Akita. Barbara J. Andrews

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Akita - Barbara J. Andrews Comprehensive Owner's Guide

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little doggy smell.

      The Akita is a dog with a strong sense of self-importance; thus, it tends to dominate all other dogs. It is imperative that firm discipline is established from a very early age. This does not mean hitting or beating. The breed does tend to be dominant towards other dogs, so control is important. Training classes are vital for early socialization. If you can find outdoor training sessions, so much the better. You will find on average that the breed is highly intelligent, with males being more dominant than bitches but not necessarily quicker to learn.

      For first-time Akita owners, we strongly recommend that you purchase a bitch, but don’t think that will guarantee complete success. Unless you follow the guidelines in this book and those given by the breeder of your dog, it may not promise successful ownership. Remember that it is an understanding of the breed coupled with good common sense that are required of the Akita owner. It is advised that you talk to breeders and establish a rapport with the person from whom you buy your pup. The time you spend getting to know and understand your dog can make a large difference in your relationship with your Akita. Each dog is an individual and the Akita is often a little more individualistic than you might expect!

      Akitas do not respond well to the constant repetition required for competitive obedience and can therefore be a bit of a puzzle for novice trainers. He is quite likely to want an explanation for everything. A repetitive formal training class can be quite boring for a highly intelligent dog who is a very quick learner. The “strange ways” of trainers, with all of their commands and methods, cannot make much sense to the Akita. He will wonder why you choose to go ‘round and ‘round in circles, stopping every minute and expecting him to sit. He must also wonder why his two-legged friend tires so easily and needs to stop and sit. If that be so, can you imagine his puzzlement when his human immediately insists on walking again before having rested?

      In order to effectively train a dog that is dominant and used to working out things on his own, the trainer must be smarter than the dog! The best lesson here is not to bore the dog. Keep him guessing to maintain the delicate balance between requiring compliance and quick response to your commands and showing respect for his perceptiveness. Remember, the Akita is not a breed that will go overboard to please you as will, for instance, the Border Collie. He has been bred to think for himself and to be stubbornly persistent in his purpose.



      People usually purchase dogs for companionship, but studies show that dogs can help to improve their owners’ health and level of activity, as well as lower a human’s risk of coronary heart disease. Without even realizing it, when a person puts time into exercising, grooming and feeding a dog, he also puts more time into his own personal health care. Dog owners establish more routine schedules for their dogs to follow, which can have positive effects on their own health. Dogs also teach us patience, offer unconditional love and provide the joy of having a furry friend to pet!



      Science is showing that as people take care of their pets, the pets are taking care of their owners. A recent study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, found that having a pet can prolong his owner’s life. Pet owners generally have lower blood pressure, and pets help their owners to relax and keep more physically fit. It was also found that pets help to keep the elderly connected to their communities.

      Akitas are willing to indulge their owners, but only to a point. After about 10 or 15 minutes of repetitious training, especially in the heat of the day, the Akita is quite likely to sit down and say to his master, “You go ahead and when you’ve decided where we’re going, come back and get me. In the meantime I’ll just sit here and do my best to ignore your confusion.”

      The Akita is possessive of family and territory, and usually displays strong guarding instincts and the boldness to bite if his family is threatened. It should be noted, however, that almost any report of an Akita’s biting is the result of irresponsible ownership and the failure of the owner to understand and properly control his Akita. The breed is not at fault here—it is lack of education and information that should always be forthcoming from any responsible breeder. As popularity grows, health and temperament must be of primary concern. The character of a proud and dominant breed can be eroded away by irresponsible breeding.

      Each breed has a distinguishing personality as well as physical characteristics. Breeders should not attempt to change the Akita into a 100-pound lap dog or the breed will be forever lost to those who appreciate a dignified, discriminating, brave, stable and innately unique guard-companion.

      As Mrs. Purnell-Carpenter stresses, one must screen all breeding stock for the appropriate problems. Unfortunately, not every breeder does this, but members of the breed clubs are required to abide by their Code of Ethics, which states that all stock must be tested for inherited conditions before breeding from them. It would be an excellent idea for the American Kennel Club to somehow have tighter control over animals that fail these examinations so that they cannot be bred from.

      As Mrs. Purnell-Carpenter has frequently stated, “What is meant by good temperament? The Akita is not a lap dog, so please don’t try and change him into one. One of the greatest attractions to the breed for me is its wonderful dignity. The only problem with temperament with our breed is unsuitable owners and indiscriminate breeders who do not bother to educate or inform potential puppy owners of the strength of character that this breed proudly possesses. When he sets his mind to something, the Akita is more likely to achieve it than is the average dog.”


      Eczema and dermatitis are skin problems that occur in many breeds, and they can often be tricky problems to solve. Frequently bathing the dog will remove skin oils and will cause the problem to worsen. Allergies to food or to something in the environment can also cause the problem. Consider trying homeopathic remedies in addition to seeing your veterinarian for direction.


       The female Akita is a patient and protective baby sitter.

      The Akita is highly intelligent and if he wants, for example, to escape from your yard, he will succeed. However, typical of the breed, he will probably only come to find you. Akitas are very clever at working out problems, puzzles and what’s inside the refrigerator! Can dogs reason? Some authorities say no. Can Akitas reason? The authors say emphatically, yes!

      Admittedly, there are some troublesome aspects associated with owning an Akita. One is his size. To someone cuddling a 15-pound puppy, understanding that the teddy bear in your arms will grow into a huge bear of over 100 pounds is often overlooked.

      Will he be welcomed in every establishment? Not likely. His size alone is intimidating and that he resembles the “wolf” side of dogdom can be problematic for the public. If he had huge baby eyes, huge floppy ears and a cute little turned-up button nose, he would appeal to and not threaten most humans. He has small piercing eyes, pointy ears, a muzzle like that of a wolf and obviously big strong teeth—and his luxuriant “pelt” instinctively makes us aware of the wild side of the domesticated canine. It is these lupine attributes that evoke instinctive fear in humans, who grew up hearing rhyming couplets about the “big bad wolf.”

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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