Essential Mandarin Chinese Phrasebook & Dictionary. Catherine Dai

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Essential Mandarin Chinese Phrasebook & Dictionary - Catherine Dai Essential Phrasebook and Dictionary Series

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      jīntiān bàngwǎn



      jīntiān wǎnshang


      last night

      zuótiān wǎnshang


      tomorrow night

      míngtiān wǎnshang


      this week

      zhè ge xīngqí


      last week

      shàng ge xīngqí


      next week

      xià ge xīngqí


      this month

      zhè ge yuè


      last month

      shàng ge yuè


      next month

      xià ge yuè


      this year



      last year



      next year




      ...tiān yǐhòu

      ⋯天 以后


      ...xīngqí yǐhòu

      ⋯星期 以后


      ...yuè yǐhòu

      ⋯月 以后


      ...nián yǐhòu

      ⋯年 以后

      ...weeks ago

      ...(ge) xīngqí yǐqián

      ⋯(个) 星期 以前

      two weeks ago

      liăng ge xīngqí yǐqián


      day off



      1.3 What time is it?

      What time is it?

      Jǐdiǎn (zhōng) le?/Shénme shíhoule?


      It’s nine o’clock.

      Jiǔ diǎn.


      five past ten

      shí diǎn wǔfēn


      a quarter past eleven

      shíyī diǎn yī kè


      fifteen minutes past eleven

      shíyī diǎn shíwǔ fēn


      twenty past twelve

      shí’èr diǎn èrshí fēn


      half past one

      yí diǎn bàn


      twenty-five to three

      liǎng diǎn sānshíwǔ fēn


      a quarter to four

      sān diǎn sān kè


      ten to five

      sì diǎn wǔshí fēn


      It’s noon.

      Zhōngwǔ le.


      It’s 12 p.m.

      Shí’èr diǎn le.


      It’s midnight.

      wǔyè shí’èr diǎn.


      half an hour

      bàn ge zhōngtóu


      What time?

      Jǐ diǎn/Shénme shíhou?


      What time can I come by?

      Wǒ jǐ diǎn kěyǐ guòlái?



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