Portuguese Water Dog. Paolo Correa

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Portuguese Water Dog - Paolo Correa Comprehensive Owner's Guide

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Water Dog is the ideal dog for you, it’s time to learn about where to find a puppy and what to look for. Although you may not find too many breeders who have a long standing in the breed, as the Portuguese Water Dog is still a relative youngster with regard to AKC recognition, you still must find a responsible breeder with outstanding dog ethics and a strong commitment to the breed. New owners should have as many questions as they have doubts. A dedicated breeder is indeed the one to answer your four million questions and make you comfortable with your choice of this enchanting breed, the Portuguese Water Dog.


      Your puppy’s pedigree is his family tree. Just as a child may resemble his parents and grandparents, so too will a puppy reflect the qualities, good and bad, of his ancestors, especially those in the first two generations. Therefore, it’s important to know as much as possible about a puppy’s immediate relatives. Reputable and experienced breeders should be able to explain the pedigree and why they chose to breed from the particular dogs they used.


      When choosing a breeder, reputation is much more important than convenience of location. Choosing a breeder wisely is an important first step in dog ownership. Fortunately, the majority of Portuguese Water Dog breeders are devoted to the breed and its well-being. The AKC and Portuguese Water Dog Club of America (PWDCA) are trusted sources for breeder referrals. PWDCA member breeders are obliged to uphold a stringent code of ethics in their breeding programs. Potential owners are encouraged to attend dog shows (or agility trials or water-dog events) to see the Portuguese Water Dogs in action, to meet the owners and handlers firsthand and to get an idea of what PWDs look like outside a photographer’s lens. Provided you approach the handlers when they are not busy with the dogs, most are more than willing to answer questions, recommend breeders and give advice.


      Before you begin your puppy search, ask for references from your veterinarian and perhaps other breeders to refer you to someone they believe is reputable. Responsible breeders usually raise only one or two breeds of dog. Avoid any breeder who has several different breeds or has several litters at the same time. Dedicated breeders are usually involved with a breed or other dog club. Many participate in some sport or activity related to their breed. Just as you want to be assured of the breeder’s qualifications, the breeder wants to be assured that you will make a worthy owner. Expect the breeder to interview you, asking questions about your goals for the pup, your experience with dogs and what kind of home you will provide.

      Once you have contacted and met a breeder or two and made your choice about which breeder is best suited to your needs, it’s time to visit the litter. Don’t be surprised if the breeders have waiting lists. Sometimes new owners have to wait over a year for a puppy. If you are really committed to the breeder whom you’ve selected, then you will wait. If you’ve done your homework and chosen the breeder with care, your wait will be worth it!

      Breeders commonly allow visitors to see the litter by around the fifth or sixth week, and puppies leave for their new homes between the eighth and tenth week. Breeders who permit their puppies to leave early are more interested in a profit than their puppies’ well-being. Puppies need to learn the rules of the pack from their dams, and most dams continue teaching the pups manners and dos and don’ts until at least the eighth week. Breeders spend significant amounts of time with the Portuguese Water Dog toddlers so that they are able to interact with the “other species,” i.e. humans. Given the long history that dogs and humans have, bonding between the two species is natural but must be nurtured. A well-bred, well-socialized Portuguese Water Dog pup wants nothing more than to be near you and please you.


       Pet or show dog? The choice is up to you. However, whatever your intentions for your Portuguese Water Dog, a reputable breeder is the best person to supply a pup.



      Healthy puppies are robust little fellows who are alert and active, sporting shiny coats and supple skin. They should not appear lethargic, bloated or pot-bellied, nor should they have flaky skin or runny or crusted eyes or noses. Their stools should be firm and well formed, with no evidence of blood or mucus.

      Always check the bite of your selected puppy to be sure that it is neither overshot nor undershot. Often a poor bite corrects itself as the puppy ages, but if you are selecting a show dog, this is not a wise risk to take.

      You are advised not to forget, in your enthusiasm, to inquire about the common diseases in the breed and health problems that the breeder has encountered in his line. The health of a puppy is the most important consideration when selecting a dog of any breed.


      By now you should understand what makes the PWD a most unique and special dog, one that may fit nicely into your family and lifestyle. If you have researched breeders, you should be able to recognize a knowledgeable and responsible PWD breeder who cares not only about his pups but also about what kind of owner you will be. If you have completed the final step in your new journey, you have found a litter, or possibly two, of quality PWD pups.

      A visit with the puppies and their breeder should be an education in itself. Breed research, breeder selection and puppy visitation are very important aspects of finding the puppy of your dreams. Beyond that, these things also lay the foundation for a successful future with your pup. Puppy personalities within each litter vary, from the shy and easygoing puppy to the one who is dominant and assertive, with most pups falling somewhere in between. By spending time with the puppies, you will be able to recognize certain behaviors and what these behaviors indicate about each pup’s temperament. Which type of pup will complement your family dynamics is best determined by observing the puppies in action within their “pack.” Your breeder’s expertise and recommendations are also valuable. Although you may fall in love with a bold and brassy male, the breeder may suggest that another pup would be best for you. The breeder’s experience in rearing PWD pups and matching their temperaments with appropriate humans offers the best assurance that your pup will meet your needs and expectations. The type of puppy that you select is just as important as your decision that the PWD is the breed for you.

      The decision to live with a PWD is a serious commitment and not one to be taken lightly. This puppy is a living sentient being that will be dependent on you for basic survival for his entire life. Beyond the basics of survival—food, water, shelter and protection—he needs much, much more. The new pup needs love, nurturing and a proper canine education to mold him into a responsible, well-behaved canine citizen. Your PWD’s health and good manners will need consistent monitoring and regular “tune-ups,” so your job as a responsible dog owner will be ongoing throughout every stage of his life. If you are not prepared to accept these responsibilities and commit to them for the next decade, likely longer, then you are not prepared to own a dog of any breed.

      Although the responsibilities of owning a dog may at times tax your patience, the joy of living with your PWD far outweighs the workload, and a well-mannered adult dog is worth your time and effort. Before your very eyes, your new charge will grow up to be your most loyal friend, devoted to you unconditionally.


      In this modern age of ever-improving cardio-care, no doctor or scientist can dispute the advantages of owning a dog to lower a person’s risk of heart disease. Studies have proven that petting a dog, walking a dog and grooming a dog

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