Martial Arts Home Training. Mike Young

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Martial Arts Home Training - Mike  Young

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they must endure to be on top of their sport! The contact is very real and cardiovascular conditioning is vital, as opposed to the practice and training of many “deadly” martial arts systems.


      Flighting for the gold medal in the 1984 California Police Olympics against Wayne Valdez of the LAPD. I won the gold that night.

      My philosophy is that I will not say I’ve studied a martial arts system until I have put a great deal of blood, sweat, and tears into the system. Only then can one make an honest evaluation of the system. Then the system must be tested in a free and unrestricted environment where the attacker can strike at you with any type of attack.


      San Diego-Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Boxing Team, the “Green Machine,” at the California Police Olympics, 1992.

      I continue to hold this philosophy to this day. Too many martial artists say they have studied a martial arts system when, in reality, they have only put in a few hours of “sterile” practice. Beware of the charlatans!

      CHAPTER 2


      My primary motivation for training so hard and developing new and innovative training devices is that practically every week I get out in the middle of the boxing ring and test my martial arts skills against other practitioners in a full-contact setting.

      My training philosophy is simple: “If I don’t train hard, I will get hit. If I train hard, I won’t.” My training motivation is even simpler: “I don’t like to get hit.”

      I love the ring because it is in the ring that you can put to the test all the skills that you have been training in for days, weeks, months, or years! The ring also doesn’t lie and lull the martial artist into a false sense of security. One will immediately know whether a technique or conditioning routine is working, thanks to the immediate feedback from one’s opponent.

      I’ve loved martial arts ever since I can remember and have always been fascinated by how a smaller person could physically overcome a larger person.

      Over the years, I’ve found the age-old philosophy of “practice makes perfect” still holds true to a certain extent, but more important, “correct practice makes perfect.” Oftentimes, hardcore martial artists will practice one technique over and over in the air, without practicing it against the flesh and developing the proper “feel” of the technique. Without the proper “feel” or “contact” of the practiced technique, a martial artist cannot develop the true feeling of the technique. Consequently, when the incorrectly practiced technique is used in actual full-contact combat, many times it falls short of the martial artist’s expectation.

      With this m mind, I have developed much of my own personal home training equipment, along with specific drills to enhance the quality and develop the elusive “feel” of the technique. Many of my home training devices are certainly unique, some never before seen or used in the martial arts world.

      From the ring I develop many of my training ideas, always trying to improve on a specific technique, especially when I get hit by a student, or when I cannot land a technique on another martial artist.

      From these two primary motivations come all of my ideas for home training equipment and training methods.

      Another quirk of my personality is that, because I’m always looking for ways to improve my martial arts technique, I probe many different disciplines that may help me better develop my martial arts abilities—from modern dance to home construction; I try not to restrict my ideas to any specific discipline. Many times when I look at an everyday home item, I wonder how I could use this device in training.

      I firmly believe that one can never stop improving unless one chooses not to improve.

      I choose to improve forever!

      CHAPTER 3


      You see things; and you say, “Why?”

       I dream things that never were;

       and I say, “Why not?”

      —George Bernard Shaw

      As I’ve mentioned earlier, my primary motivation for building home training equipment is to develop, practice, and improve “correct” technique, so that it becomes second nature.

      I have found that many techniques that I want to practice must be practiced over and over correctly to be perfected. But many times I have no training partner to practice with. Therefore, I build and design most of my training equipment so that the device, most of the time, can be used alone.

      I also build many of the home training devices to convey a special “feeling” to me. What I mean by “special feeling” is that the training equipment will have to closely duplicate the “feel” of the actual fighting technique when used in combat.

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