Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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n. plant whose bark is used to make paper

      dò v. to watch, to spy on, to seek information about; to fathom [river sông, ocean bể], to feel [one’s way đường]

      dò hỏi v. to seek information, to make an inquiry

      dò la v. to get information; to spy on

      dò lại v. to check, to read over

      dò xét v. to investigate, to observe secretly

      dọ See dò

      doạ v. to threaten, to intimidate: đe doạ/hăm doạ to threaten

      doạ dẫm v. to threaten

      doạ nạt v. to threaten: doạ nạt trẻ con to threaten children

      doãi v. to stretch out: cánh tay doãi ra to stretch out one’s arm

      doanh See dinh

      doanh lợi n. profit, gain

      doanh mãn adj. prosperous, abundant, plentiful

      doanh nghiệp n. trade, business

      doanh thu n. turnover

      doanh thương n. trade, business

      dóc v. to boast, to bluff: nói dóc/tán dóc to talk chaff; to draw the long bow

      dọc adj. lengthwise [opp. ngang]: theo dọc along; bề dọc/chiều dọc length; dọc đường on the way, enroute; dọc sông all along the river

      dọc ngang adj. powerful or influential, to rule the roost

      doi n. promontory, silt bank [of a river]

      dõi v. to follow closely, to pursue: theo dõi to follow up

      dọi n. plumb line

      dom n. prolapse of the rectum

      dóm v. to light [a small fire]: dóm lửa dóm bếp to light a stove

      dòm v. to peer, to peep, to look, to spy: ống dòm binoculars.

      dòm ngó v. to look [furtively], to spy

      dón dén v. to proceed with circumspection; to walk stealthily, to walk on tiptoe

      dòn adj. crispy, brittle, breakable; [of laughter] to be clear

      dọn v. to arrange, to put in order: dọn dẹp to clear up [table]; dọn cơm to prepare a meal; dọn nhà to move; dọn bàn to set the table; to clear the table; thu dọn/xếp dọn to arrange, to put in order

      dọn dẹp v. to arrange, to rearrange, to set in order, to clean up: dọn dẹp bàn ghế trong văn phòng to arrange the furniture in one’s office

      dọn đi v. to move [one’s residence] to another place

      dọn hàng v. to open a shop; to display one’s goods; to remove one’s goods

      dọn nhà v. to clean up the house [and move the furniture around]; to move [one’s residence]

      dong v. to run away

      dong dỏng adj. tall: dong dỏng cao a bit tall

      dòng 1 n. course [of river sông], current, stream: dòng điện electric current; dòng nước the stream; dòng thời gian the course of time 2 n. descent, parentage, lineage: dòng dõi/dòng giống lineage, race; dòng họ nhà tôi my family; Dòng Tên the Jesuit order; Dòng Chúa Cứu Thế the Redemptorists; dòng tôn thất the imperial family; nhà dòng monastery;thầy dòng priest, friar; nối dòng to carry on lineage [tradition]

      dòng dõi n. [noble] descent: dòng dõi nhà võ tướng descendants of military mandarins

      dòng đạo n. religious order

      dõng dạc adj. [of voice, gait] poised, sedate, solemn

      dọng See giọng

      dô adj. jutting out, protruding: trán dô a protruding forehead

      dỗ v. to coax, to wheedle, to cajole [crying child into silence]; to flatter, to seduce, to inveigle [young girl]: cám dỗ to tempt, to seduce; dạy dỗ to instruct, to advise, to teach [morally]; dỗ ngon dỗ ngọt to seduce by sweet promises

      dỗ dành v. to coax, to wheedle, to cajole

      dốc 1 n., adj. hill, slope; sloping, steep, incline: lên dốc to go up a slope; xuống/đổ dốc to go down a slope; độ dốc của đường cong slope of a curve 2 v. to empty; to devote entirely: dốc bầu tâm sự to pour one’s heart out

      dốc bụng v. to be determined to … with all one’s heart

      dốc chí v. to be determined to … with all of one’s heart

      dốc lòng v. to be determined to … with all one’s heart, to do one’s best

      dốc ống v. to empty one’s money box or one’s piggy bank; to empty one’s purse

      dôi v., adj. to be left over or beyond; to make more than needed [follows main verb, precedes ra]; to be excessive

      dối v., adj. to be false, to be deceitful: nói dối lying; lừa dối cheating; dối trá to do hastily, in a sloppy manner; giả dối to be a hypocrite; gian dối to be dishonest

      dối dá adj. hastily, in a sloppy manner

      dối già v. to do as a joy in one’s old age

      dối trá adj. false, deceitful: con người dối trá liar

      dồi 1 v. to stuff (= nhồi); pudding sausage: dồi lợn pork sausage; dồi tiết blood sausage, blood pudding 2 v. to throw up; to flip, to toss [coin in game]: dồi bóng trước khi bắt đầu trận đấu to throw up a ball before starting the match

      dồi dào adj. plentiful, abundant

      dội v. to bound; to rebound, to bounce back; to resound: tiếng dội echo; vang dội to echo

      dồn v. to amass, to gather; to do repeatedly [follows main verb]: bước dồn to quicken one’s step; hỏi dồn to press with questions; đánh dồn to beat repeatedly; đổ dồn [of eyes] to turn, to focus [vào precedes object]; đuổi dồn to follow, to pursue; gọi dồn to call several times; bị dồn vào… to be pushed or driven back against

      dồn dập adj. coming in great quantities, numbers; uninterrupted and fast

      dông 1 v. to dash off, to sneak out, to go away 2 n. storm: dông tố thunderstorm

      dông dài v., adv. to babble, to chat; to loiter, to linger; lengthily

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