American Eskimo Dog. Richard G. Beauchamp
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The young American Eskimo can pass through an adolescent stage during which he decides that his owner or family is all that is necessary to his well-being. Without the benefit of socialization, the youngster can become very anti-social unless made to understand that this behavior is unacceptable. It is up to the caring owner to help guide the Eskie through this difficult stage. Patience, persistence and support will help your Eskie through this awkward time, but it does take time and commitment to stay out there with the “bashful” youngster.
If you are willing to make the necessary commitment that an Eskie requires, let me assure you there are few breeds that are more versatile, devoted and adaptable. Do not forget the Eskie heritage—devoted companion and loyal protector of his human family and their household.
The American Eskimo Dog has a very high intelligence and trainability level. This can prove to be both an asset and a liability. The Eskie whose schoolwork is neglected can become a destructive and noisy nuisance. An Eskie has to put all of that brain power to good use somewhere, and if his owner doesn’t show him how and where, the Eskie can come up with ideas that may absolutely astonish his owner…and not necessarily in a good way!
This is not a breed to be relegated to kennel life or an outdoor run, with only occasional access to your life and environment. The very essence of the Eskie is in his personality and devoted nature, which are best developed by constant human contact. Whether a favorite of the the royal families or a circus performer, everything the Eskie has done has been done in the company of his human family. Historically, the American Eskimo Dog has always been a close companion to man. The breed is happiest and best able to fully develop its many admirable characteristics when allowed to continue that association.
The Eskie owner must be prepared for the fact that the breed is intent upon protecting his home and his human family from any impending danger or harm. The best way that an Eskie can do this is to warn you when he perceives the possibility of anything threatening the safety of you and your family. This is accomplished by barking—sounding the alarm to give you a warning.
Barking is a characteristic typical of all of the spitz breeds, and no less so of the American Eskimo. It is important for your Eskie to learn the difference between necessary and unnecessary barking. The latter can be nerve-wracking to an owner and a nuisance to neighbors. Eskies are smart dogs and will quickly learn barking boundaries if strictly enforced. Do remember, however, that the warning bark is a part of the Eskie’s heritage. It is up to the owner to make sure that his Eskie understands when and where barking is appropriate.
We are never surprised to hear that an Eskie that has been completely housebroken will suddenly forget all of his manners or will become destructive in protest of being left alone too often or for too long. Some Eskies will let their owners know that they are not getting the attention they need by destroying household items, particularly those things that belong to the individual whom the dog particularly misses.
This does not mean that you must be home all day long to hold your Eskie’s paw and cater to his whims. Many Eskies are owned by working people who are away for a good part of the day. Their dogs are well mannered and trustworthy when left home alone.
The key here is the quality rather than quantity of the time spent with an Eskie. Morning or evening walks, grooming sessions, regular training routines and consistent rule enforcement are vital to the breed’s personality development and attitude. If you are away for most of the day, be sure to include your Eskie in your life when you are at home. Eskies live to be talked to and praised by their owners.
A mutually beneficial way for the Eskie to expend some energy is in activities done with his owner.
Everything about the Eskie’s personality indicates that it is a non-aggressive breed. At the same time, though, the breed has an inherent wariness of strangers. We cannot simply dismiss the breed’s history because we don’t feel we need protection. An Eskie’s heritage and original role is that of household guardian. Still, it would be totally out of character for an Eskie to challenge his owner on any point, regardless of how much he might object to what he is being asked to do.
This is not to say that an American Eskimo is beyond testing your patience or the reality of the boundaries you set. The Eskie can be very headstrong and may well act as though he has not heard your command. In situations like this, it may be necessary for you to sit your Eskie down, taking hold of the scruff of his neck with both hands and looking him in the eye, and to repeat your command. A stern and disapproving voice, and consistency in enforcing the rules, are usually more than sufficient to let an American Eskimo know that you disapprove of what he is doing. It is never necessary to strike your Eskie in any circumstance. A sharp “No!” is normally more than it takes to make your point.
The Eskie makes a great effort to please his owner and is highly trainable as long as the trainer is not heavy-handed. Any training problems encountered are far more apt to be due to the owner rather than to the Eskie’s lack of understanding or inability to learn.
Do not make the mistake of some Eskie owners, who think of their canine companions as “little people.” They spoil their dogs to the point where, instead of being additions to the household, the dogs become nothing but nuisances. It must be understood that the American Eskimo is first and foremost a dog. Dogs, like their ancestor, the wolf, are pack animals in need of a pack leader. Your Eskie is dependent upon you to provide that leadership. When that leadership is not provided, an Eskie can easily become confused and neurotic.
Setting boundaries is important to your Eskie’s well-being and to his relationship with you. As we mentioned earlier, the American Eskimo Dog is not vindictive or stubborn if properly trained, but the breed does need guidance in order to achieve its potential.
In many breeds, differences between the sexes are important considerations that often influence the prospective owner’s choice of a puppy. Of course, there are sex-related differences in the American Eskimo that the prospective buyer should consider. In the end, however, the assets and liabilities of each sex do balance each other out and the final choice remains with individual preference.
Science is showing that as people take care of their pets, the pets are taking care of their owners. A recent study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that having a pet can prolong his owner’s life. Pet owners generally have lower blood pressure, and pets help their owners to relax and keep more physically fit. It was also found that pets help to keep the elderly connected to their communities.
The male Eskie makes just as loving, devoted and trainable companion as the female, but in some cases he can be a bit more headstrong as an adolescent. Here again, the owner’s dedication to establishing and maintaining discipline will determine the final outcome.
There is one important point to consider in determining your choice between male and female. While both must be trained not to relieve themselves in the home, the male has a natural instinct to lift his leg and urinate to mark his home territory. This may sound confusing to many dog owners, but a male’s marking his home turf has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the dog is housebroken. The two responses come from entirely different needs and must