Brainwork. David A. Sousa

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Brainwork - David A. Sousa

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Empathy: I Feel Your Pain

       A Final Word About the Emotional Brain


       Improving Your Thinking


       Logical and Holistic Thinking Preferences

       Cognitive Forces and Decision Making

       Personal Habits of Mind

       Creativity and Change

       A Final Word About Thinking Skills


       Leading by Dissent

       What? You Don’t Agree With Me?

       Embracing Different Thinkers

       Creating Teams in the Workplace

       Controlling Stress in the Workplace

       Being Humble

       Being Confident

       A Final Word About Dissent


       Moral and Ethical Leadership

       Is Morality Innate?

       The Two Sides of Morality

       Learning Ethical Behavior Begins at Home

       Ethical Behavior in the Workplace

       Ethical Decision Making in the Workplace

       A Final Word About Morals and Ethics


       Taking Care of Your Brain

       How Well Are You Taking Care of Your Brain?

       Nourish Your Brain

       Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

       Sleep, Perchance to Dream

       Boost Your Brain Power

       A Final Word






       The brain is a wonderful organ: It starts

       working the moment you get up in

       the morning and does not stop until

      you get into the office.


      AS THIS BOOK WENT TO PRESS, AMAZON’S WEBSITE LISTED MORE THAN 36,000 books that have some connection to the brain. You can find books on how your brain grows and develops, what makes it happy or sad, how to keep it healthy, how it makes decisions, and how it can get you into trouble. There is definitely no dearth of information about the human brain, especially since the advent of imaging technology several decades ago. Brain books are in vogue. But with so much information available, where do you start? Brainwork compiles and condenses this information, throwing out the half-truths and addressing common myths to provide you with the must-have information regarding the brain’s inner processes and their applications to the workplace.

      If you consider yourself a multitasker or believe the old shibboleth that “knowledge is power,” you’re in for a few surprises. Some of the new revelations in brain research run counter to long-held beliefs in organizational management. Gone are the days of “it’s not personal; it’s just business.” Today’s business world requires a closer look at emotional intelligence, and the best decision makers use both their emotional brains and rational brains. Multitasking is no longer considered a coveted trait but rather a hindrance to productivity. In fact, multitasking as we know it doesn’t even really exist. And what happened to morality and ethical behavior? Have they gone the way of the dodo?

      In the upcoming pages, we’ll take a closer look at these subjects and explore ways to improve your thinking, control stress in the workplace, and lead by dissent. Of course, brain health is most important, so we’ve devoted a chapter to taking care of your brain, including what type of diet, what amount of exercise, and how much sleep are needed to maintain a healthy brain, especially as we grow older. Findings from brain research are suggesting strategies that can expand your existing cognitive networks and build new ones—in other words, make you smarter and more creative! Read on and find out how.


      The Curse of Too Much Information

       Everybody gets so much information all day

      long that they lose their common sense.


      AT THE VERY MOMENT I REALIZED I HAD TO BUY A NEW CAR, A COLD CHILL came over me. I had flashbacks to a similar event eight years earlier (I keep my automobiles for a while) that turned into unpleasant haggling and tiring drama. Frankly, entering a dentist’s office for a root canal is less disturbing to me than entering a new-car showroom.

      I was cheered by the thought that my decision on the car’s make and model would be easier

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