Poodle. S. Meyer Clark

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Poodle - S. Meyer Clark Comprehensive Owner's Guide

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This requires immediate medical help. It can be fatal if not treated early enough. This condition is usually a concern for deep-chested breeds and may affect the Standard Poodle; your vet can advise you of precautionary measures against bloat.

      Cushing’s syndrome is a pituitary disorder in which the body produces too much cortisone. It is medically treatable.

      Hypothyroidism is a hormone problem usually seen in older dogs. It can be treated by a veterinarian.

      Patent ductus heart disease is a congenital heart defect that is genetic. Surgery is required for correction.

      Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by a seizure in the brain that can be controlled with medication.

      Von Willebrand’s disease is genetic in nature. It is a bleeding disorder in which a low clotting factor can prove fatal. Dogs should be tested for clotting factor prior to surgery.


      A breed standard is the blueprint of the dog, a written description of what breeders and judges are looking for in a perfect Poodle, both physically and temperamentally. While there has never been a “perfect” Poodle, nor a flawless example of any breed, breeders use the standard as a set of goals for which to strive. Judges use the standard to evaluate how well the breeders are doing in reaching that goal.

       Poodles are compared to a breed standard in the show ring. The dog that most closely “conforms” to the standard is regarded as the best.


      The following description is excerpted from the standard of the American Kennel Club (AKC). Those interested in showing should obtain the complete standard to acquaint themselves with all details, faults and disqualifications.

      The standard for the Poodle (Toy variety) is the same as for the Standard and Minature varieties except as regards height.


      That of a very active, intelligent and elegant-appearing dog, squarely built, well proportioned, moving soundly and carrying himself proudly.


      Size: The Standard Poodle is over 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulders. The Miniature Poodle is 15 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders, with a minimum height in excess of 10 inches. The Toy Poodle is 10 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders.

      Proportion: To insure the desirable squarely built appearance, the length of body measured from the breastbone to the point of the rump approximates the height from the highest point of the shoulders to the ground.

      Substance: Bone and muscle of both forelegs and hindlegs are in proportion to size of dog.


      (a) Eyes—very dark, oval in shape and set far enough apart and positioned to create an alert intelligent expression.

      (b) Ears—hanging close to the head, set at or slightly below eye level. The ear leather is long, wide and thickly feathered.

      (c) Skull—moderately rounded, with a slight but definite stop. Cheekbones and muscles flat.

       The physical attributes of a Poodle are measured against the standard as are gait and temperament.


      (d) Muzzle—long, straight and fine, with slight chiseling under the eyes. Strong without lippiness. The chin definite enough to preclude snipiness. Teeth—white, strong and with a scissors bite.

       The correct Poodle head has a moderately rounded skull and a long, straight, fine muzzle.



      Neck well proportioned, strong and long enough to permit the head to be carried high and with dignity. The neck rises from strong, smoothly muscled shoulders. The topline is level, neither sloping nor roached, with the exception of a slight hollow just behind the shoulder.

       Incorrect muzzle; too much chin.


       Correct head in profile.



      (a) Chest deep and moderately wide with well sprung ribs.

      (b) The loin is short, broad and muscular.

      (c) Tail straight, set on high and carried up, docked of sufficient length to insure a balanced outline.

       English Saddle clip.



      Strong, smoothly muscled shoulders. The shoulder blade is well laid back. Forelegs straight and parallel when viewed from the front. Dewclaws may be removed.


      The feet are rather small, oval in shape with toes well arched and cushioned on thick firm pads. The feet turn neither in nor out.


      The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. Hind legs straight and parallel when viewed from the rear.


      (a) Quality—(1) Curly: of naturally harsh texture, dense throughout. (2) Corded: hanging in tight even cords of varying length, longer on mane or body coat, head, and ears; shorter on puffs, bracelets, and pompons.

       Standard Lion clip without hip pompon.

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