Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee

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Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary - Philip Yungkin Lee

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      bǎikē quánshū 百科全书 n encyclopedia

      báilǐng 白领 n white-collar

      báimǎ wángzǐ 白马王子 n Prince Charming

      Bǎimùdà sānjiǎo 百慕大三角 n Bermuda Triangle

      bàinián 拜年 v to pay a New Year call

      báisè 白色 n white

      bǎishìkělè 百事可乐 n Pepsi

      báitiān 白天 n daytime

      bǎituō 摆脱 v rid: get rid of

      bǎiwàn 百万 n million

      bǎiwén bùrú yījiàn 百闻不如一见 idiom Seeing is believing.

      báixuě gōngzhǔ 白雪公主 n Snow White

      báiyè 白页 n white pages

      báiyī tiānshǐ 白衣天使 n nurse

      bālěi 芭蕾 n ballet

      bān 搬 v to move from one place to another

      bàn 半 adj half

      bàn 瓣 n cloves

      bàn juésài 半决赛 n semifinals

      bàn shuāiqī 半衰期 n half-life

      bànchàng gēshǒu 伴唱歌手 n backup singer

      bānchē 班车 n shuttle bus

      bàn’gōngshì 办公 n office

      bàngdàkuǎn 傍大款 v (of a girl) to find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man

      bāng dào máng 帮倒忙 v to try to help but causes more trouble in the process

      bǎng jià 绑架 v to kidnap

      bāngmáng 帮忙 v to help

      bǎngyé 膀爷 n topless guy

      bāngzhu 帮助 v, n to assist; assistance

      bānjī 班机 n flight

      bānjiā 搬家 v to move house

      bānjīhào 班机号 n flight number

      bànlǚ 伴侣 n partner (spouse)

      bānmǎxiàn 斑马线 n zebra crossing; intersection

      bǎnquánfǎ 版权法 n copyright law

      bànshúde 半熟的 adj rare (uncooked)

      bàntuō 半托 n day care (for kids)

      bànwénmáng 半文盲 n, adj semi-literate

      bāo 包 v to pack, wrap

      bào 报 n newspaper

      bāochē 包车 v, n to charter a vehicle; chartered vehicle

      bàofāhù 暴发户 n new rich; upstart

      bǎofèi 保费 n insurance premium

      bàogào 报告 n report

      bāogōngtóu 包工头 n labor contractor

      bàoguān 报关 v to declare (customs)

      bàoguāng 曝光 v to make public, expose

      bāoguǒ 包裹 n package, parcel

      bǎohù 保护 v to guard

      bǎohù guānshuì 保护关税 n protective duty/tariff

      bǎohùsǎn 保护伞 n protective umbrella

      bāojī 包机 v, n to charter a plane; chartered plane

      bǎojiàn ànmó 保健按摩 n therapeutic massage

      bǎojiànpǐn 保健品 n health care products

      bǎojiànshì 保健室 n clinic

      bǎojiàn shípǐn 保健食品 n health care food

      bāokuò 包括 v included, including

      bǎolěi 堡垒 n fortress

      bàolì piàn 暴力片 n violent movie

      bǎolíngqiú 保龄球 n bowling

      bǎoliú 保留 n reservation

      bǎoliúdì 保留地 n reserve (for animals)

      bǎomì 保密 v to keep a secret

      bāopí 剥皮 v to peel

      bàoqiàn 抱歉 exclam sorry!

      bǎoshì 保释 n bail

      bǎowèi 保卫 v to defend (in war)

      bàoxǐ bú bàoyōu 报喜不报忧 v to report only the good but not the bad

      bǎoxiǎn 保险 n insurance

      bàoxiāo 报销 v to apply for reimbursement

      bàoyuàn 抱怨 v to complain

      bǎozhèng 保证 n guarantee

      bǎozhì qī 保质期 n shelf (storage) life; guarantee period

      bāozhuāng 包装 v to pack

      bāshí 八十 num eighty

      bāshì 巴士 n bus

      bǎshǒu 把手 n handle

      bātái 吧台 n bar counter

      Bāyuè 八月 n August

      bèi 背 n back (part of body)

      bèi 被 adv by (passive voice marker)

      bèidòng xīyān 被动吸烟 n passive smoking, second-hand smoking

      bèifèn 备份 v to back up (computer)

      bēihēiguō 背黑锅 v to become a scapegoat


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