Continuing Korean. Ross King

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Continuing Korean - Ross  King

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means something like How disgusting (to see), or That (or he, she, etc.) makes me sick.

      17.7. Plain Base + -기 시작하-: Begin to . . .

      Another -기 pattern is the construction with 시작해요 begins, in which the -기 form is, optionally, the direct object of the phrase 시작해요. To say begins to do or begins doing you use a plain base + -기 form (with or without the direct object particle 를) and 시작해요 begins.

61. 사람들이 버스에서 내리기(를) 시작했어요. The people started to get off the bus.
62. 비가 오기 시작해요. It’s beginning to rain.
63. 해가 나기 시작했어요. The sun has started to come out.
64. 한국말은 언제부터 배우기 시작하셨어요? [Since] When did you start learning Korean?
65. 무스를 바르기 시작했어요. I’ve started to use mousse.


      This construction is used with processive verbs only.

      For adjectives—begins to be—you use an infinitive in -어 ~ -아 with the auxiliary verb 져요 begins [to be] (see section 18.6).

66. 더워져요. It’s getting hot [= It’s beginning to be hot].

      17.8. Any Base + -기 때문에: Because . . .

      After a regular noun, 때문에 means because of the NOUN.

67. 우리 동생 때문에 못 가겠어요. I won’t be able to go because of my brother.
68. 날씨 때문에 방학이 별로 재미없었어요. My vacation wasn’t much fun because of the weather.
A -기 form (on any of the three kinds of base) followed by 때문에 by reason of, because of means because one does/is or did/was or will do/will be.
69. 점심에는 다른 약속이 있기 때문에 저녁에 만나기로 했어요. Because I have another engagement for lunch, I’ve decided to meet in the evening.
70. 오늘 시험에 합격했기 때문에 기분이 좋아요. Because I passed the exam today, I am in a good mood.
71. 내일 떠나기 때문에 결혼식에 못 가겠어요. Because I’m leaving tomorrow, I won’t be able to go to the wedding ceremony.
When the because sentence has 너무 overly, too plus adjective, it is sometimes better to translate it with so ADJECTIVE that.
72. 이 모자가 너무 좋았기 때문에 샀어요. This hat was so [“too”] nice I bought it. [Because this hat was so nice, I bought it.]
73. 김 선생님 댁이 너무 멀기 때문에 자주 못 가요. Mr. Kim’s house is so far away, I can’t go often.
74. 날이 너무 더웠기 때문에, 수영장에 사람이 아주 많았어요. It was such a hot day that there were lots of people at the swimming pool.
You can also do this with the somewhat weaker form of because, expressed by -어서.
75. 너무 비싸서 못 샀어요. It was so expensive I couldn’t buy it.

      17.9. Plain Base + -기 전에: Before . . .

      Processive plain bases in the -기 form enter into phrases with 전에 before to mean before [someone] does. Regardless of the time of the English—before [he] does or before [he] did or before [he] will do—the Korean -기 form remains constant, so the meaning of the phrase is before doing . . . In other words, past, present, and future tense are all handled at the end of the sentence—the ending in -기 always attaches to a plain base.

76. A. 나가기 전에 머리를 빗어요. I comb my hair before I go out.
B. 나가기 전에 머리를 빗었어요. I combed my hair before I went out.
C. 나가기 전에 머리를 빨리 빗을게요. I’ll just comb my hair quickly before we go out.
77. 손님들이 오기 전에 내가 식사 준비를 정신없이 했어요. Before the guests came, I prepared supper in a daze.
78. 방학이 시작되기 전에 마치고 싶어요. I want to finish it before vacation begins.
79. 상점에 가기 전에 은행에 먼저 갈래요. I want to go to the bank (first) before I go to the store.


      Exercise 1: I’m glad that . . .

      Each of the following sentences mean someone does or did something. Change each so that it means I’m glad someone does or did something. For example, the first sentence will be: 선생님이 오셔서, (나는) 좋아요, I’m glad the teacher came. Be sure to translate the complete sentence. It is not necessary to include the 나는 to mean I am glad, but without it the sentence might also be translated It’s good that . . . or It’s nice that . . .

1.선생님이 오셨어요.
2.아버지가 자동차를 파셨어요.
3.시험이 너무 어렵지 않았어요.
4.오늘은 바쁘지 않아요.
5.음악회 표를 샀어요.
6.음식이 아주 매워요.
7.네거리에서 차를 갑자기 세웠지만, 애기가 안 깼어요.
8.동생이 시험에 합격했어요.
9.아내가 아들을 낳았어요.
10.우리 딸이 좋은 사람하고 결혼했어요. (좋은 사람: nice person)
11.내일부터 휴가가 시작돼요.
12.저 학생의 태도가 좋아요.
13.오늘 해가 드디어 났어요.


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