The School Leader's Guide to Professional Learning Communities at Work TM. Richard DuFour

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The School Leader's Guide to Professional Learning Communities at Work TM - Richard DuFour Essentials for Principals

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      Remember that the work of collaborative teams in a PLC must revolve around the four critical questions:

      1. What is it we want our students to learn?

      2. How will we know if they are learning?

      3. How will we respond when individual students do not learn?

      4. How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are proficient?

      An effective team structure will enable each member to contribute to the collective inquiry into these questions and to the shared goal of improving student achievement. Therefore, the question principals must consider when establishing teams is, Do the people on each team have a shared responsibility for investigating and responding to the four critical questions in ways that enhance their students’ learning?

      If the answer is yes, the principal has created a structure to support an effective collaborative team. If the answer is no, the members are almost certain to function as a group rather than a team. The following are examples of meaningful team structures.

      • Grade-level teams: All of the teachers who teach the same subjects in the same grade level are on the same team. For example, the five kindergarten teachers make up the Kindergarten Team.

      • Same-course teams: All of the teachers who teach the same course are on the same team. For example, the three seventh-grade math teachers become the Seventh-Grade Math Team.

      • Vertical teams: Teachers are linked with those who teach the same content above or below their grade level or course. For example, in a small K–5 elementary school with only one teacher per grade level, the school could be structured into three vertical teams: K–1, 2–3, and 4–5. In a middle school, the vertical structure might be math teachers from grades 6, 7, and 8 on a math team. The vertical structure is often used in schools where students are grouped into multigrade or combination classrooms. For example, the grade 2/3 teacher collaborates with the other second- and third-grade teachers on the grades 2 and 3 vertical team.

      • Electronic teams: Although vertical structures may provide a collaborative team for the singletons within a school (the sole teacher of a grade level or course), they do not provide grade-level or same-course collaboration. Electronic teams can address that void. Educators seeking teammates beyond their school campuses can turn to their district office, regional service center, or professional organizations to find job-alike partners. Members of electronic teams use the available technology to support their collaborative process, such as:

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