Basic Japanese. Eriko Sato
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When are you going to Osaka?
Rainen ikimasu.
I’ll go there next year.
Watashi wa kinō sutēki o tabemashita.
I ate steak yesterday.
3.2. Nouns with and without particles
Most nouns usually occur followed by a particle of some sort or by the copula—kono hon wa…, go-han o…, byōki desu. Some nouns occur either with or without a particle, with only a slight difference in meaning. The time words listed in note 3.1 can be followed by the particle wa or used alone without the particle:
Mainichi wa shigoto o shimasen.
I don’t work EVERY day.
Mainichi shigoto o shimasu.
Every day I work.
When you use the particle wa, you are making the time word the topic of your sentence. Often you are CONTRASTING what happens at THAT time (… wa) with what happens at other times. When a noun is used without a particle, it usually modifies either the whole sentence or the verb phrase at the end; this we can call the ADVERBIAL USE of a noun.
3.3. Particles から kara, まで made, and へ e
After place words, the particle kara means ‘from,’ the particle e means ‘to,’ and the particle made means ‘to, as far as, up to.’ If you want to say ‘from Kobe to Osaka’ you can say either Kōbe kara Ōsaka made or Kōbe kara Ōsaka e, but there is a slight difference of meaning. When you use the particle e, you are primarily interested in the two endpoints; when you use made, you are also interested in the space, time, or means of travel between the two points. This difference of meaning is so subtle, however, that you can just remember that either made or e means ‘to’ when reference is to a place.
Many speakers in Eastern Japan often replace the particle e with the particle ni. So you will also hear Kōbe kara Ōsaka ni ikimashita ‘I went from Kobe to Osaka.’ You can say either Uchi e kaette benkyō shimashita or Uchi ni kaette benkyō shimashita ‘I went (back) home and studied.’
After kore ‘this,’ sore ‘that,’ or a time word, the particle kara has the meaning ‘after, since,’ for example, sore kara ‘after that’ and kore kara ‘after this, from now on.’ Compare them with koko kara ‘from here.’ In a similar way, the particle made means ‘until’: sore made ‘until that (happens)’ and kore made ‘until now (this).’ Compare them with koko made ‘up to here, as far as this place.’
(Kara with verbal expressions is discussed in notes 3.10 and 4.12. Made with verbal expressions is discussed in note 5.18.)
ご飯を食べて, それから映画を見ました。
Go-han o tabete, sore kara eiga o mimashita.
I had dinner and after that watched a movie.
Kore kara mainichi benkyō shimasu.
From now on I’m going to study every day.
Kore made manga o yomimasen deshita.
Until now I haven’t been reading comic books.
Kinō kara byōki na n desu. Demo, ashita kara mata hatarakimasu.
He’s been sick since yesterday. But he’ll work from tomorrow (on) again.
Asu no ban made sono shigoto o shite imasu.
We’ll be doing that job until tomorrow night.
3.4. Particle ね ne
The particle ne is frequently tacked on at the end of a sentence to soften its tone. It implies that the speaker wants the hearer to agree with him, or that he wants what he is saying to agree with what the hearer might think. It is often translated by a rhetorical question (one to which an answer really isn’t expected) such as ‘…isn’t it,’ ‘…doesn’t he,’ ‘… wasn’t it,’ or by something like ‘… you know,’ ‘… you see.’
「中村さんは銀行員ですね。」“Nakamura-san wa ginkōin desu ne.”“Mr. Nakamura is a bank clerk, isn’t he?” | 「はい, そうです。」“Hai, sō desu.”“Yes, he is.” |
「また飛行機がおちたんだってね。」“Mata hikōki ga ochita n datte ne.”“I heard that an airplane crashed again.” | 「ええ, 昨日の新聞にありましたね。」“Ē, kinō no shinbun ni arimashita ne.”“Yep, it was in yesterday’s newspaper, wasn’t it?” |
「じゃあ,ホテルを予約しておきますね。」“Jā, hoteru o yoyaku shite okimasu ne.”“Okay, I’ll reserve a hotel room, okay?” | 「ああ,どうも。」“Ā, dōmo.”“Oh, thank you.” |
「まあ, きれいですね。」“Mā, kirei desu ne.”“My, isn’t it pretty?” | 「そうですね。」“Sō desu ne.”“Yes, indeed.” |
「また遊びに来てくださいね。」“Mata asobi ni kite kudasai ne.”“Please come to visit us again, okay?” | 「ああ, ありがとうございます。」“Ā, arigatō gozaimasu.”“Oh, thank you.” |
「何が要りますか。」“Nani ga irimasu ka.”“What do I need?” | 「そうですね。ちょっと調べます。」“Sō desu ne. Chotto shirabemasu.”“Well, let me