pin]; to arouse [feeling, nostalgia], to evoke

      kheâu gôïi v. to attract, to stir up

      khi 1 n. (= luùc) time, when something, when: khi naøo, ñeán khi; sau khi after something happens; (moät) ñoâi khi once or twice, sometimes; ñang khi while [something is taking place]; coù khi sometimes 2 v. (= khinh) to berate, to despise, to hold in contempt

      khi khoâng adv. by chance, by accident

      khi naøo adv. when

      khi quaân n., v. high treason; to slight the king/majesty

      khí n. air, gas, vapor, steam (= hôi): döôõng khí oxygen

      khí aùp n. atmospheric pressure

      khí caàu n. balloon, dirigible

      khí cuï n. tool, implement

      khí ñoäng hoïc n. aerodynamics

      khí giôùi n. arms, weapons

      khí haäu n. climate, weather

      khí huyeát n. blood; energy, vigor

      khí khaùi adj. proud, unwilling to accept a favor from someone

      khí löïc n. strength, energy, vigor

      khí phaùch n. character, stamp

      khí quaûn n. trachea, windpipe

      khí quyeån n. atmosphere

      khí saéc n. complexion, look

      khí theå n. gas

      khí tieát n. pride, courage

      khí töôïng n. atmosphere, meteor: sôû khí töôïng weather bureau


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