Puppies. Amy Fernandez

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may change drastically as they mature. Traits such as adult size, coat type, and temperament become easier to predict in older puppies. Random breds can be described as “surprise packages”; only time will reveal exactly what you have. That has its own charms.

      Breed Profiles

      The AKC has grouped all recognized breeds into seven categories based roughly on function and ancestry. (Miscellaneous is a transitional, not an official, group. Dogs in this group are not entitled to full registration privileges.) Because they are related, or built to do similar work, the breeds in each category share many traits of form and function.


      The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a herding dog developed in Wales to drive geese and herd cattle.


      Some herding dogs are bred specifically to round up and manage herds of livestock; behaviors such as stalking or heel nipping are part of the package. A headstrong nature comes with boundless energy and stamina, requiring an intensive commitment from an owner. Other herding breeds are selectively bred to guard and defend these herds. Herding breeds can be highly territorial, aggressive, and intolerant of strangers. They make ideal watchdogs, but their protective behaviors may be unpredictable and uncontrollable without consistent training and good socialization. They are very loyal and naturally affectionate and can be very demonstrative about this with their owners.

       Herding Trials

       IF YOUR PUPPY DISPLAYS A LOT OF NATURAL HERDING instinct, you might consider channeling this talent into competitive herding events. A number of U.S. organizations sponsor herding classes, trials, and tests and offer titles and certificates of achievement. At these events, the “herd” may be composed of sheep, cattle, llamas, or ducks. Dogs are judged on their ability to take direction as well as on their natural aptitude. Most events are open to all herding breeds and some working breeds.


      Hounds are some of the world’s most ancient breeds and have plenty of wonderful qualities that make them good pets. They are elegant, fastidious, and naturally healthy. Many of these breeds are also low maintenance. They have traditionally been bred as hunting dogs because they have a strong predatory instinct and sense of smell. The twenty-two hound breeds currently recognized by the AKC vary drastically in size and shape, but they are all mentally and physically designed to track and catch prey. They can be a challenge to train, however, as they are easily distracted and may simply “tune out” human communications. They may impulsively chase any bird, squirrel, or ball that catches their attention. They are not always reliable with small animals and other pets. Leash training, obedience training, and a securely fenced yard are mandatory for these breeds.

       Lure Coursing

       THE SPORT OF LURE COURSING IS DESIGNED TO TEST skills of sighthounds—hunting hounds who instinctively chase and catch prey. In lure coursing, an artificial lure, suspended from a pulley, stands in for the prey. Dogs are timed as they pursue this “quarry” around the course. Several organizations offer events for both novices and competitive titleholders. Both the AKC (http://www.akc.org) and the American Sighthound Field Association (http://www.asfa.org) sponsor events and offer lure coursing titles.


      Excellent trackers, bloodhounds such as this one are also affectionate and outgoing, and they do well with children and other dogs.


      Nonsporting breeds come from a wide range of backgrounds, making it difficult to generalize about them. Some have been traditionally bred as companions. Others, such as dalmatians and bulldogs, were bred for a working function that has now become obsolete. Although the nonsporting breeds vary drastically in size, type, and heritage, all were designed to interact with humans in some capacity and are therefore characteristically sociable.


      Much loved by moviegoers, dalmatians generally make good companions and dependable watchdogs.


      Like hounds, sporting dogs are natural hunters. Setters, spaniels, pointers, and retrievers are some of the world’s most popular breeds. Unlike hounds, sporting breeds are generally very sociable and highly responsive to human direction. They also have a tremendous amount of energy and stamina. Their exercise requirements are significant as is their need for social interaction. They are tireless and have a strong natural resistance to harsh environmental conditions. This means that an Irish setter will still probably insist on a two-hour run in the park in the pouring rain.


      Hardy, courageous, and self-sufficient, ancient terrier breeds were expected to hunt, eradicate vermin, guard the home, and serve as entertaining companions. Although they were developed as working dogs, terriers function primarily as companions today. Thanks to their compact sizes, smart appearances, and vivacious personalities, terriers are popular. They can be the perfect choice for owners who have small living spaces, and they make great playmates for active children. Attentive and fearless, they can be brilliant watchdogs. However, a bored or neglected terrier may resort to compulsive barking, digging, or destructive chewing. Without early comprehensive socialization to other dogs, some terriers have the potential to become dog aggressive. Due to their strong predatory instinct, terriers generally cannot be trusted with other small animals in your home.

       Earthdog Trials

       EARTHDOG TRIALS ARE SPECIALIZED EVENTS FOR dachshunds and terrier breeds that “go to ground” in pursuit of game. The trial involves testing the dog’s hunting aptitude, in this case tracking prey, usually a rabbit or rat safely secured in a cage, through a series of prefabricated tunnels. Dogs become eligible for a series of titles—Junior Earthdog, Senior Earthdog, Master Earthdog—as they complete increasingly complex tests. To learn more about these events, visit http://www.akc.org/events/earthdog/index.cfm or http://www.dirt-dog.com (GTG Tunnels).


      Toys come from a wide range of backgrounds. Some are miniaturized versions of hounds or terriers who retain many of the basic traits associated with their larger counterparts. Others were developed solely to appeal to human companions, so they are naturally attuned to human interaction, are highly sociable, and are adaptable to a wide range of lifestyle demands. Easily portable, they make great travel companions. Smaller breeds are also noted for their longevity; however, their small sizes decrease their resistance to weather conditions and increase their risks for accidental injuries and escapes.

      Toys are often the best choice for someone who is not prepared to cope with the care requirements of larger dogs. Daily upkeep is relatively undemanding and inexpensive. This does not mean that small dogs don’t require regular exercise and grooming—they do, and many of them can be even more energetic than larger

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