Birds of New Hampshire & Vermont Field Guide. Stan Tekiela

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Birds of New Hampshire & Vermont Field Guide - Stan Tekiela Bird Identification Guides

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male incubateFledging:66-88 days; female and male feed youngMigration:complete, to southern states, Mexico and Central and South AmericaFood:carrion; parents regurgitate for youngCompare:Bald Eagle is larger and lacks two-toned wings. Unlike the Bald Eagle, Turkey Vulture holds its wings in a slight V shape during flight.

      Stan’s Notes: The vulture’s naked head is an adaptation to reduce risk of feather fouling (picking up diseases) from carcasses. Unlike hawks and eagles, it has weak feet more suited to walking than grasping. One of the few birds that has a developed sense of smell. Mostly mute, making only grunts and groans. Seen in trees with wings outstretched, sunning itself. Recent studies show this bird is closely related to storks, not birds of prey.


      in flight








      Double-crested Cormorant

      Phalacrocorax auritus




Size:33" (84 cm); up to 4⅓-foot wingspan
Male:Large black water bird with a long snake-like neck. Long gray bill with yellow at the base and a hooked tip.
Female:same as male
Juvenile:lighter brown with a grayish chest and neck
Nest:platform, in a colony; male and female build; 1 brood per year
Eggs:3-4; bluish white without markings
Incubation:25-29 days; female and male incubate
Fledging:37-42 days; male and female feed young
Migration:complete, to southern states, Mexico and Central America
Food:small fish, aquatic insects
Compare:Turkey Vulture is similar in size and also perches on branches with wings open to dry in the sun, but it has a naked red head. American Coot lacks the long neck and long pointed bill.

      Stan’s Notes: Often seen flying in a large V formation. Usually roosts in large groups in trees near water. Swims underwater to catch fish, holding its wings at its sides. Lacks the oil gland that keeps feathers from becoming waterlogged. To dry off, it strikes an erect pose with wings outstretched, facing the sun. The common name refers to the two crests on its head, which are not usually seen. “Cormorant” comes from the Latin words corvus, meaning “crow,” and L. marinus, meaning “pertaining to the sea,” literally, “Sea Crow.”





      Black-and-white Warbler

      Mniotilta varia



Size:5" (13 cm)
Male:Striped like a zebra, this small warbler has a distinctive black-and-white striped crown. White belly. Black chin and cheek patch.
Female:same as male, only duller and without the black chin and cheek patch
Juvenile:similar to female
Nest:cup; female builds; 1 brood per year
Eggs:4-5; white with brown markings
Incubation:10-11 days; female incubates
Fledging:9-12 days; female and male feed young
Migration:complete, to Florida, Mexico and Central and South America
Compare:Like the White-breasted Nuthatch and Red-breasted Nuthatch, look for Black-and-white Warbler to creep down tree trunks headfirst.

      Stan’s Notes: This is the only warbler that moves headfirst down tree trunks. Look for it searching for insect eggs in the bark of large trees. Its song sounds like a slowly turning, squeaky wheel going round and round. Female performs a distraction dance to draw predators away from the nest. Constructs its nest on the ground, concealing it under dead leaves or at the base of a tree. Found in a variety of habitats.





      Downy Woodpecker

      Picoides pubescens



Size:6" (15 cm)
Male:A small woodpecker with an all-white belly, black-and-white spotted wings, a black line running through the eyes, a short black bill, a white stripe down the back and red mark on the back of the head. Several small black spots along the sides of white tail.
Female:same as male, but lacks a red mark on head
Juvenile:same as female, some have a red mark near the forehead
Nest:cavity; male and female excavate; 1 brood per year
Eggs:3-5; white without markings
Incubation:11-12 days; female and male incubate, female incubates during the day, male at night
Fledging:20-25 days; male and female feed young
Food:insects, seeds; visits seed and suet feeders
Compare:Nearly identical to the Hairy Woodpecker, but smaller. Look for the shorter, thinner bill to help identify the Downy.

      Stan’s Notes: Abundant and widespread where trees are present, and perhaps the most common woodpecker in the United States. Stiff tail feathers help brace it like a tripod as it clings to a tree. Like all woodpeckers, it has a long, barbed tongue to pull insects from tiny places. Male and female drum on branches or hollow logs to announce territory, which is rarely larger than 5 acres (2 ha). Male performs most of the brooding. Will winter roost in cavity.


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