Pug. Juliette Cunliffe

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Pug - Juliette Cunliffe Comprehensive Owner's Guide

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shape can bring with it various problems in that the eyes, being prominent, are more likely to be exposed to injury or to become damaged through dust and dirt becoming entrapped. Sensible Pug owners ensure that there are no rose bushes with thorns or any other spiky plants in their gardens.

      At any sign of injury to the eye, veterinary attention should be sought, but, in an emergency, a couple of drops of very slightly warmed castor oil can be soothing. If a Pug has suffered a cold in the eye, the eye may be bathed either with warm milk or with cold tea. If ever a Pug’s eye is watering, this is a sign that something is amiss and the cause should be investigated without delay to avoid long-term damage.

      Pigmentary keratitis, often indicated by the dog’s rubbing his eyes, can lead to blindness. The condition is linked to poor tear production, entropion and dry eye. Entropion involves one or more eyelids’ turning inward, so that they touch the eyeball. In consequence, this causes irritation to the cornea and can be painful. Entropion can involve in-turning eyelashes, but in a wrinkled breed such as the Pug, it can also occur in a mild form if a dog loses weight suddenly. At any sign of entropion, whatever the suspected cause, veterinary attention should be sought.

      Luxating patella is a dislocation of the kneecap, caused because the kneecap of an affected dog has a shallow groove. This is a hereditary defect and is known in Pugs.

      Another problem that has affected the Pug is one normally associated with larger breeds. This is hip dysplasia, in which the ball and socket joint of the hip fit badly, causing consequent lameness and discomfort. Fortunately, hip dysplasia is not now so prevalent in the breed as it was in earlier years. Dogs with poor hips or luxating patellas should not be used in breeding programs.


      A Pug’s anal glands can cause problems if not evacuated periodically. In the wild, anal glands are cleared regularly to set the dog’s mark, but in domestic dogs this function is no longer necessary; thus, their contents can build up and clog, causing discomfort. Anal glands on either side of the anus that need emptying are usually noticed if a Pug drags its rear end along the ground or keeps turning around to attend to the uncomfortable patch.

      While care must be taken not to cause injury, anal glands can be evacuated by pressing gently on either side of the anal opening and by using a piece of cotton or a tissue to collect the foulsmelling matter. If anal glands are allowed to become impacted, abscesses can form, causing pain and the need for veterinary attention.

      Pugs can get into all sorts of mischief, so it is not unknown for them to inadvertently swallow something poisonous in the course of their investigations. Obviously an urgent visit to your vet is required under such circumstances, but if possible, when you telephone him, you should advise which poisonous substance has been ingested, as different treatments are needed. Should it be necessary to cause your dog to vomit (which is not always the case with poisoning), a small lump of baking soda, given orally, will have an immediate effect. Alternatively, a small teaspoonful of salt or mustard, dissolved in water, will have a similar effect but may be more difficult to administer and not as quick in its action.

      Fits in Pug puppies while they are teething are not unknown. These are not usually serious and are fleetingly brief, caused only by the pain of teething. Of course you must be certain that the cause is not more serious, but giving a puppy something hard on which to chew will usually solve this temporary problem.



      Eczema and dermatitis are skin problems that occur in many breeds, and they often can be tricky problems to solve. Frequently bathing the dog will remove skin oils and will cause the problem to worsen. Allergies to food or to something in the environment can also cause the problem. Consider trying homeopathic remedies in addition to seeing your veterinarian for direction.


      The breed standard for the Pug is set down by the Pug Dog Club of America, approved by the American Kennel Club and revised occasionally by the parent club.

      A breed standard is designed effectively to paint a picture in words, though each reader will almost certainly have a slightly different way of interpreting these words. However, reading the words alone is never enough to fully comprehend the intricacies of a breed. In addition, it is necessary for Pug devotees to watch other Pugs being judged at shows and, if possible, to attend breed seminars, thus enabling them to absorb as much as possible about the breed they love so much.


      The general appearance of the Pug is square and cobby, described in Latin as multum in parvo, relating to the breed’s compactness and meaning “a lot in a small space.”


      Breed standards vary slightly from country to country, so judges, when officiating outside the USA, should always aim to assess the dogs in relation to the standard of the country concerned.

      Each AKC standard commences with a short section under the heading “General Appearance” that gives a short précis of what the breed should look like. From this opening sentence, you can see immediately that a typical Pug should be decidely square and cobby; therefore, an excessively longlegged or long-backed Pug would be untypical of the breed.

      It is generally accepted that it is not necessary for a judge to peer inside a Pug’s mouth, merely to feel the shape of the jaw and to look at the expression created. However, the standard does state that the mouth is to be very slightly undershot. This means that, although they should not show, the lower teeth protrude ever so slightly more than the upper ones, giving the desired expression. From this we can see that understanding the meaning of the words written in the standard is important.

      However familiar one is with the breed, it is always worth refreshing one’s memory by rereading the standard, for it is sometimes too easy to conveniently forget certain features of the breed, such as that the nails on a Pug should be black.

      The standard undoubtedly helps breeders to breed stock that comes as close to the standard as possible and helps judges to know exactly what they are looking for in choosing as typical a Pug as possible to head their line of winners.

      General Appearance: Symmetry and general appearance are decidedly square and cobby. A lean, leggy Pug and a dog with short legs and a long body are equally objectionable.

       Ribbons are awarded at dog shows to the dogs that most closely conform to their breed standard. This young man has had a successful day showing his handsome Pug.


      Size, Proportion, Substance: The Pug should be multum in parvo, and this condensation (if the word may be used) is shown by compactness of form, well knit proportions, and hardness of developed muscle. Weight from 14 to 18 pounds (dog or bitch) desirable. Proportion square.



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