The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790. Thomas Jefferson

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The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790 - Thomas Jefferson

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Attends County Court at Albemarle. 19. Attends County Court at Augusta. April 10. Attends County Court at Williamsburg. June 1. At Monticello. 11. Attends Court at Oyer & Terminer at Williamsburg. October 10. Argues case of Godwin et al v. Lunan. December 10. Attends Court of Oyer & Terminer at Williamsburg. 1772.—Jan. 1. Marries Martha (Waylies) Skelton. Sept. 27. Birth of first daughter, Martha. 1773.—March 4. Attends House of Burgesses at Williamsburg. 12. Attends Committee of Correspondence. October 14. Appointed Surveyor of Albemarle County. 1774.—April 3. Birth of second daughter, Jane Randolph. May 9. Attends House of Burgesses. July 26. Drafts the resolutions of Albemarle Co. Writes “A Summary View.” 1775.—Jan. 5. Elected member of Albemarle Committee of Safety. March 20. Attends Convention at Richmond. 23. Placed on Committee for Defense of Colony. 27. Elected deputy delegate to the Continental Congress. June 2. On Committee to Draft Address to the Governor. 10. Prepares address to Governor Dunmore. 21. Attends Continental Congress at Philadelphia. Placed on Committee to Draft Declaration on Army and Prepares draft. July 31. Reports from Committee Draft and Reply to Lord North’s Motion. August 9. Attends at Richmond Convention of Va. 11. Reëlected member of Continental Congress. 16. Placed on Committee on Defense. October 2. Attends at Philadelphia session of Continental Congress. Nov. 16. Placed on Committee on Massachusetts Papers. 23. Placed on Committee on Currency. 24. Placed on Committee on Condition of N. C. Dec. 15. Prepares rules for Committee of Congress. 22. Placed on Committee on Business of Congress. 1776.—March 31. Death of Jefferson’s mother. May 21. Draft of Report of Congressional Committee on Letters. Placed on Committee to Address Foreign Mercenaries. June 2. Drafts Constitution for Va. 5. Placed on Committee for Procuring News and Supplies. 10. On Committee to Prepare Rules for Congress. 11. On Committee to Prepare Declaration of Independence. 17. Draft Report of such Committee. 20. Reëlected member of Congress. Draft Report on Canada. 28. Reports draft of Declaration of Independence. 1776.—July 4. Adopted Declaration. 5. Placed on Committee to Plan Seal for U. S. 6. Placed on Committee on Indian Affairs. Aug. 9. Placed on Committee to Encourage Hessians to Desert. Sept. 26. Elected Commissioner of France. Oct. 11. Placed on Committee on Propositions and Grievances. On Committee on Privileges and Elections. 15. On Committee to Draft Infantry Bill. 16. On Committee to Draft Punishment Bill. 21. On Committee to Draft Bill to Remove Seat of Government and on Committee to Draft Naturalization Bill. 25. On Committee to Draft Congress Bill. 28. On Committee to Draft Bill to Define Treason. Nov. 6. Chosen one of five to revise the laws. 7. On Committee to Draft Copper-Coinage Bill. 11. Introduces Bill to Remove Capital. 1777—Dec. 13. On Committee to Draft Tax Bill. On Committee to Draft Salary Bill. 27. On Committee to Amend Small-Pox Bill. 1778.—Jan. 20. On Committee to Draft Chancery Court Bill. May 18. On Committee to Draft Bill for Recovery of Debts. June 10. Leaves Williamsburg. Aug. 1. Third daughter born (Mary Jefferson). 1779.—Jan. 22. At Williamsburg. Nov. 30. Issues Proclamation Laying Embargo.

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